Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers is Chair of Structural Geology and scientific spokesperson of KIT's Center for Climate and Environment. His interests are energy systems, raw-materials efficiency, reservoir quality prediction, transnational higher education as well as process- and strategy analyses.
After his studies of Geology at RWTH Aachen University and Applied Structural Geology & Rock Mechanics at the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London, he worked as researcher at RWTH Aachen before moving away from geology to Quality Management & Metrology, Mechanical Engineering at WZL - Laboratory for Production Engineering. Here he designed and planned the private company German University of Technology GUtech as subsidiary of OES LLC, which he then set-up and managed in Muscat, Oman. He later became professor of Reservoir-Petrology at RWTH Aachen University before moving to KIT in 2016.
He is a member of several professional and interdisciplinary boards such as the State’s ThinkTank Industrial Resources Strategies, the German Society for Sustainable Energy Carriers, Mobility and Carbon Cycles DGMK, the German Association of Metallurgists and Miners GDMB e.V., founding member of the initative RawMaterialsKnowledge e.V. and the section Energy & RawMaterials FUTURE within DGGV e.V. and elected member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences Berlin. He is president of Upper Rhine Geologist's Associtation OGV e.V. and president of the German Association of Professional Geoscientists BDG, among others.
since 4/2016 | Chair of Structural Geology and Tectonics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT |
since 4/2016 | Head of TTE Reservoir-Geology KCT GmbH, Karlsruhe |
2010-2016 | Professor for Reservoir-Petrology, RWTH Aachen University |
2005-2009 |
Vice-Rector GUtech LLC, Muscat, Oman and Executive Director GUtech |
Career progression
Aachen | Assistant C1, Habilitation with Janos Urai and Venia Legendi |
research stays at: |
Saint Louis | Saint Louis University, USA, Prof. David Kirschner |
Canberra | Australian National University, Prof. Stephen Cox |
Aachen | Researcher DFG, PhD with Prof. Janos Urai |
research stays at: | |
Albany | State University of New York at Albany, USA, Prof. Win Means |
Nijmegen | Department of Solid State Chemistry, Netherlands, Prof. Paul Bennema |
London | one year MSc/ICID Applied Structural Geology & Rock Mechanics at Imperial College London, with Profs. John Cosgrove and Karel Schulmann |
Aachen | 9 semester to Diplom (MSc equiv.) in Geology with Profs. Roland Walter & Ulrich Glasmacher |
Activities (selected)
in academic-self-management:
2024 | external reviewer reaccredition TU Berlin |
since 2023 | core team of lead project "Transfer" within KIT's 2025 umbrella strategy |
since 2023 | Deputy Senator |
since 2022 | Spokesperson of KIT's Center for Climate & Environment |
since 2019 | voting faculty member |
2019-2023 | executive Director Institute of Applied Geosciences (2 election periods) |
since 2018 | Board member KIT Division 4 |
2019-2021 | Examination Board deputy chair |
2018-2021 | Examination Board member KIT AGW |
2017-2024 | Board member KIT ThinkTank Industrial Resources Strategy |
2017-2019 | Board member KIT CRYS Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists |
2019 | Selection board member KIT Sparkassen-Umweltpreis 2020 |
2017-2019 | Deputy Head of the Institute of Geoscience KIT |
since 2016 | Society of Petroleum Engineers faculty adviser KIT |
2014-2016 | Society of Petroleum Engineers faculty adviser RWTH Aachen |
2012-2016 | Head of Examination Board MSc Applied Geosciences RWTH Aachen |
2012-2013 | Steering committee RWTH Aachen for accreditation of joint international MSc Applied Geophysics with TU Delft and ETH Zurich |
2010-2011 | Responsible for successful reaccreditation BSc & MSc Applied Geosciences and BSc & MSc Georesourcesmanagement RWTH Aachen |
