MSc Profile ERS Geo-Energy, Resources & Storage

The MSc profile Geo-Energy, Resources & Storage teaches a fundamental understanding of the upper earth crust's proceses utilized by human kind. Topics include geothermal energy, ore deposits, fossil energy, mineral resources, underground storage and more. The language of instruction of this full-time 2-year MSc program is English.
1. Geoscientific core competencies (choose 36 LP)
- M-BGU-102432 Geothermics: Energy and Transport Processes (Engl.)
- M-BGU-102431 Geology (Engl.)
- M-BGU-103733 Sedimentary Petrology (German)
- M-BGU-103995 Geochemical Processes and Analytical Methods (German/Engl.)
- M-BGU-102445 Geological Storage of Gas (Engl.)
- M-BGU-103742 Reservoir-Geology (inkl. S-England Geländeseminar) (Engl.)
- M-BGU-103993 Industrial Minerals and Environment (Engl.)
- M-BGU-103994 Ore Geology of Metals (Metallische Rohstoffe) (Engl.)
- M-BGU-102430 Applied Mineralogy: Geomaterials (Engl.)
2. Geoscientific specializations (choose 25 LP or from 1. [geosc. core competencies], 5 LP per module)
- M-BGU-102447 Applied Geothermics (Engl.)
- M-BGU-103734 Diagenesis and Cores (Engl.)
- M-BGU-102444 Angewandte Mineralogie: Tone und Tonminerale (German)
- M-BGU-105136 Geothermal Reservoir Engineering (Engl.)
- M-BGU-102455 Umweltgeologie: Radio- und chemotoxische Elemente (German)
- M-BGU-102452 Petrologie (German.)
- M-BGU-102443 Applied Mineralogy: Petrophysics (Engl.)
- M-BGU-102451 Structural Geology (incl. Pyrenees field course) (Engl.)
- M-BGU-102449 Borehole Technology (Engl.)
- M-BGU-102456 Field Excercises / Excursion (German/Engl.)
3. Subject-related supplements (choose 10LP or from 2nd [Geosc. specialisations])
- M-BGU-100068 Erd- und Grundbau (6 LP) (German)
- M-BGU-100079 Umweltgeotechnik (6 LP) (German)
- M-PHYS-103760 Elektronenmikroskopie I (5 LP) (German)
- M-PHYS-103761 Elektronenmikroskopie II (5 LP) (German)
- M-BGU-100069 Felsmechanik und Tunnelbau (6 LP) (German)
The regular study and examination regulations apply. The confirmation of successful participation in the profile will be issued by the examination board upon application by the student at the end of his/her studies.