Our Alumni

List of our post-graduate Alumni
Name | Year | Type | now with |
Böke, Lennart | 2024 | MSc | REMEX SüdWest GmbH |
Baumgarnter, Luis | 2024 | MSc | ALTUS renewables GmbH |
Allgaier, Felix | 2023 | PhD | Deutsche Erdwärme, Geothermie |
Greve, Jonas | 2023 | PhD | Stadtwerke Düsseldorf, Geothermie |
Tan, Jie | 2023 | MSc | Shanghai Geological Engineering Exploration Group Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China |
Steiger, Katharina | 2023 | PhD | ABO Wind AG |
Schenk, Julius | 2021 | MSc | Müller + Hereth Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- & Felsbau GmbH |
Monsees, Alexander | 2021 | PhD | Geotechnisches Ingenieurbüro Prof. Fecker & Partner GmbH |
Gudelius, Dominik | 2021 | WM | Postdoc at the Department of Geochemistry & Economic Geology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Unrein, Stephan | 2021 | Retired | |
Schmidt, Christina | 2021 | PhD | Geothermal Engineering GmbH |
Schaer, Samuel | 2020 | MSc | Geotechnik Prof. Dr. Gründer GmbH |
Reznik, Boris | 2020 | WM | Retired |
Jenett, Alexander | 2020 | MSc | Wintershall DEA AG |
Kritz, Florian | 2020 | MSc | Deutsche Bahn |
Greve, Jonas | 2020 | MSc | Geological survey NRW, Krefeld |
Becker, Ivy | 2020 | C'Eng | Equinor, Norwegen |
Präg, Melissa | 2020 | MSc AGW | Fugro |
Spitzner, Alexander | 2019 | MSc AGW | Müller + Hereth Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- & Felsbau GmbH |
Marquart, Franziska | 2019 | MSc AGW | Geothermal Engineering GmbH |
Schorer, Tobias | 2019 | MSc AGW | K+S |
Flaxmeier, Sarah | 2019 | MSc AGW | gbm - Gesellschaft für Baugeologie & -meßtechnik mbH |
Becker, Ivy | 2018 | PhD | Postdoctoral Researcher at KIT |
Merz, Lena | 2017 | MSc AGW | Australia mining |
Dr. Wuestefeld, Patrick | 2017 | PhD | Unfallkasse NRW, Düsseldorf |
Schroer, Simon | 2017 | MSc AGW | Consultancy, Cologne |
Goedde, Lisa | 2017 | MSc GRM | Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien NRW |
Wiegand, Miriam | 2016 | PhD | Matheja coastal engineering consult, Burgwedel |
Steffens, Bastian | 2016 | MSc AGW | PhD student Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh |
Fuhrmann, Arne | 2016 | MSc AGW | PhD student at Manchester University |
Hammann, Eide | 2016 | MSc GRM | GETEC Energie GmbH, Hannover |
Grothaus, Lea | 2016 | MSc AGW | gbm - Gesellschaft fuer Baugeologie und -messtechnik, Ettlingen |
Reichel, Ernst | 2016 | WM | Seifert Logisitcs, Ulm |
Hilse, Ulrike | 2016 | WM | Ecosoil Sud GmbH, Ulm |
Freitag, Simon | 2016 | MSc AGW | PhD student Erlangen University |
Waldvogel, Marius | 2016 | MSc AGW | PhD student at Bern University |
Schmidt, Christina | 2015 | MSc AGW | PhD student at KIT |
Becker, Ivy | 2015 | MSc AGW | PhD student at KIT |
Staehr, Fabian | 2015 | MSc GRM | BGR Hannover |
Wessel, Michael | 2015 | MSc GRM | BMR energy solutions GmbH, Hückelhoven |
Manss, Yasar | 2015 | MSc AGW | PhD student at KIT |
Kummert, Daniel | 2014 | MSc GRM | Atotech, Berlin |
Krott, Dieter | 2014 | MSc AGW | Matrick GmbH, Qatar |
Stein, Leo | 2014 | MSc GRM | ZVEI Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektroindustrie, Frankfurt |
Nowak, Nadja | 2014 | MSc GRM | BGR, Abt Energie & mineral. Rohstoffe, Hannover |
Dr. Becker, Stephan | 2013 | PhD | Geological Survey NRW |
Popov, Maxim | 2013 | MSc GRM | Nexus Energie, Düsseldorf |
Budny, Christoph | 2013 | MSc GRM | Trianel, Aachen |
Delmes, Anne | 2013 | MSc GRM | |
Hoehne, Mareen | 2013 | MSc AGW | IES |
Hufe, Annett | 2013 | MSc GRM | Wintershall, Rijswijk |
Schurk, Kathrin | 2013 | WM | Geological Institute Aachen |
Schwartz, Florian | 2013 | MSc AGW | PVG mbH Gelsenkirchen |
Busch, Benjamin | 2013 | MSc AGW | now PhD student at RWTH Aachen |
Steindorf, Philipp | 2013 | MSc AGW | GeoWerkstatt Aachen |
Winkler, Rebecca | 2013 | MSc AGW | now PhD student at Freiburg University |
Dati, Francesco | 2012 | PhD | finalizing his PhD at Napoli University |
Laux, Dennis | 2012 | MSc AGW | PhD student at TU Darmstadt, now with Deutsche Bahn |
Niederau, Jan | 2012 | MSc AGW | PhD student at Geophysics & Geothermal Energy, RWTH Aachen |
Dr. Nollet, Sofie | 2012 | WM | Schlumberger, Aachen |
Pietrella, Stefan | 2012 | MSc GRM | Geological Survey NRW, Krefeld |
Viße (now Buß), Rabea | 2012 | MSc GRM | Evonik |
Vogel, Klaus | 2012 | MSc AGW | Landesumweltamt LUA NRW |
Beckers, Markus | 2011 | MSc AGW | PhD student at Institut für Textiltechnik ITA, RWTH Aachen |
Dr. De Boever, Eva | 2011 | WM | Senior Researcher at Vito, Belgium |
Dr. Chatziliadou, Maria | 01-06 | PhD | Baker UK |
Dr. Nollet, Sofie | 01-06 | PhD | Exxon Upstream Research, Houston |
van Heiss, Nile | 01-06 | Diplom | Lecturer |
Blumenthal, Manuel | 01-06 | Diplom | Baker |
Heimann, Ansgar | 01-06 | Diplom | Henke und Partner, Stuttgart |
Osivandi, Keyvan | 01-06 | Diplom | RWE-DEA, now with OMV |
Dilg-Gruschinski, Karin | 01-06 | Diplom | enova, Düsseldorf |
Weissleder, Michael | 01-06 | Diplom | IHK Stuttgart |
Kuhl, Ingo | 01-06 | Diplom | PhD student at Institut für Gesteinshüttenkunde, RWTH Aachen |
Zier, Ulrich | 01-06 | Diplom | Bank of America, London |
Burckhardt, Marucs | 1-06 | Diplom | Caterpillar Inc |
inverse - degree received at Chris' former institute at RWTH Aachen University, WM - research assistant (wissenschafttfliche/r Mitarbeiter/in)