2010-2011 | implementation of English taught MSc program Energy & Mineral Resources RWTH Aachen |
in external boards:
since 2024 | President of the German Association of Professional Geoscientists BDG |
1/2024 - 12/2026 | Board of Trustees ZAK I Kuratorium des ZAK I Center for Applied Cultural Sciences and General Studies at KIT |
since 2023 | chairman Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein OGV e.V. est. 1871 |
since 2022 | deputy chairman of the the German Association of Professional Geoscientists BDG |
since 2021 | Founding member and Head of Section Energy & RawMaterials FUTURE (Forschung und Technik für Untergrund, Rohstoffe & Energie), German Geological Association DGGV e.V. |
2021-2023 | Dialogue platform recycling raw materials of the German Ministry of Economics and Climate BMWK, UAK Gypsum & construction materials |
since 2021 | expert committee for different ministries |
2020-2022 | AG Hydrogen & New Gases of the Deutsch-Russischen Rohstoff-Forum, terminated 2022 |
since 2019 | scientific advisory board member DGMK, Hamburg |
since 2018 | deputy president Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein e.V., Karlsruhe |
since 2018 | Founding- and Board Member e.V., Berlin/Bonn |
2017-2024 | Founding- and Board Member State's ThinkTank Industrial Resources Strategies |
since 2016 | Society of Petroleum Engineers Faculty Adviser, implement the SPE KIT Hochschulgruppe |
2014-2016 | Society of Petroleum Engineers Faculty Adviser, implement SPE RWTH Aachen Student Chapter |
since 2016 | CEO of Technology Transfer Unit TTE Reservoir Geology, KCT GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany |
since 2014 | extended Board Member Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE German Section |
2005 to 2009 | CEO and later Vice Rector GUtech LLC, Muscat, Oman, responsible for planning, realization and operation |
2001 to 2006 & |
Board member alumni association VAG e.V., Aachen |
in science & business:
2025 | Executive committee, SPE Europe Energy Conference and Exhibition, 10.-12.6.2025 Vienna |
06/2021- 10/2023 | member of the dialogue platform recycling-rawmaterials (AK Metals and AK Industrial Minerals), established by the German Ministry BMWK, coordinated by the German Raw Materials Agency (DERA) within the BGR and of acatech - National Academy of Science and Engineering |
2023 | Session Chair Postmining at EAGE Annual Conference Vienna 6/23 with Tobias Rudolph |
since 2022 | Board member of the International Association for Structural Geology and Tectonics IASGT |
2022 | EAGE GET - Geoscience & Engineering in the Energy Transition conference, Technical comittee, in The Hague, 7.-9.11.2022 |
2021 | Session chair SPE Student Technical Conference, 3.-4.11.21 |
2021 | Chairman DGGV German Geological Society Annual Conference, Karlsuhe |
2021 | Invited Speaker at Graduate School of Environmental Studies Summer School "Environmental Sustainability from Energy, Resource and Resilience Perspective" at Tohoku University, Japan, 6.-8.9.21 |
2021 | EAGE GET - Geoscience & Engineering in the Energy Transition Conference, Technical Committee |
2020 | EAGE GET - Geoscience & Engineering in the Energy Transition Conference, Technical Committee |
2019 | Industry Workshop KIT/DGMK-Reservoir Days, Leinsweiler, organizer |
2019 | DRT conference, Tuebingen, Technical committee & field trip guide with Tamara and Rainer, |
2019 | Underground Storage of Hydrogen EAGE/DGMK workshop, Technical committee and co-convenor |
2016 | opened consulting company TTE Reservoir-Geology KCT LLC, Karlsruhe |
2016 | Convenor of 137th annual meeting of OGV e.V. in Aachen |
2016 | Convenor of RWTH Geotag |
2015 | Co-convenor 20th International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology & Tectonics DRT, Aachen, Germany 7 - 11 Sept 2015, Janos Urai, Klaus Reicherter, Christoph Hilgers, Florian Wellmann, Christoph von Hagke, Guillaume Desbois |
2015 | Co-convenor and session chair of DRT Conference in Aachen |
2015 | Co-editor Journal of Geotectonic Research Vol 97(1) |
2015 | Covenor of RWTH Geotag on Energy reservoirs in the subsurface - exploration, storage, economics" |
2010 | Co-editor Journal of Structural Geology on "Structural Diagenesis" with Bill Dunne, Stephen Laubach, Peter Eichhubl |
2005-2009 | Responsible for planning, realization and management of GUtech LLC, Muskat, Oman |
2007 | Editor Geotectonic Research Vol 95 with Janos Urai |
2003-2006 | involved in deep drilling project RWTH-1 (2500m tvd) with geology research |
since 2001 | involved in several industry projects with the E&P industry |
Reviewer for
Journals: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, Geochimicia et Cosmochimica Acta, Geology, Geological Society London, Geological Society of America GSA Bulletin, Geothermics, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of African Earth Sciences, Journal of Structural Geology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Tectonophysics
Organisations: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund ACS, DFG, National Science Foundation NSF, Belgian Science Foundation, Dutch Science Foundation, ERS Exploratory Research Space Grant RWTH and others
American Association of Petroleum Geologists AAPG, American Society of Quality ASQ, Professional Association of German Geoscientists BDG (Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE, Fellow of the Geological Society GSL, Association of Metallurgists and Miners GDMB, Deutsche geologische Gesellschaft - Geologische Vereinigung DGGV, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science Technology DGMK, German Association of University Professors and Lecturers DHV, DRF, Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein 1871 OGV, RohstoffWissen e.V., Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE and others
2024 KIT Award for corporate citizenship at "Ehrenabend"
2024 elected member of the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu
2022/23 DGGV Dinstinguished Lecturer
2019 SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty
2013 Faculty Teaching award Georesources and Material Engineering RWTH Aachen
2006 DAAD/GATE award for exhibition in Dubai
2001 Heitfeld award for outstanding PhD thesis
2000 Borchers medal for outstanding PhD thesis
1996 Heitfeld award for outstanding Diplom (MSc equiv.) thesis
Website and Publication Overview
some additional information can be obtained here:
Topics: Resilient raw material supply e.g. for the planned mobility- and energy transitions. Geology and reservoirs (geothermal, storage for CO2 / CSS and hydrogen H2, natural oil and gas needed for what, what is fracking, u.a.)
- 20.03.2025 Keynote Critical Raw Materials Act, 4. Rohstoffkolloquium der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften e.V., Berlin
- 18.02.2025 Keynote zum 6. Dialogforum - Dekarbonisierung, mit Tino Villano, Wössingen
- 06.12.2024 Keynote Barbarafeier, Salz-Bergwerk Sondershausen
- 26.11.2024 Keynote, Miro, Karlsruhe
- 07.11.2024 Landet der Atom-Müll in der Pfalz?, Zeitung Rheinpfalz, von Johannes Orth
- 24.10.2024 Keynote Uni Mannheim, Energy & Rohstoffe, für Scientists4Future
- 21.10.2024 Keynote at GDMB - Securing raw materials for Europe 2024 in Clausthal
- 07.10.2024 RohstoffWissen / BDG Veranstaltung "Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei Rohstoffprojekten" im DBB Forum, Berlin mit Industrie und Politik
- 26.09.2024 Keynote at DGGV "Climate, energy, raw materials and the sustainable development goals", Dresden
- 11.09.2024 Keynote „The BDG and the Raw Material Policy“ at Meggener Rohstofftage, Meggen
- 04.09.2024 Keynote at OGV in Münster
- 13.03.2024 CO2-Speicherung, Bayern 2 Radio, von Tilman Seiber
- 20.02.2024 CCS-Technologie: Wie viel CO2 könnten wir in Deutschland einlagern? Deutschlandfunk, von Karl Urban
- 17.01.2024 Speicherung von CO2 im Untergrund als Teil einer Klimastrategie "sinnvoll und machbar" idw Nachrichten, Georesources, KIT video u.a.
- 15.11.2023 Keynote "Geopolitische Rahmenbedingungen und Rohstoffverfügbarkeit", Ressourceneffizienzkongress BW, Stuttgart
- 27.10.2023 Keynote TU Munich "Climate, Raw Material Availability, Energy Transition", DGGV Distinguished Lecture
- 04.10.2023 Bericht Webseite: CO2-Abscheidung und geologische Speicherung: Mehr Chancen als Risiken. Helmholtz Klima Inititative
- 28.07.2023 TV, Kraichgau-TV, Bruchsal: Geothermie im Oberrheingraben.
- 20.07.2023 Webforum online: MSc studies ERS - Sustainable Energy - RawMaterials - Storage, international info session
- 13.07.2023 Keynote Karlsruhe: Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende. Enzo Graduate Summer School KIT, Distinguished Lecture
- 06.07.2023 Keynote Karlsruhe: Rohstoffe, Ethik, Kreislaufwirtschaft. Impulsvortrag KIT-Wissenswoche Umwelt & Ressourcen, Triangel
- 30.06.2023 Keynote Bühl, Sommer-Energieforum: Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende - Deutschland in der Krise? DGGV Distinguished Lecture
- 27.06.2023 ThinkTank IRS: Rohstoffverfügbarkeit - Produktion, Mobilitäts-, Energiewende
- 26.06.2023 Keynote Uni Hannover: Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende, DGGV Distinguished Lecture
- 16.06.2023 Keynote Karlsruhe, Tag der offenen Tür KIT-CN: Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende, DGGV Distinguished Lecture
- 14.06.2023 Keynote Messe Düsseldorf Klima, CO2, Rohstoffe
- 24.05.2023 Keynote Hannover Rohstoffpolitik in Deutschland
- 10.05.2023 Keynote Landesverband kommunaler Unternehmen, DGGV Distinguished Lecture
- 05.05.2023 Ist Fracking in Deutschland eine sinnvolle Option? Tagesschau Faktencheck, von L. Bisch
- 22.04.2023 BDG Gestein des Jahres 2023
- 19.04.2023 jDGGV Fracking wie und wo, online (entfallen)
- 22.03.2023 Keynote Potsdam, Leibniz Sozietät der Wissenschaften "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende - Deutschland in der Krise?"
- 19.-22.03.2023 WPK – Die Wissenschaftsjournalisten zu Besuch am KIT zum Thema Geothermie und Lithium
- 10.03.2023 Besuch Aurubis, Hamburg
- 09.03.2023 Keynote Hamburg "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende", DGGV Distinguished Lecture
- 01.03.2023 Keynote Berlin "Rohstoffe für die Energiewende im Lichte der geopolitischen Neuausrichtung", EnergieCross.Medial, Berlin
- 15.02.2023 Kraichgau News (Zeitung): Energisch für den Energiewandel, von Ute Thumm, über den öffentlichen Vortrag "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende" im Alten Rathaus Bretten
- 11.02.2023 Tagesspiegel (Zeitung): Wie sicher ist Fracking? Die Wissenschaft ist gelassen, die Politik zögert, von Felix Hackenbruch;
- 02.02.2023 BNN Zeitung: Auch Windräder fressen Rohstoffe, von Gerd Markowetz
- 31.01.2023 Altes Rathaus Bretten, öffentlicher Vortrag "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende"
- 02.01.2023 Die Welt (Zeitung): Deutschland tappt in die nächste Ideologiefalle. Von Daniel Wetzel
- 23.11.2022 Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftsstiftung Greifswald, öffentlicher Vortrag "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende" DGGV Distinguished Lecture
- 31.10.2022 Vortrag Rotary Bruchsal
- 12.10.2022 Weltwoche: Rettet Fracking Europa?
- 13.09.2022 Deutschlandfunk: Unkonventionelles Fracking - Diskussionen um eine verbotene Fördermethode. 18.40-19.00h, von Werner Nording
- 05.09.2022 Hilgers C, Grötsch J 2022 (eds). Sustainable Earth – from processes to resources. – 46 S., DGGV, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-932537-68-4, DOI: 10.48380/dggv-w7k3-0c62
- 02.09.2022 Schwäbische Zeitung: Einst verteufelt, jetzt Hoffnungsträger, Angesichts der Energiekrise gerät Fracking auch in Oberschwaben wieder in den Fokus, von Stefan Fuchs;
pers. com.: (i) am Bodensee unwahrscheinlich, weitere Info zu Daten vom BGR 2016 S.45 u.a. (ii) Zahlen "bis zu 2,3 Billionen Kubikmeter" vs "1,36 Billionen Kubikmeter" in Deutschland haben mit dem Erwartungswert von Schiefergas P (Perzentile) zu tun; bei >2 Billionen P95 technisch förderbar bei Erwartungswert P95; 1,36 wenn P50(Median = 50% der Werte sind größer oder kleiner) plus konventionelles Erdgas, Flözgas etc.; s. Amro & Freese 2022, Zeitschrift Bergbau 8/22, Bild 3, (iii) habe nicht gelesen, was ich gesagt haben soll; - 01.09.2022 Rotary Magazin Titelthema - Darfs noch etwas mehr sein?
- 13.08.2022 Interview by Justus Bender, FAZ am Sonntag with others and Chris, his article: Fracking would be an option (in German); it could but it's a sociopolitical question
- 02.08.2022 Postgraduate Summerschool, keynote: Earth's circular processes & circular economy in an non-circular world - climate, energy, raw materials and war. GRACE Lecture Series Circular Economy, 3.8.2022, Bad Herrenalb
- 01.08.2022. UBW - Unternehmer Baden-Württemberg: Größere Erdgas-Unabhängigkeit für Baden-Württemberg; UBW Rundschreiben Wirtschaftspolitik 8/2022
- 05.07.2022. keynote: Klimawende - Energiewende - Rohstoffwende, Karlsruhe
- 22.06.2022 Interview by Klaus Ulrich, Deutsche Welle, with Chris, his article: "Fracking gas as alternative?" (in German)
- 19.5.2022. Postgraduate Summerschool, keynote: Energy transition and natural resources, global picture and German context. ENZO Lecture Series Enabling Net Zero, 19.5.2022, Karlsruhe
- 17.03.2022, public keynote, Berlin, Townhall Tiergarten, by Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften: "Raw materials and energy transition"
- 10.05.2022 Deutschlandfunk: Rohstoffe für die Energiewende: Geologen plädieren für mehr Bergbau in Deutschland, von Karl Urban um 16:36h
- 09.05.2022, public keynote, Berlin, Naturkundemuseum, by BDG 12. German Geologist Day: "Raw materials for Germany - which are needed and where from?", postponed from 02.12.2021 to May '22 due to Corona
- 17.03.2022, Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften: "Rohstoffe und Energiewende", öffentlicher Vortrag, Berlin, Rathaus Tiergarten
- 11.11.2021, public keynote, Berlin, by DGGV, online: "Climate crisis - Energy crisis - Raw Material crisis?"
- 28.10.2021, public keynote, Hannover, by GSSPE online, "Aspects of resilient resources strategies"
- 22.9.2021, public panel discussion, Livestream at GeoKarlsruhe21 conference: "The future of geodata management", moderator jointly with Dr. Jürgen Grötsch; panelist: • Karen Hanghøj, Director British Geological Survey (BGS)• Ralph Watzel, Director Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)• Maximilian Ahrens, CTO T-Systems• Johan Krebbers, Shell & OSDU
- 21.9.2021, public panel discussion, Livestream at GeoKarlsruhe21 conference: "Critical Raw Materials", moderator jointly with Prof. Jochen Kolb; panellists • Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice-President for Innovation and International Affairs, KIT• Dr. Peter Buchholz, Head of Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA) in the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)• Moritz Ostenrieder, Managing Director at Sachtleben Minerals GmbH & Co. KG• Dr. Andreas Wendt, Management Board of BMW AG Purchasing and Supplier Network• André Mandel, Head of Corporate Communication Scholz Recycling GmbH
- 20.9.2021, public panel discussion, Livestream at GeoKarlsruhe21 conference: "Energy transition with hydrogen?", moderator jointly with Dr. Jürgen Grötsch; panellists Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice-President for Innovation and International Affairs, KIT• Dr. Klaus Langemann, Wintershall Dea AG, Senior Vice-President Carbon Management & Hydrogen• Dr. Markus Oles, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, Head of Carbon2Chem, Sustainable Production• Hans-Joachim Polk, VNG AG, Member of the Executive Board, Infrastructure & Technical Affairs• Michael Schmidt, Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA) in the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)
- 15.9.2021, Keynote "The future raw material demand", Meggen
- 15.9.2021, Panel Discussion "Future prospects of domestic raw material supply", Meggen
- 6.9.2021 Keynote "Competition for raw materials – do we have any disadvantage?", for a regional club
- 21.8.2021 Keynote "Energy transition and natural resources - global picture and German context", Tohoku University, Japan, Graduate Summerschool
- 30.6.2021 Keynote: "Availability of economically strategic raw materials" for a stock-listed company
- 21.4.2021 Keynote "The future of geoscience education", Celle
- März 2021 OGV Vorstandstreffen 2019 in Rauenburg, in GMIT 83
- 01/2021 Buch Die Strategische Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands im internationalen Kontext – eine Bestandsaufnahme; von Katharina und Chris, 8 Seiten, BDG-Mitteilungen
- March 2021 OGV Executive Board meeting 2019 in Rauenburg GMIT 83,
- 01/2021 Die The strategic raw material supply of Germany in an international framework - a survey (in German); by Katharina and Chris, 8 pages, BDG-Mitteilungen
- KIT Klima und Umwelt news, Ausgabe 2/2020: Special publications "Digital Rocks" (in German) page 8, by Nishant, Britta, Benni and Chris, Seite 8
- KIT Klima und Umwelt news, Ausgabe 2/2020: Resources Sand and Gravel - as much as on the beach? (in German) page 2
- 08.10.2020, Panel discussion, Ressourceneffizenz-Kongress BW Forum 8 "Resilient raw material supply and supply chains for industry", link movie to Chris' contribution (in German)
- 6.12.2019, keynote "Availability of economically strategic raw materials - global comparision of strategies to assure raw material supply", for managing directors from German industry at a major industry body
- ClicKIT 20.5.2019 On mud volcanoes and ground water: Research project in Azerbaijan (in German) on Lena's project
- ClicKIT 15.4.2019 A paradise for geologists (in German); on our field trip to Oman
- LooKIT 02/2018 Sustainable resources management: Rocks as raw material, 28-30
- KIT News 4.1.2017 Geology - now with a milky bar
- WDR-TV on Eifel Geology, Chris' geology tour around the village of Vicht
- WDR-TV on Sicily volcanoes and Eolian island, Chris Geology field trip
Interviews for press and radio broadcasts: Kölnische Rundschau, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Rheinische Post, Lufthansa exclusive, Oman Observer and others, radio interviews for SWR 2, WDR 3, Deutsche Welle World and others
until 2009 Receptions at the German Embassy, Muscat, Oman, and GUtech, Oman, for international delegations from politics, industry and AHKs; exhibitions at fairs in Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE