Prof. Dr.  Christoph Hilgers Chris

Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers

  • Adenauerring 20a
    76131 Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr.rer.nat. habil. Christoph Hilgers

Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers is Chair of Structural Geology and scientific spokesperson of KIT's Center for Climate and Environment. His interests are energy systems, raw-materials efficiency, reservoir quality prediction, transnational higher education as well as process- and strategy analyses.

After his studies of Geology at RWTH Aachen University and Applied Structural Geology & Rock Mechanics at the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London, he worked as researcher at RWTH Aachen before moving away from geology to Quality Management & Metrology, Mechanical Engineering at WZL - Laboratory for Production Engineering. Here he designed and planned the private company German University of Technology GUtech as subsidiary of OES LLC, which he then set-up and managed in Muscat, Oman. He later became professor of Reservoir-Petrology at RWTH Aachen University before moving to KIT in 2016.

He is a member of several professional and interdisciplinary boards such as the State’s ThinkTank Industrial Resources Strategies,  the German Society for Sustainable Energy Carriers, Mobility and Carbon Cycles DGMK, the German Association of Metallurgists and Miners GDMB e.V., founding member of the initative RawMaterialsKnowledge e.V. and the section Energy & RawMaterials FUTURE within DGGV e.V. and elected member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences Berlin. He is president of Upper Rhine Geologist's Associtation OGV e.V.  and president of the German Association of Professional Geoscientists BDG, among others.


 since 4/2016  Chair of Structural Geology and Tectonics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT
 since 4/2016  Head of TTE Reservoir-Geology KCT GmbH, Karlsruhe
 2010-2016  Professor for Reservoir-Petrology, RWTH Aachen University


 Vice-Rector GUtech LLC, Muscat, Oman and

 Executive Director GUtech External Link at  the Chair of Quality Management and Metrology, WZL External Link

Career progression

 Aachen  Assistant C1, Habilitation with Janos Urai and Venia Legendi
 research stays at:
 Saint Louis  Saint Louis University, USA, Prof. David Kirschner
 Canberra  Australian National University, Prof. Stephen Cox
 Aachen  Researcher DFG, PhD with Prof. Janos Urai
   research stays at:
 Albany  State University of New York at Albany, USA, Prof. Win Means
 Nijmegen  Department of Solid State Chemistry, Netherlands, Prof. Paul Bennema


 London  one year MSc/ICID Applied Structural Geology & Rock Mechanics at Imperial College London, with Profs. John Cosgrove and Karel Schulmann
 Aachen  9 semester to Diplom (MSc equiv.) in Geology with Profs. Roland Walter & Ulrich Glasmacher

Activities (selected)

in academic-self-management:

 2024 external reviewer reaccredition TU Berlin
 since 2023  core team of lead project "Transfer" within KIT's 2025 umbrella strategy
 since 2023  Deputy Senator
 since 2022  Spokesperson of  KIT's Center for Climate & Environment
 since 2019  voting faculty member
 2019-2023  executive Director Institute of Applied Geosciences (2 election periods)
 since 2018  Board member KIT Division 4
 2019-2021  Examination Board deputy chair
 2018-2021  Examination Board member KIT AGW
 2017-2024  Board member KIT ThinkTank Industrial Resources Strategy
 2017-2019  Board member KIT CRYS Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists
 2019  Selection board member KIT Sparkassen-Umweltpreis 2020
 2017-2019  Deputy Head of the Institute of Geoscience KIT
 since 2016  Society of Petroleum Engineers faculty adviser KIT
 2014-2016  Society of Petroleum Engineers faculty adviser RWTH Aachen
 2012-2016  Head of Examination Board MSc Applied Geosciences RWTH Aachen
 2012-2013  Steering committee RWTH Aachen for accreditation of joint international MSc Applied Geophysics with TU Delft and ETH Zurich
 2010-2011  Responsible for successful reaccreditation BSc & MSc Applied Geosciences and BSc & MSc Georesourcesmanagement RWTH Aachen
 2010-2011  implementation of English taught MSc program Energy & Mineral Resources RWTH Aachen

in external boards:

since 2024 President of the German Association of Professional Geoscientists BDG
1/2024 - 12/2026  Board of Trustees ZAK I Kuratorium des ZAK I Center for Applied Cultural Sciences and General Studies at KIT
since 2023 chairman Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein OGV e.V. est. 1871
since 2022 deputy chairman of the the German Association of Professional Geoscientists BDG
since 2021   Founding member and Head of Section Energy & RawMaterials FUTURE (Forschung und Technik für Untergrund, Rohstoffe & Energie), German Geological Association DGGV e.V.
2021-2023 Dialogue platform recycling raw materials of the German Ministry of Economics and Climate BMWK, UAK Gypsum & construction materials
since 2021 expert committee for different ministries
 2020-2022  AG Hydrogen & New Gases of the Deutsch-Russischen Rohstoff-Forum, terminated 2022
 since 2019  scientific advisory board member DGMK, Hamburg
 since 2018  deputy president Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein e.V., Karlsruhe
 since 2018  Founding- and Board Member e.V., Berlin/Bonn
 2017-2024  Founding- and Board Member State's ThinkTank Industrial Resources Strategies
 since 2016  Society of Petroleum Engineers Faculty Adviser, implement the SPE KIT Hochschulgruppe
 2014-2016  Society of Petroleum Engineers Faculty Adviser, implement SPE RWTH Aachen Student Chapter
 since 2016  CEO of Technology Transfer Unit TTE Reservoir Geology, KCT GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
 since 2014  extended Board Member Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE German Section
2005 to 2009  CEO and later Vice Rector GUtech LLC, Muscat, Oman, responsible for planning, realization and operation

2001 to 2006 &
2014 to 2016

 Board member alumni association VAG e.V., Aachen

in science & business:

2025 Executive committee, SPE Europe Energy Conference and Exhibition, 10.-12.6.2025 Vienna
 06/2021- 10/2023 member of the dialogue platform recycling-rawmaterials (AK Metals and AK Industrial Minerals), established by the German Ministry BMWK, coordinated by the German Raw Materials Agency (DERA) within the BGR and of acatech - National Academy of Science and Engineering
 2023 Session Chair Postmining at EAGE Annual Conference Vienna 6/23 with Tobias Rudolph
 since 2022 Board member of the International Association for Structural Geology and Tectonics IASGT
 2022 EAGE GET - Geoscience & Engineering in the Energy Transition conference, Technical comittee, in The Hague, 7.-9.11.2022
 2021 Session chair SPE Student Technical Conference, 3.-4.11.21
 2021  Chairman DGGV German Geological Society Annual Conference, Karlsuhe
 2021  Invited Speaker at Graduate School of Environmental Studies Summer School "Environmental Sustainability from Energy, Resource and Resilience Perspective" at Tohoku University, Japan, 6.-8.9.21
 2021  EAGE GET - Geoscience & Engineering in the Energy Transition Conference, Technical Committee
 2020  EAGE GET - Geoscience & Engineering in the Energy Transition Conference, Technical Committee
 2019  Industry Workshop KIT/DGMK-Reservoir Days, Leinsweiler, organizer
 2019  DRT conference, Tuebingen, Technical committee & field trip guide with Tamara and Rainer,
 2019  Underground Storage of Hydrogen EAGE/DGMK workshop, Technical committee and co-convenor
 2016  opened consulting company TTE Reservoir-Geology KCT LLC, Karlsruhe
 2016  Convenor of 137th annual meeting of OGV e.V. in Aachen
 2016   Convenor of RWTH Geotag
 2015  Co-convenor 20th International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology & Tectonics DRT, Aachen, Germany 7 - 11 Sept 2015, Janos Urai, Klaus Reicherter, Christoph Hilgers, Florian Wellmann, Christoph von Hagke, Guillaume Desbois
 2015  Co-convenor and session chair of DRT Conference in Aachen
 2015  Co-editor Journal of Geotectonic Research Vol 97(1)
 2015  Covenor of RWTH Geotag on Energy reservoirs in the subsurface - exploration, storage, economics"
 2010  Co-editor Journal of Structural Geology on "Structural Diagenesis" with Bill Dunne, Stephen Laubach, Peter Eichhubl
2005-2009  Responsible for planning, realization and management of GUtech LLC, Muskat, Oman
 2007  Editor Geotectonic Research Vol 95 with Janos Urai
 2003-2006  involved in deep drilling project RWTH-1 (2500m tvd) with geology research
since 2001  involved in several industry projects with the E&P industry

Reviewer for

Journals: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, Geochimicia et Cosmochimica Acta, Geology, Geological Society London, Geological Society of America GSA Bulletin, Geothermics, International Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of African Earth Sciences, Journal of Structural Geology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Tectonophysics

Organisations: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund ACS, DFG, National Science Foundation NSF, Belgian Science Foundation, Dutch Science Foundation, ERS Exploratory Research Space Grant RWTH and others


American Association of Petroleum Geologists AAPG, American Society of Quality ASQ, Professional Association of German Geoscientists BDG (Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler), European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers EAGE, Fellow of the Geological Society GSL, Association of Metallurgists and Miners  GDMB, Deutsche geologische Gesellschaft - Geologische Vereinigung DGGV, German Society for Petroleum and Coal Science Technology DGMK, German Association of University Professors and Lecturers DHV, DRF, Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein 1871 OGV, RohstoffWissen e.V., Society of Petroleum Engineers SPE and others


2024                   KIT Award for corporate citizenship at "Ehrenabend"

2024                   elected member of the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu

2022/23              DGGV Dinstinguished Lecturer 

2019                   SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty

2013                   Faculty Teaching award Georesources and Material Engineering RWTH Aachen

2006                   DAAD/GATE award for exhibition in Dubai

2001                   Heitfeld award for outstanding PhD thesis

2000                   Borchers medal for outstanding PhD thesis

1996                   Heitfeld award for outstanding Diplom (MSc equiv.) thesis

Website and Publication Overview

some additional information can be obtained here:


Topics: Resilient raw material supply e.g. for the planned mobility- and energy transitions. Geology and reservoirs (geothermal, storage for CO2 / CSS and hydrogen H2, natural oil and gas needed for what, what is fracking, u.a.)

  • 20.03.2025 Keynote Critical Raw Materials Act, 4. Rohstoffkolloquium der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften e.V., Berlin
  • 18.02.2025 Keynote zum 6. Dialogforum - Dekarbonisierung, mit Tino Villano, Wössingen
  • 06.12.2024 Keynote Barbarafeier, Salz-Bergwerk Sondershausen
  • 26.11.2024 Keynote, Miro, Karlsruhe
  • 07.11.2024 Landet der Atom-Müll in der Pfalz?, Zeitung Rheinpfalz, von Johannes Orth
  • 24.10.2024 Keynote Uni Mannheim, Energy & Rohstoffe, für Scientists4Future
  • 21.10.2024 Keynote at GDMB - Securing raw materials for Europe 2024 in Clausthal
  • 07.10.2024 RohstoffWissen / BDG Veranstaltung "Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei Rohstoffprojekten" im DBB Forum, Berlin mit Industrie und Politik
  • 26.09.2024 Keynote at DGGV "Climate, energy, raw materials and the sustainable development goals", Dresden
  • 11.09.2024 Keynote „The BDG and the Raw Material Policy“  at Meggener Rohstofftage, Meggen
  • 04.09.2024 Keynote at OGV in Münster
  • 13.03.2024 CO2-Speicherung, Bayern 2 Radio, von Tilman Seiber
  • 20.02.2024 CCS-Technologie: Wie viel CO2 könnten wir in Deutschland einlagern? Deutschlandfunk, von Karl Urban
  • 17.01.2024 Speicherung von CO2 im Untergrund als Teil einer Klimastrategie "sinnvoll und machbar" idw Nachrichten, Georesources, KIT video u.a.
  • 15.11.2023 Keynote "Geopolitische Rahmenbedingungen und Rohstoffverfügbarkeit", Ressourceneffizienzkongress BW, Stuttgart
  • 27.10.2023 Keynote TU Munich "Climate, Raw Material Availability, Energy Transition", DGGV Distinguished Lecture
  • 04.10.2023 Bericht Webseite: CO2-Abscheidung und geologische Speicherung: Mehr Chancen als Risiken. Helmholtz Klima Inititative
  • 28.07.2023 TV, Kraichgau-TV, Bruchsal: Geothermie im Oberrheingraben.
  • 20.07.2023 Webforum online: MSc studies ERS - Sustainable Energy - RawMaterials - Storage, international info session 
  • 13.07.2023 Keynote Karlsruhe: Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende. Enzo Graduate Summer School KIT, Distinguished Lecture
  • 06.07.2023 Keynote Karlsruhe: Rohstoffe, Ethik, Kreislaufwirtschaft. Impulsvortrag KIT-Wissenswoche Umwelt & Ressourcen, Triangel
  • 30.06.2023 Keynote Bühl, Sommer-Energieforum: Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende - Deutschland in der Krise? DGGV Distinguished Lecture
  • 27.06.2023 ThinkTank IRS: Rohstoffverfügbarkeit - Produktion, Mobilitäts-, Energiewende
  • 26.06.2023 Keynote Uni Hannover: Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende, DGGV Distinguished Lecture
  • 16.06.2023 Keynote Karlsruhe, Tag der offenen Tür KIT-CN: Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende, DGGV Distinguished Lecture
  • 14.06.2023 Keynote Messe Düsseldorf Klima, CO2, Rohstoffe
  • 24.05.2023 Keynote Hannover Rohstoffpolitik in Deutschland
  • 10.05.2023 Keynote Landesverband kommunaler Unternehmen, DGGV Distinguished Lecture
  • 05.05.2023 Ist Fracking in Deutschland eine sinnvolle Option? Tagesschau Faktencheck, von L. Bisch
  • 22.04.2023 BDG Gestein des Jahres 2023
  • 19.04.2023 jDGGV Fracking wie und wo, online (entfallen)
  • 22.03.2023 Keynote Potsdam, Leibniz Sozietät der Wissenschaften "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende - Deutschland in der Krise?"
  • 19.-22.03.2023 WPK – Die Wissenschaftsjournalisten zu Besuch am KIT zum Thema Geothermie und Lithium
  • 10.03.2023 Besuch Aurubis, Hamburg
  • 09.03.2023 Keynote Hamburg "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende", DGGV Distinguished Lecture
  • 01.03.2023 Keynote Berlin "Rohstoffe für die Energiewende im Lichte der geopolitischen Neuausrichtung", EnergieCross.Medial, Berlin
  • 15.02.2023 Kraichgau News (Zeitung): Energisch für den Energiewandel, von Ute Thumm, über den öffentlichen Vortrag "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende" im Alten Rathaus Bretten
  • 11.02.2023 Tagesspiegel (Zeitung): Wie sicher ist Fracking? Die Wissenschaft ist gelassen, die Politik zögert, von Felix Hackenbruch;
  • 02.02.2023 BNN Zeitung: Auch Windräder fressen Rohstoffe, von Gerd Markowetz
  • 31.01.2023 Altes Rathaus Bretten, öffentlicher Vortrag "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende"
  • 02.01.2023 Die Welt (Zeitung): Deutschland tappt in die nächste Ideologiefalle. Von Daniel Wetzel
  • 23.11.2022 Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftsstiftung Greifswald, öffentlicher Vortrag "Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, Energiewende" DGGV Distinguished Lecture
  • 31.10.2022 Vortrag Rotary Bruchsal
  • 12.10.2022 Weltwoche: Rettet Fracking Europa?
  • 13.09.2022 Deutschlandfunk: Unkonventionelles Fracking - Diskussionen um eine verbotene Fördermethode. 18.40-19.00h, von Werner Nording
  • 05.09.2022 Hilgers C, Grötsch J 2022 (eds). Sustainable Earth – from processes to resources. – 46 S., DGGV, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-932537-68-4, DOI: 10.48380/dggv-w7k3-0c62
  • 02.09.2022 Schwäbische Zeitung: Einst verteufelt, jetzt Hoffnungsträger, Angesichts der Energiekrise gerät Fracking auch in Oberschwaben wieder in den Fokus, von Stefan Fuchs;
    pers. com.: (i) am Bodensee unwahrscheinlich, weitere Info zu Daten vom BGR 2016 S.45 u.a. (ii) Zahlen "bis zu 2,3 Billionen Kubikmeter" vs "1,36 Billionen Kubikmeter" in Deutschland haben mit dem Erwartungswert von Schiefergas P (Perzentile) zu tun; bei >2 Billionen P95 technisch förderbar bei Erwartungswert P95; 1,36 wenn P50(Median = 50% der Werte sind größer oder kleiner) plus konventionelles Erdgas, Flözgas etc.; s. Amro & Freese 2022, Zeitschrift Bergbau 8/22, Bild 3, (iii) habe nicht gelesen, was ich gesagt haben soll;
  • 01.09.2022 Rotary Magazin Titelthema - Darfs noch etwas mehr sein?
  • 13.08.2022 Interview by Justus Bender, FAZ am Sonntag with others and Chris, his article: Fracking would be an option (in German); it could but it's a sociopolitical question 
  • 02.08.2022 Postgraduate Summerschool, keynote: Earth's circular processes & circular economy in an non-circular world - climate, energy, raw materials and war. GRACE Lecture Series Circular Economy, 3.8.2022, Bad Herrenalb
  • 01.08.2022. UBW - Unternehmer Baden-Württemberg: Größere Erdgas-Unabhängigkeit für Baden-Württemberg; UBW Rundschreiben Wirtschaftspolitik 8/2022
  • 05.07.2022. keynote: Klimawende - Energiewende - Rohstoffwende, Karlsruhe
  • 22.06.2022 Interview by Klaus Ulrich, Deutsche Welle, with Chris, his article: "Fracking gas as alternative?" (in German)
  • 19.5.2022. Postgraduate Summerschool, keynote: Energy transition and natural resources, global picture and German context. ENZO Lecture Series Enabling Net Zero, 19.5.2022, Karlsruhe
  • 17.03.2022, public keynote, Berlin, Townhall Tiergarten, by Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften: "Raw materials and energy transition"
  • 10.05.2022 Deutschlandfunk: Rohstoffe für die Energiewende: Geologen plädieren für mehr Bergbau in Deutschland, von Karl Urban um 16:36h
  • 09.05.2022, public keynote, Berlin, Naturkundemuseum, by BDG 12. German Geologist Day: "Raw materials for Germany - which are needed and where from?", postponed from 02.12.2021 to May '22 due to Corona
  • 17.03.2022, Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften: "Rohstoffe und Energiewende", öffentlicher Vortrag, Berlin, Rathaus Tiergarten
  • 11.11.2021, public keynote, Berlin, by DGGV, online: "Climate crisis - Energy crisis - Raw Material crisis?"
  • 28.10.2021, public keynote, Hannover, by GSSPE online, "Aspects of resilient resources strategies"
  • 22.9.2021, public panel discussion, Livestream at GeoKarlsruhe21 conference: "The future of geodata management", moderator jointly with Dr. Jürgen Grötsch; panelist: • Karen Hanghøj, Director British Geological Survey (BGS)• Ralph Watzel, Director Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)• Maximilian Ahrens, CTO T-Systems• Johan Krebbers, Shell & OSDU
  • 21.9.2021, public panel discussion, Livestream at GeoKarlsruhe21 conference: "Critical Raw Materials", moderator jointly with Prof. Jochen Kolb; panellists • Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice-President for Innovation and International Affairs, KIT• Dr. Peter Buchholz, Head of Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA) in the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)• Moritz Ostenrieder, Managing Director at Sachtleben Minerals GmbH & Co. KG• Dr. Andreas Wendt, Management Board of BMW AG Purchasing and Supplier Network• André Mandel, Head of Corporate Communication Scholz Recycling GmbH
  • 20.9.2021, public panel discussion, Livestream at GeoKarlsruhe21 conference: "Energy transition with hydrogen?", moderator jointly with Dr. Jürgen Grötsch; panellists Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice-President for Innovation and International Affairs, KIT• Dr. Klaus Langemann, Wintershall Dea AG, Senior Vice-President Carbon Management & Hydrogen• Dr. Markus Oles, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, Head of Carbon2Chem, Sustainable Production• Hans-Joachim Polk, VNG AG, Member of the Executive Board, Infrastructure & Technical Affairs• Michael Schmidt, Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA) in the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)
  • 15.9.2021, Keynote "The future raw material demand", Meggen
  • 15.9.2021, Panel Discussion "Future prospects of domestic raw material supply", Meggen
  • 6.9.2021 Keynote "Competition for raw materials – do we have any disadvantage?", for a regional club
  • 21.8.2021 Keynote "Energy transition and natural resources -  global picture and German context", Tohoku University, Japan, Graduate Summerschool
  • 30.6.2021 Keynote: "Availability of economically strategic raw materials" for a stock-listed company
  • 21.4.2021 Keynote "The future of geoscience education", Celle
  • März 2021 OGV Vorstandstreffen 2019 in Rauenburg, in GMIT 83
  • 01/2021 Buch Die Strategische Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands im internationalen Kontext – eine Bestandsaufnahme; von Katharina und Chris, 8 Seiten, BDG-Mitteilungen
  • March 2021 OGV Executive Board meeting 2019 in Rauenburg GMIT 83,
  • 01/2021 Die The strategic raw material supply of Germany in an international framework - a survey (in German); by Katharina and Chris, 8 pages, BDG-Mitteilungen
  • KIT Klima und Umwelt news, Ausgabe 2/2020: Special publications "Digital Rocks" (in German) page 8, by Nishant, Britta, Benni and Chris, Seite 8
  • KIT Klima und Umwelt news, Ausgabe 2/2020: Resources Sand and Gravel - as much as on the beach? (in German) page 2
  • 08.10.2020, Panel discussion, Ressourceneffizenz-Kongress BW Forum 8 "Resilient raw material supply and supply chains for industry", link movie to Chris' contribution (in German)
  • 6.12.2019, keynote "Availability of economically strategic raw materials - global comparision of strategies to assure raw material supply", for managing directors from German industry at a major industry body
  • ClicKIT 20.5.2019 On mud volcanoes and ground water: Research project in Azerbaijan (in German) on Lena's project
  • ClicKIT 15.4.2019  A paradise for geologists (in German); on our field trip to Oman
  • LooKIT 02/2018 Sustainable resources management: Rocks as raw material, 28-30
  • KIT News 4.1.2017 Geology - now with a milky bar
  • WDR-TV on Eifel Geology, Chris' geology tour around the village of Vicht
  • WDR-TV on Sicily volcanoes and Eolian island, Chris Geology field trip

Interviews for press and radio broadcasts: Kölnische Rundschau, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, Rheinische Post, Lufthansa exclusive, Oman Observer and others, radio interviews for SWR 2, WDR 3, Deutsche Welle World and others

until 2009 Receptions at the German Embassy, Muscat, Oman, and GUtech, Oman, for international delegations from politics, industry and AHKs; exhibitions at fairs in Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE

Research interests

Applied and fundamental research to explore, produce and store Geoenergy, Rocks and Minerals

- Reservoir-Geology

- Structural Diagenesis

- Raw Material-, Reservoir Utilization and Energy Systems 

- Digital Rocks and Contact-Free Analyses

- Quality Management and Process Optimization

keywords: Microstructures and Geofluids, Geometry and Heterogeneities of Reservoirs and Storage Sites

Antrittsvorlesung Link

Chris guiding a fieldtrip for Wintershall in fractured carbonates, 9/2015

Chris with his classmates from left to right Simon, Suvimol, Patrik (front), Julian, Alex, Sam (front), Forbes, Matt (front), Richard, Ed, Greg, me, Uwe and John Cosgrove in his wellies and with brolly on a field trip during the 93/94 MSc at Imperial




  1. Baumgartner, Luis, Langenmayr, Uwe, Ölmez, Jasemin Ayse, Schultmann, Frank, Hilgers, Christoph 2025. Wasserstoffgestehungskosten und Rohstoffbedarf für eine Wasserelektrolyse in Baden-Württemberg – Eine regionale Potentialstudie. THINKTANK Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien. 48 S. Karlsruhe, Volltext unter DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000179523

  2. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C. 2024 Resiliente Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands – Bergbaupotentiale in ausgewählten Ländern Afrikas und die Rolle Chinas. Hrsg. THINKTANK Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien. 48 S. Karlsruhe, Volltext unter DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000168179

  3. Quandt, Hilgers et al. 2024 BMBF-Abschlussbericht Floodrisk - Effects on postmine flooding of subsurface hard coal mines, 130 pp., joint project with Karlsruher Institut für Technologie Institut für Strukturgeologie und Tektonik (KIT-SGT) Geodätisches Institut Karlsruhe (KIT-GIK) Technische Petrophysik (KIT-TP) DMT GmbH & Co. KG (DMT) European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) Geologischer Dienst Nordrhein-Westfalen (GD-NRW) Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) Unterauftragnehmer Alber Geomechanik Piewak und Partner, report link

  4. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C. 2023 Rohstoffe für Deutschland und Auswirkungen des Russland-Ukraine Konflikts. Hrsg. THINKTANK Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien. 54 S. Karlsruhe, Volltext unter DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000166052

  5. DERA – Deutsche Rohstoffagentur in der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe 2023 Kurzfassung Abschlussbericht der Dialogplattform Recyclingrohstoffe. – DERA Rohstoffinformationen 58: 26 S., Berlin. doi 10.25928/k89y-b555

  6. Buchholz P, Kolb J, Hilgers C 2023 Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der nationalen und internationalen Rohstoffsicherung. - 16. S., DGGV-Factsheet, 5.9.2023, Berlin. DOI: 10.48380/dggv-wr5g-5e94

  7. Steiger, K., Hilgers, C., Kolb, J. (Eds.) (2022): Lithium in Europa. Hrsg. THINKTANK Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien. 101 S. Karlsruhe, DOI 10.5445/IR/1000154047

  8. Steiger K, Hilgers C, Kolb J 2022. Herausforderungen bei der Rohstoffversorgung für Deutschland: Eine holistische Betrachtung durch Experteninterviews. SRG Working Paper 2, 62 S., DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000152882

  9. Hilgers C, Grötsch J 2022 (eds). Sustainable Earth – from processes to resources. – 46 S., DGGV, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-932537-68-4, DOI: 10.48380/dggv-w7k3-0c62

  10. Hilgers C, Busch B 2022. Energieträger und Rohstoff Erdgas: Verfügbarkeit, Verwendung und Geopolitik - Voraussichtliche Engpässe und Möglichkeiten. KIT Scientific Working Papers, 198, 100 S., 9.9.2022, ISSN: 2194-1629, DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000150490

  11. Hilgers C, Busch B 2022. Energie und Rohstoff Erdgas: Verfügbarkeit, Engpässe und Alternativen. SRG Working Paper 1, 85 S., DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000149936

  12. Steiger, K.; Hilgers, C.; Kolb, J. 2021. Mining – smelting – recycling, is the German demand and supply of raw materials resilient. SGA news, (49), 5 S.

  13. Hilgers C, Kolb J, Becker I 2021. Ist die deutsche Ressourcenstrategie resilient? Bergbau – Verhüttung – Recycling. Think Tank Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien LINK to book DOI 10.5445/IR/1000124406

Book contributions & edited journals

  1. Quandt D, Rudolph T, Hilgers C 2022/2023 (eds.). Post-Mining: Geomonitoring, process understanding, and utilisation of former mining areas. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Band, 173 Heft 4 (2023)
  2. Hilgers C 2022. Gustav-Steinmann-Medaille verliehen an Prof. Dr. Janos Urai. Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss. (J. Appl. Reg. Geol.), 173 (3), 397

  3. Hilgers C 2020. The early days of GUtech - from vision to reality. In Jansen M, Modigel M, Rauhut B (eds) In honour of the visit of His Majesty Sultan Quaboos bin Said German University of Technology in Oman GUtech - The first ten years (2007-2017). 102-103, Verlag Olms Weidmann, 253 pp. (ISBN 978-3-487-15946-1).

  4. Laubach, S.E., Eichhubl, P., Hilgers, C., Lander, R.H. (eds.) 2010. Structural diagenesis. Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 32, Issue 12, December 2010, Pages 1866-1872

  5. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. (eds) 2007. Special Issue TSK10. Geotectonic Research 95, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 114 pp

  6. Hilgers, C. 2005. Aspects of material transport and polycrystal growth in fractures. 118 pp. RWTH Aachen download External Link

  7. Hilgers, C. 2004 (ed.). TSK X 10. Symposium Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie - conference volume. Terra Nostra, 2004/01, 108pp., ISSN 0946 8978
  8. Hilgers, C. 2000. Vein growth in fractures - experimental, numerical and real rock studies. 104 pp., ISBN 3-8265-7963-1 External Link


  1. Cheng C, Busch B, Kontny A, Hilgers C 2025 Underground hydrogen storage in sandstone reservoirs: Effects of geochemical reactivity of hydrogen on reservoir performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 105(4), 492-504, paper link

  2. Chakraborty, R., Späth, M., Kumar, A., Busch, B., Nestler, B., Mamtani, M. A., Hilgers, C. 2025 Petrophysical characterization of metamorphic rocks using X-ray micro-CT data - implications for fluid flow. Journal of Structural Geology, 191, Article no: 105338 

  3. Hilgers C, Busch B 2024 Rohstoffbewusstsein und geostrategische Rohstoffsicherung. In: Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Band 163, 21-55

  4. Ölmez J.A., Hilgers C. 2024 Resilient supply of critical and strategic raw materials for Germany – Potentials in Africa. World of Mining – Surface & Underground 76 (2024) No. 2, 101-107 Paper Link

  5. Ölmez J.A., Hilgers C. 2024 Resilient supply of critical and strategic raw materials for Germany – Potentials in Africa. World of Metallurgy – ERZMETALL 77 (2024) No. 2, 113-120 Paper Link

  6. Busch B, Böcker J, Hilgers C 2024 Improved reservoir quality assessment by evaluating illite grain coatings, quartz cementation, and compaction – Case study from the Buntsandstein, Upper Rhine Graben, Germany. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 241, October, 213141

  7. Ölmez J.A., Busch B., Hilgers C. 2024 Sedimentologie, Petrographie und Strukturgeologie der Beckum-Sfm. (Campanium, Ahlen-Fm.) im südöstlichen zentralen Münsterländer Kreidebecken. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins,  Band 106, 11 - 25

  8. Greve, J., Busch, B., Quandt, D., Knaak M, Hilgers C. 2024 Understanding the interplay of depositional rock types, mineralogy, and diagenesis on reservoir properties of the coal-bearing Langsettian and Duckmantian strata (Bashkirian, Pennsylvanian) of the Ruhr Area, NW Germany. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch)

  9. Hilgers C, Schilling F 2024 Kohlendioxidabscheidung und geologische Speicherung (CCS) – ein Überblick. Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss. (J. Appl. Reg. Geol.), 175 (1), p. 89–109 Paper link, Paper link2publisher

  10. Quandt D, Busch B, Greve J, Hilgers C 2024 Rock characteristics and reservoir properties of Upper Carboniferous (Stephanian A–B) tight siliciclastic rocks from the Saar–Nahe basin (SW Germany). International Journal of Earth Sciences

  11. Quandt D, Busch B, Hilgers C 2024 Evolution of Upper Carboniferous tight sandstone reservoirs in the Ruhr and Lower Saxony basins (NW Germany) of the Central European Variscan foreland. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 106774,

  12. Allgaier F, Niederhuber T, Busch B, Müller B, Hilgers C 2024 Post-mining related reactivation potential of faults hosted in tight reservoir rocks around flooded coal mines, eastern Ruhr Basin, Germany.  Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 38, 100560,

  13. Ölmez, J.A., Busch, B. & Hilgers, C. 2024 Reservoir quality of Upper Cretaceous limestones (Ahlen-Fm., Beckum Member, Münsterland Cretaceous Basin): effects of cementation and compaction on the compactable depositional volume. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch) (2024).

  14. Greve J, Busch B, Quandt D, Knaak M, Hilgers C 2024 The influence of sedimentary facies, mineralogy, and diagenesis on reservoir properties of the coal-bearing Upper Carboniferous of NW Germany. Petroleum Geoscience, 30,

  15. Allgaier F, Busch B, Hilgers C 2023 Fault leakage and reservoir charging in the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany – Assessment of the Leopoldshafen fault bend. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 156, 106428

  16. Hilgers C, Ölmez, JA, Busch B 2023 Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende - Deutschland in der Krise? In: Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Band 159, 21-79

  17. Mamtani MA, Wenzel O, Kontny A, Hilgers C, Müller E, Renjith AR, Llorens M-G, Gomez-Rivas E 2023 "In-plane" site-specific FIB lamella extraction from deformed magnetite and the investigation of low angle grain boundaries under TEM. Journal of Structural Geology, 174,  doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2023.104937

  18. Späth M, Selzer M, Busch B, Schneider D, Hilgers C, Urai J, Nestler B 2023 Phase-field simulation of epitaxial crystal growth in open fractures with reactive lateral flow. Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR034605

  19. Kumar A, Prajapati N, Späth M, Busch B, Hilgers C, Nestler B 2023 Qualitative dissolution modeling of etch-pit formation on the K-feldspar surface through phase-field approach.  Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB025749

  20. Adamolekun, O. J., Busch, B., Oluwajana, O. A., Suess, M. P. & Hilgers, C. 2023. Diagenetic evolution of continental to
    shallow marine Mesozoic–Cenozoic deposits, Eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria: Implications for reservoir quality. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 174, 119–142

  21. Allgaier, Felix; Busch, Benjamin; Niederhuber, Thomas; Quandt, Dennis; Müller, Birgit; Hilgers, Christoph 2023. Fracture network characterisation of the naturally fractured Upper Carboniferous sandstones combining outcrop and wellbore data, Ruhr Basin, Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Band 173 Heft 4 (2023), 599-623 DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2023/0369

  22. Quandt D, Rudolph T, Hilgers C 2023 (eds.). Post-Mining: Geomonitoring, process understanding, and utilisation of former mining areas. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Band 173 Heft 4 (2023), p. 507 - 511, DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2023/0383

  23. Quandt, Dennis; Busch, Benjamin; Fuchs, Helena; Alvarado de la Barrera, Aura; Greve, Jonas; Hilgers, Christoph 2022. Petrographical and petrophysical properties of tight siliciclastic rocks from the Ibbenbueren coal mine with regard to mine flooding. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Band 173 Heft 4 (2023), p. 653 - 672, DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2022/0343

  24. Greve, Jonas; Busch, Benjamin; Quandt, Dennis; Knaak, Mathias; Hartkopf-Fröder, Christoph; Hilgers, Christoph 2023. Coupling heat conductivity and lithofacies of the coal-bearing Upper Carboniferous in the eastern Ruhr Basin, NW Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Band 173 Heft 4 (2023), p. 673 - 695, DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2023/0350

  25. Hilgers C 2022 Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende. Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 154, 19–32

  26. Kühn M, Präg M, Becker I, Hilgers C, Grafe A, Kempka T 2022. Geographic Information System (GIS) as a basis for the next generation of hydrogeological models to manage the geothermal area Waiwera (New Zealand). Advances in Geosciences, 58, 31–39,

  27. Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Schmidt, C.; Hilgers, C. 2022. Diagenesis and controls on reservoir quality of Lower Triassic red bed sandstones (Buntsandstein) from a marginal basin facies, southwest Germany. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 142, Art.-Nr.: 105744. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105744

  28. Busch B, Spitzner A-D, Adelmann D, Hilgers C 2022 The significance of outcrop analog data for reservoir quality assessment: A comparative case study of Lower Triassic Buntsandstein sandstones in the Upper Rhine Graben. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 141, Art.-Nr.: 105701. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105701

  29. Busch, B.; Adelmann, D.; Herrmann, R.; Hilgers, C. 2022. Controls on compactional behavior and reservoir quality in a Triassic Buntsandstein reservoir, Upper Rhine Graben, SW Germany. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 136, Art.-Nr.: 105437. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105437

  30. Adamolekun, O. J.; Busch, B.; Suess, M. P.; Molenaar, N.; Hilgers, C. 2022. Petrography and reservoir quality controls in shallow transitional marine Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits in the Dahomey Basin, Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 186, Art.-Nr.: 104437. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2021.104437

  31. Busch B, Adelmann D, Herrmann R, Hilgers C 2021. Controls on compactional behavior and reservoir quality in a Triassic Buntsandstein reservoir, Upper Rhine Graben, SW Germany. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105437 doi

  32. Busch, B., Okamoto, A., Garbev, K., Hilgers, C. 2021. Experimental fracture sealing in reservoir sandstones and its relation to rock texture. Journal of Structural Geology 153, 10447 doi

  33. Schmidt, C.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C. 2021. Lateral variations of detrital, authigenic and petrophysical properties in an outcrop analog of the fluvial Plattensandstein, Lower Triassic, Central S-Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 172 (4), 541–564. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2020/0234

  34. Hilgers C, Becker I 2021. Lokale Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen bei steigender globaler Nachfrage – Aspekte zu resilienten Ressourcenstrategien. bergbau 8 (Nachdruck von World of Mining 2020)

  35. Monsees AC, Biebricher SF, Busch B, Feinendegen M, Ziegler M Hilgers C 2021. Coupling of diagenetic alterations and mechanical properties of Lower Permian siliciclastic sandstones: a pilot study. Environmental Earth Sciences, 80 (4), Article no: 141, doi

  36. Monsees, A. C.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C. 2021. Compaction control on diagenesis and reservoir quality development in red bed sandstones: a case study of Permian Rotliegend sandstones. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110 (5), 1683–1711. doi:10.1007/s00531-021-02036-6

  37. Schmidt, C.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C. 2021. Compaction control on diagenesis and reservoir quality development in red bed sandstones: a case study of Permian Rotliegend sandstones Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 172 (4), 523–539. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2020/0233

  38. Hilgers C, Becker I 2020. Local availability of raw materials and increasing global demand – aspects of resilient resource strategies. World of Mining 72 (5), 254-263 LINK to paper

  39. Hilgers C, Becker I, Dehn F 2020. Geologische- und STEEPLE-Aspekte zur überregionalen Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen zur Herstellung von Beton. Beton 70(9), 232–240 LINK paper

  40. Wessel M, Madlener R Hilgers c 2020. Economic feasability of semi-underground pumped storage hydropower plants in open-pit mines. Energies 13(16), 4178, doi

  41. Monsees AC, Busch B, Schöner N, Hilgers C 2020 Rock typing of diagenetically induced heterogeneities - A case study from a deeply clastic Rotliegend reservoir of the Northern German Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 113, 104163 doi External Link

  42. Monsees, A. C.; Subhedar, A.; Busch, B.; Nestler, B.; Hilgers, C. 2020. Calibrating micro-computed tomography data to permeability experiments and petrography – insights from Digital Rocks. Oil Gas European Magazine, (3/2020), 28–33. doi:10.19225/200908

  43. Hilgers C, Becker I 2020 Geologische Aspekte und Umfeldanalyse zur überregionalen Rohstoffverfügbarkeit von Beton - Sand, Kalkstein, Gips. Ressourceneffizienter Beton - Zukunftsstrategien und Baupraxis, 21-30 link KIT External Linklink google External Link

  44. Prajapati N, Gonzalez AA, Selzer M, Nestler B, Busch B, Hilgers C 2020. Quartz cementation in polycrystalline sandstone: Insights from phase-field simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125(2), e2019JB019137 doi External Link

  45. Busch, Benjamin; Hilgers, Christoph; Adelmann, Dirk 2020. Reservoir quality controls on Rotliegend fluvio-aeolian wells in Germany and the Netherlands, Southern Permian Basin – Impact of grain coatings and cements. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 112 doi External Link

  46. Präg, M.; Becker, I.; Hilgers, C.; Walter, T. R.; Kühn, M. 2020. Thermal UAS survey of reactivated hot spring activity in Waiwera, New Zealand. Advances in Geosciences, 54, 165–171. doi:10.5194/adgeo-54-165-2020

  47. Becker, Ivy, Busch, B, Koehrer, B, Adelmann, D, Hilgers, Christoph 2019. Reservoir quality evolution of Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian) tight gas sandstones, Lower Saxony Basin, NW Germany. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 42(4), 371-392 doi  External Link

  48. Becker I, Mueller B, Koehrer B, Jelinek W, Hilgers C 2019. Present-day stress control on fluid migration pathways: Case study of the Zechstein fractured carboantes, NW-Germany. Marine and Petroleum Geology 103, 320-330 doi External Link

  49. Busch, B., Becker, I., Koehrer, B., Adelmann, D., Hilgers, C. 2019. Porosity evolution of two Upper Carboniferous tight-gas-fluival sandstone reservoirs: Impact of fractures and total cement volumes on reservoir quality. Marine and Petroleum Geology 100, 376-390 doi External Link
  50. Becker I, Koehrer B, Hilgers C 2018. Correlating thee Upper Permeian Zechstein 2 carbonate outcrops across the Eichsfeld-Altmark swell - Facies, reservoir properties and outcrop analogue potential. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 169(4), 517-531 doi  External Link
  51. Prajapati N, Selzer M, Nestler B, Busch B, Hilgers C, Ankit K 2018. Three-dimensional phase-field investigation of pore space cementation and permeability in quartz sandstone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, 6378-6396 doi External Link
  52. Prajapati N, Selzer M, Nestler B, Busch B, Hilgers C 2018. Modeling fracture cementation processes in calcite limestone: A phase-field study. Geothermal Energy 15pp doi External Link
  53. Becker, I., Koehrer, B., Waldvogel, M., Jelinek, W., Hilgers, C. 2018. Comparing fracture statistics from outcrop and reservoir data using conventional manual and t-Lidar derived scanlines in Ca2 carbonates from the Southern Permian Basin, Germany. Marine and Petroleum Geology 95, 228-245 doi External Link
  54. Wuestefeld, P., de Medeiros, M., Koehrer, B., Sibbing, D., Kobbelt, L., Hilgers, C. 2018. Evaluation of a workflow to derive t-LiDAR fracture statistics of a tight gas sandstone reservoir analog. AAPG Bulletin 102(11), 2355-2387. doi External Link
  55. Busch, B., Hilgers, C., Lander, R.H., Bonnell, L.M., Adelmann, D. 2018. Reservoir quality and burial model evaluation by kinetic quartz and illite cementation modeling: Case study of Rotliegendes, north Germany. AAPG Bulletin 102(2), 293-307. doi External Link
  56. Becker I, Wuestefeld P, Koehrer B, Felder M, Hilgers C 2017. Heterogeneity of porosity and permeability in a tight gas sandstone reservoir analogue, Westphalian D, NW Germany: The influence of depositional setting, sedimentary architecture, and diagenesis. Journal of Petroleum Geology 40(4), 363-389 doi External Link
  57. Manss Y, Hilgers C, Buddenbaum H, Stanjek H 2017. Visualizing mineralogical heterogeneities and texture in a mudstone concretion using hyperspectral imaging. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 168, 403-414 doi External Link
  58. Wuestefeld P, Hilse U, Lueders V, Wemmer K, Koehrer B, Hilgers C 2017. Kilometer-scale fault-related thermal anomalies in tight gas sandstones. Marine and Petroleum Geology 86, 288-303 doi External Link
  59. Wuestefeld P, Hilse U, Koehrer B, Adelmann D, Hilgers C 2017. Critical evaluation of an Upper Carboniferous tight gas sandstone analog: Diagenesis and petrophysical aspects. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 86, 689-710 doi External Link
  60. Hammann E, Madlener R, Hilgers C 2017. Economic feasibility of a Compressed Air Energy Storage system under market uncertainty: a real options approach. Energy Procedia, 105, 3798-3805 doi External Link
  61. Busch B, Hilgers C, Gronen L, Adelmann D 2017. Cementation and structural diagenesis of fluvio-aeolian Rotliegend sandstones, northern England. Journal of the Geological Society, 174(5), 855ff doi External Link 
  62. Hilgers C, Rüde TR 2016. Geologie im Dreiländereck Deutschland - Belgien - Niederlande. Eine Übersicht zum Exkursionsprogramm. Jahresberichte geologische Mitteilungen des oberrheinischen geologischen geologischen Vereins, NF98, 7-12 doi External Link
  63. Hilgers C 2016. Geologische Traverse von der Wurm-Mulde in die Niederrheinische Bucht. Jahresberichte geologische Mitteilungen des oberrheinischen geologischen geologischen Vereins, NF98, 91-121 doi External Link
  64. Krott, D., Hilgers, C., Buecker, C. 2015. Facies delineation by using a multivariate statistical model from onshore wells in the Nile delta. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 166(4):375-390 doi External Link
  65. Manss, Y., Hilgers, C., Vraetz, T., Bartnitzki, T., Nienhaus, K., Buddenbaum, H. 2015.  Combined hyperspectral and Lidar-technology to optimize the location of drilling grids during mining (in German). Georesources 03/2015, 35-39
  66. Benjamin Busch, Rebecca Winkler, Keyvan Osivandi, Georg Nover, Alexandra Amann-Hildenbrand, Christoph Hilgers 2015. Evolution of small-scale flow barriers in German Rotliegend siliciclastics. In: Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction, in the Geological Society, London, Special Publications series, 435, 141-160 doi External Link
  67. Budny, C., Madlener, R., Hilgers, C. 2015. Economic Feasibility of Pipeline and Underground Reservoir Storage Options for Power-to-Gas Load Balancing. Energy Conversion and Management, 102, 258-266 doi External Link
  68. Ankit, K., Selzer, M., Hilgers, C., Nestler, B. 2015. Phase-Field Modeling of Fracture Cementation Processes in 3-D. Journal of Petroleum Science Research, 4, 79-96 online External Link
  69. Becker, S., Nollet, S., Laux, D., Nguyen, H.T., Fernandez-Steeger, T.M., Hilgers, C 2014. Methods to analyze fracture orientation patterns in Lower Carboniferous carbonate reservoir analogues in the Voreifel, Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 165, 319-330. doi External Link
  70. Budny, C., Madlener, R., Hilgers, C. 2014. Economic Feasibility of Pipeline and Underground Reservoir Storage Options for Power-to-Gas Load Balancing. EnergyProcedia 61, 2201-2205 doi External Link
  71. Wuestefeld, P., Hilgers, C. et al. 2014. Reservoir Heterogeneity in Upper Carboniferous Tight Gas Sandstones: Lessons Learned From an Analog Study. SPE-167793-MS doi External Link
  72. Trautwein-Bruns, U., Hilgers, C., Becker, S., Urai, J.L., Kukla, P.A. 2011. Fracture and fault systems characterising the intersection between the Lower Rhine Embayment and the Ardennes-Rhenish Massif – results from the RWTH-1 well, Aachen, Germany. Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 162/3, p. 251–276. doi External Link
  73. Becker, S., Hilgers, C., Kukla, P.A., Urai, J. 2011 Crack-seal microstructure evolution in bi-mineralic quartz–chlorite veins in shales and siltstones from the RWTH-1 well, Aachen, Germany. Journal of Structural Geology 33 (4): 676-689 doi External Link
  74. Arndt, M., Virgo, S., Sobisch, Z., Holland, M., Hilgers, C., Urai, J. 2010 A World-class Exposure of a Fossil High Pressure Cell on the Southern Flank of Jabal Shams in the Oman Mountains" Al Hajar, Feb (16), 3-7
  75. Nollet, S., Koerner, T., Kramm, U., Hilgers, C. 2009 Precipitation of fracture fillings and cements in the Buntsandstein (NW Germany). Geofluids, 9(4), 373 - 385 doi External Link
  76. Sindern, S., Warnsloh, J.M., Trautwein-Bruns, U., Chatziliadou, M., Becker, S., Yüceer, S., Hilgers, C., Kramm, U. 2008 Geochemical composition of sedimentary rocks and imprint of hydrothermal fluid flow at the Variscan front - an example from the RWTH-1 well (Germany). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 159(4), 623-640 doi External Link
  77. Van Noten, K., Hilgers, C., Urai, J. L., Sintubin, M. 2008 Late burial to early tectonic quartz veins in the periphery of the High-Ardenne Slate Belt (Rursee, North Eifel, Germany). Geologica Belgica 11(3-4), 179-198.
  78. Schléder, Z., Urai, J. L., Nollet, S., Hilgers, C. 2008 Solution-precipitation creep and fluid flow in halite: a case study of Zechstein (Z1) rocksalt from Neuhof salt mine (Germany).  International Journal of Earth Sciences 97(5), 1045-1056 doi External Link Details
  79. Sindern, S., Stanjek, H., Hilgers, C., Etoundi, Y. 2007 Short-term hydrothermal effects on the ‘crystallinities’ of illite and chlorite in the footwall of the Aachen-Faille du Midi thrust fault - first results of the RWTH-1 drilling project. Clay and Clay Minerals, 55(2), 200-212 doi External Link
  80. Hilgers, C., Kirschner, D.L., Breton, J.-P., Urai, J.L. 2006 Fracture sealing and fluid overpressures in limestones of the Jabal Akhdar dome, Oman mountains. Geofluids, 6, 168-184 doi External Link
  81. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2006 Experimental study of polycrystal growth from an advecting supersaturated fluid in a model fracture. Geofluids, 6, 185-200 doi External Link
  82. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S., Schoenherr, J., Urai, J.L. 2006 Paleo-overpressure formation and dissipation in reservoir rocks. OIL GAS European Magazine, 122 (6), 68-73.
  83. Nollet, S., Urai, J.L., Bons, P.D., Hilgers, C. 2005 Numerical simulations of polycrystal growth in veins. Journal of Structural Geology 27(2), 217-230 doi External Link
  84. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2005 On the arrangment of solid inclusions in fibrous veins and the role of the crack-seal mechanism. Journal of Structural Geology 27(3), 481-494 doi External Link
  85. Hilgers, C., Sindern, S. 2005 Textural and isotopic evidence on the fluid source and transport mechanism of antitaxial fibrous mirostructures from the Alps and the Appalachians. Geofluids, 5, 239-250 doi External Link
  86. Kenis, I., Urai, J.L., van der Zee, W., Hilgers, C., Sintubin, M. 2005 Rheology of fine-grained siliciclastic rocks in the middle crust – evidence from a combined structural and numerical analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 233, 351-360 doi External Link
  87. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C. 2005 Sealing of fluid pathways in overpressure cells: a case study from the Buntsandstein in the Lower Saxony Basin (NW Germany). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 94, 1039-1055 doi External Link
  88. Hilgers, C., Dilg-Gruschinski, K., Urai, J.L. 2004 Microstructural evolution of syntaxial veins formed by advective flow. Geology 32(3), 261-264 doi External Link
  89. Hilgers, C., Tenthorey, E. 2004 Fracture sealing of quartzite under a temperature gradient: Experimental results. Terra Nova, 16(4), 173- 178 doi External Link
  90. Hilgers, C., Dilg-Gruschinski, K., Urai, J.L. 2003 Microstructures grown experimentally from advective supersaturated solution and their implication for natural vein systems. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 78-79, 221-225 doi External Link
  91. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2002 Experimental study of syntaxial vein growth during lateral fluid flow in transmitted light: first results. Journal of Structural Geology 24 (6-7), 1029-1043 doi External Link
  92. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2002 Microstructural observations on natural syntectonic fibrous veins: Implications for the growth process. Tectonophysics 352, 257-274 doi External Link
  93. Hilgers, C., Koehn, D., Bons, P.D., Urai, J.L. 2001 Development of crystal morphology during unitaxial growth in a progressively widening vein: II. Numerical simulations of the evolution of antitaxial fibrous veins. Journal of Structural Geology 23, 873-885 doi External Link Details
  94. Urai, J. L., Spaeth, G., van der Zee, W., Hilgers, C. 2001 Evolution of Mullion (formerly Boudin) structures in the Variscan of the Ardennes and Eifel. Journal of the Virtual Explorer Vol. 3, 17 pp. doi External Link
  95. Koehn, D., Bons, P.D., Hilgers, C., Passchier, C.W. 2001 Animations of progressive fibrous vein and fringe formation."; 2001; In: Ailleres, L. and Rawling, T. Animations in Geology. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, doi External Link
  96. Hilgers, C., Kraus, W., Urai, J.L. 2000 Development of flow-through cells for dynamic in-situ observation of crystal growth in transmitted-light microscopy. Der Präparator 46, 73-84
  97. Urai, J.L., Hilgers, C., v.d. Zee, W. 2000 Die Quantifizierung der Verformung durch Winkel: Das Werk von Hans Breddin. Mitteilungen zur Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogelogie 76, 115-118
  98. Koehn, D., Hilgers, C., Bons, P.D., Passchier, C.W. 2000 Numerical simulation of fibre growth in antitaxial strain fringes. Journal of Structural Geology 22, 1311-1324

Conference Proceedings

please find the newest ones on my ResearchGate site

  1. Cheng C, Busch B, Hilgers C 2023 A microfluidic study into salt precipitation in saline aquifers induced by continuous CO2 injection. EAGE Vienna extended abstract, reviewed.
  2. Wessel, M., Madlener, R., Hilgers, C. 2016. Turning brown into green electricity: Economic feasability of pumped storage hydropower plants in open pt mines. International conference on Operations Research "Decision Making" OR 2016, Hamburg 30.8.-02.09.2016
  3. Hammann, E., Madlener, R., Hilgers, C. 2016 Economic feasability  of compressed air energy storage under market uncertainty: A real options approach. 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2016, 08.-11.10.2016, Beijing, China.
  4. Hammann, E., Madlener, R., Hilgers, C. 2016 Economic feasability of compressed air energy storage under market uncertainty: A real options approach. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2016 Fine Tuning Decisions, 13.-16.11.2016, Nashville, Tennessee
  5. Fabian Stähr, Philipp M Richter, Franziska Holz, Reinhard Madlener, Christoph Hilgers 2015. Natural Gas Supply Diversification in Eastern Europe and Long-Term Opportunities from Domestic Shale Gas Resources: A Modelling Approach Using the Global Gas Model. 38th IAEE International Conference, Antalya, Türkei, 25.05.2015 - 27.05.2015
  6. Fabian Stähr, Reinhard Madlener, Christoph Hilgers and Franziska Holz 2015. Modeling the Geopolitics of Natural Gas: LNG Exports from the US to Eastern Europe. FCN Working Paper No.  External Link15/20 External Link15 External Link
  7. Becker, I., Wuestefeld, P., Hilgers, C., Koehrer, B. 2015. Sealing and leaching processes around normal faults in Upper Carboniferous tight gas sandstones from outcrop analog studies. Geotectonic Research, 97(1), 123
  8. von Hagke C, Urai JL, Reicherter K, Wellmann F, Hilgers C (eds) 2015. Special Issue DRT2015. Geotectonic Research 97(1), vii
  9. Hufe, A., Stanjek, H., Hilgers, C. 2012. Diffusion-controlled cementation experiments with potash alum and halite in porous rock analogues. Geotag 2012, RWTH Aachen University, received a poster award
  10. Steindorf, P., Nguyen, H., Ferandez-Steeger, T., Hilgers, C. 2012. Structural diagenesis of an unconvential Upper CArbonifersou reservoir analogue. Geotag 2012, RWTH Aachen University
  11. Viße, R., Rattmann, L., Hilgers, C. 2012. Basic conditions for the development of a CO2 transport infrastructure in Germany - dimensions and limits of a network approach. Geotag 2012, RWTH Aachen University, received a poster award
  12. Vogel, K., Madlener, R., Hilgers, C. 2012. Zahlungsbereitschaften und Energieeinsparpotentiale bei der Nutzung oberflächennaher Geothermie in Industriegebieten: Fallstudie Willich (NRW). Geotag 2012, RWTH Aachen University
  13. Pietrella, S., Salamon, M., Hilgers, C. 2012. Migration pathways in Upper Carboniferous unconventional reservoirs, southern Ruhr Area, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. TSK 14, Kiel
  14. Dati, F., Mazzoli, S., Vitale, S., Nollet, S., Hilgers, C. 2012. Correlation of joints and fracture cements in Cretaceous carbonate rocks, Mt. Chianello, Italy. TSK 14, Kiel
  15. Laux, D., Fernandez-Steeger, T., Muchez, P., Hilgers, C. 2012. Joint pattern and vein formation in a fractured carbonate reservoir analogue, Eifel, Germany. TSK 14, Kiel
  16. Laux, D., Fernandez-Steeger, T., Hilgers, C. 2012 Using terrestrial laser scanning to investigate the joint pattern of a fractured carbonate reservoir analogue, Eifel, Germany. TSG Annual Meeeting Edinburgh
  17. Niederau, J., Hilgers, C. 2012 Crystallization-force experiments in porous microreactors. TSG Annual Meeting Edinburgh.
  18. Antrett, P., Vackiner, A. A., Hilgers, C.,  Wollenberg, U., Kukla, P., Urai, J., Stollhofen, H. 2011. Nano-scale porosity analysis of a Permian tight gas reservoir. AAPG International Conference Milan, 23.-26. Oct., Search and Discovery Article #90135.
  19. Beckers, M., Bertier, P., Stanjek, H., Hilgers, C. 2011 Design and evaluation of a transparent see-through micro-vessel for reactive flow of CO2-charged fluids. Geotag 2011, RWTH Aachen University.
  20. Niederau, J., Grossmann, Hilgers, C. 2011. Micromodel experiments regarding nucleation and dynamic crystallization in porus media. Geotag 2011, RWTH Aachen University
  21. Laux, D., Fernandez-Steeger, T. Hilgers, C. 2011 Study of the vein network and creation of a digital outcrop model of the astenrath & Bernhardshammer quarries (Carboniferous limestones) using a combination of Lidar and classical field work. Geotag 2011, RWTH Aachen University
  22. Pietrella, S., Salamon, M., Hilgers, C. 2011 Field-work at RPR regarding the exploration of possible unconventional gas deposits in the southern Ruhr area. Geotag 2011, RWTH Aachen University
  23. Virgo, S., Arndt, M., Stenhouse, P., Cox, S.F., Hilgers, C., Urai, J. 2011 Evolution of a crack-seal calcite vein network in limestone (a high resolution structural, microstructural and geochemical study from the Jebel Akhdar high pressure cell, Oman Mountains).  Geotag 2011, RWTH Aachen University
  24. Virgo, S., Arndt, M., Stenhouse, P., Hilgers, C., Cox, S.F., Urai, J. 2011 Evolution of a crack-seal calcite vein network in limestone : a high resolution structural, microstructural and geochemical study from the Jebel Akhdar high pressure cell, Oman Mountains. EGU General Assembly. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, pp. EGU2011-3573-1. Hall XL / Mon, 04 Apr, 08:00–19:30, Poster XL317
  25. Urai, J., Stauble, B., Hilgers, C., Kukla, P.A., De Lugt, I., Bernecker, M. 2008 Harnessing technology in Geoscience teaching and Research: Examples from the German University of Technology GUtech in Oman. International Conference on Harnessing Technology, Muscat, Oman, 12-13 October 54-55
  26. Van Noten, K., Hilgers, C., Urai, J., Sintubin, M. 2008 The record of a tectonic inversion in the Lower Devonian Ardenne-Eifel basin (Belgium, Germany): a switch from bedding-normal to bedding parallel quartz vein. TSG Annual Meeting, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium, 8th-11th January, 2008, 7
  27. J. Schneider, J., Sindern, S., Hilgers, C., Chatziliadou, M., Beiss , V., Wijbrans, J., Kramm, U., von Quadt, A. 2008 Timing of mineralizing fluid flow events in the NW Rhenohercynian Belt.  Geo2008 – Resources and Risks in the Earth System, Aachen, 159
  28. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S., Urai, J. 2008 Cementation of fractures and faults – micro- to basin scale. Geo2008 – Resources and Risks in the Earth System, Aachen
  29. Sindern, S., Warnsloh, J.M., Trautwein-Bruns, U., Chatziliadou, M., Becker, S., Hilgers, C., Kramm, U., Schneider, J. 2008 Geochemical composition of sedimentary rocks and imprint of hydrothermal fluid flow at the Variscan front – an example from the RWTH-1 well.  Geo2008 – Resources and Risks in the Earth System, Aachen, p. 160
  30. Hilgers, C., Stäuble, B., Schmitt, R. 2008 Internationalisation of German study programmes – case study Oman". Geo2008 – Resources and Risks in the Earth System, keynote Session 15: Education and Public Outreach, p.219
  31. Urai, J. L., Stauble, B., Hilgers, C., Kukla, P. A., De Lugt, I., Bernecker, M. 2008 Harnessing technology in Geoscience teaching and Research: Examples from the German University of Technology GUtech in Oman. International Conference on Harnessing Technology, Muscat, Oman, 12-13 October, 54-55. Details
  32. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S., Urai, J. L. 2008 Cementation of fractures and faults – micro- to basin scale. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 60, 71.
  33. van Noten, K., Sintubin, M., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2007 On the formation of bedding-perpendicular and bedding-parallel quartz veins in the Rhenohercynian fold-and-thrust belt: late burial or early tectonic ? TSG Annual Meeting, 3-5 January 2007, Glasgow
  34. Schleder, Z., Schoenherr, J., Nollet, S., Urai, J., Hilgers, C., Kukla, P.A., Ralf Littke, R. 2006 Limits to the sealing capacity of Halite. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 April 8, p. 181
  35. Chatziliadou, M., Hilgers, C., Sindern, S. 2006 Fluid flow and ore deposits in limestone. TSK11, Göttingen, Germany, March 24-25
  36. Hilgers, C., Pennock, G., Schleder, Z., Burliga, S., Urai, J.L. 2006 Microstructures of fibrous halite veins. TSK 11, Goettingen
  37. Hilgers, C., Kirschner, D., Nollet, S., Breton, J.P., Urai, J.L. 2006 Fracture Sealing in Sedimentary Rocks: Micro- to Basin-Scale Processes. Geo2006 - 7th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 27 – 29 March 2006, Bahrain
  38. Hilgers, C., Schleder, Z., Urai, J.L. 2006 Microstructures in Halite Veins and Their Implication on the Bulk Permeability of Rock. Geo2006 - 7th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 27 – 29 March 2006, Bahrain
  39. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S. 2006 Fluiddynamik in sedimentären Becken - Bruchversiegelung im Buntsandstein (niedersächsisches Becken. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2006-1, 101-110 (ISBN 3-936418-48-9).
  40. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S., Kirschner, D.L., Urai, J.L. 2005 Fluid-Migration und Bildung von versiegelten Klüften in Überdruckzonen - Fallstudien von Sandstein- und Kalkstein Reservoiren. DGMK-Tagungsbericht 2005-1, 73-83 (ISBN 3-936418-35-7).
  41. Cifola, D., Hilgers, C., Mazzoli, S. 2ßß5 Scaling properties and microstructures of calcite veins in limestones, Southern Apennines, Italy. TSG annual meeting, Plymouth
  42. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2005 Fluid flow and overpressures in the Buntsandstein, Lower Saxony, NW Germany. TSG annual meeting, Plymouth
  43. Hilgers, C., Kirschner, D., Breton, J.-P., Urai, J. 2005 Fracture sealing events in Mesozoic limestone of Jebel Akdhar dome, Oman mountains. TSG annual meeting, Plymouth
  44. Cifola, D., Hilgers, C., Mazzoli, S. 2005 Quantitative field and microstructural analyses on en echelon vein arrays hosted in limestones, southern Apennines, Italy. Rendiconti della Societa' Geologica Italiana 1 Nuova Serie, 86-87
  45. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S., Kirschner, D., Urai, J.L. 2005 Fluid migration und Bildung von versiegelten Klueften in Ueberdruckzonen - Fallstudien von Sandstein- und Kalkstein-Reservoiren. DGMK meeting, Celle, 4/2005.
  46. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S., Urai, J.L. 2005 Some constraints on growth conditions drawn from microstructures in veins. DRT meeting, Zurich, 5/2005.
  47. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2005 Palaeo-overpressures in the Lower Saxony Basin (NW Germany) as derived from veins. DRT meeting, Zurich, 5/2005.
  48. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S., Urai, J.L. 2005 Fracture sealing processes: microstructural and regional aspects. STOMP meeting, Townsville, 9/2005.
  49. Hilgers, C., Kirschner, D.L., Breton, J.-P., Urai, J.L. 2005 Fluid Flow, Overpressures and Fracture Sealing Events in Mesozoic Limestones, Jebel Akhdar Dome, Oman Mountains. AAPG meeting, Paris, 9/2005.
  50. Schenk, O., Urai, J.L., Hilgers, C., Scherberich, F.-D. 2005 Fluid-assisted grain boundary migration in recrystallising bischofite – first results of in-situ HPHT deformation experiments in transmitted light. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beih. Z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 17(1), 117.
  51. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2005 Crystal growth in fractures - results from see-through experiments. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beih. Z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 17(1), 97.
  52. Hilgers, C., Kirschner, D.L., Breton, J.-P.., Urai, J.L. 2005 Transport processes and vein microstructures in deformed sedimentary rocks. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beih. Z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 17(1), 56.
  53. Chatziliadou, M., Sindern, S., Hilgers, C. Kramm, U. 2005 Spurenelementverteilung in Gesteinen der RWTH-1 Bohrung, Aachen. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beih. Z. European Journal of Mineralogy, 17(1), 22.
  54. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S. 2005 Paleo-overpressures in sedimentary basins: in situ stresses and transport mechanisms. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, Heft 39, 168.
  55. Hilgers, C., Nollet, S. 2005 Fracture sealing processes in the Buntsandstein - comparison of nature and see-through experiments. Terra Nostra 2005/5, 47-50.
  56. Hilgers, C., Kuehn, M. 2005 Fluid dynamics in the NW German basin and reactive transport modelling. Terra Nostra 2005/5, 44-46.
  57. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2005 Syntectonic vein microstructures: an overview. AGU Fall Meeting. Special session on The Dynamics of Crustal Permeability: From Syntectonic Veins to Earthquakes, presiding: David Wiltschko, Texas A&M & Christoph Hilgers, RWTH
  58. Nollet, S., Urai, J.L., Hilgers, C. 2004 Simulation of fracture sealing by advective flow using see-through experiments. Terra Nostra 2004/01, p.63.
  59. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2004 On the arrangement of solid inclusions in fibrous veins - implications for the growth mechanism. Terra Nostra 2004/01, p.32.
  60. Nollet, S., Urai, J.L., Hilgers, C. 2004 Experimental study of fracture sealing by advective flow. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 6, 2004 (EGU, Nice).
  61. Nollet, S., Urai, J.L., Hilgers, C. 2004 Microstructural study of fracture sealing in the Buntsandstein (Lower Saxony basin, Germany). Gordon Research Conference, South Hadley MA, August 8-13
  62. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2004 Inferences on the crack-seal mechanism from solid inclusions in fibrous veins. Gordon Research Conference, South Hadley MA, August 8-13
  63. Nollet, S., Urai, J.L., Hilgers, C. 2004 Microstructural observations of veins in the Buntsandstein (Lower Saxony Basin). Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 34, 57 (GeoLeipzig 2004, 29.09-01.10.2004).
  64. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2004 Fluid history and evolution of in-situ stress derived from veins in the Buntsandstein, Lower Saxony, NW Germany. Terra Nostra 2004/05, 67-70
  65. Kenis, I., Urai, J.L., van der Zee, W., Hilgers, C., Sintubin, M. 2004 Rheology of fine-grained siliciclastic rocks deforming in the middle crust. AGU fall meeting, V21A-0593
  66. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2003 Numerical modelling of microstructures formed by fracture sealing processes. DRT conference, St. Malo, France, 14.-16.04.2003
  67. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2003 Fracture sealing processes in the Buntsandstein - comparison of nature and see-through experiments. SPP 1135 Workshop: Temperaturentwicklung, KW-Systeme, Fluide und Salze, BGR, Hannover, 18.06.2003.
  68. Nollet, S., Urai, J.L., Hilgers, C. 2003 Fracture sealing processes in the Buntsandstein. Terra Nostra 2003/07, 4pp.
  69. Sindern, S., Hilgers, C. 2003 Growth of syntectonic fibrous veins derived from d13C-, d18O- and 87Sr/86Sr-data. 81. Jahrestagung der DMG, Bochum, 22.-25.9.2003.
  70. Hilgers, C., van der Zee, W., Urai, J.L. 2002 Analogmodellierung - Sandbox- und Durchlichtexperimente. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Sb3 (TSK 9 conference, keynote), p.45
  71. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2002 Syntectonic fibrous veins - critical aspects and recent developments. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen, Sb3 (TSK 9 conference), p.44-45
  72. Nollet, S., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2002 Fracture sealing processes in the Buntsandstein - project overview and first results. 1. Rundgespraech DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm, Schloss Eringerfeld, Geseke, 28.-29.11.2002
  73. Urai, J.L., Spaeth, G., van der Zee, W., Hilgers, C. 2001 Evolution of Mullion (formerly Boudin) structures in the Variscan of the Ardennes and Eifel. DRT conference in Noordwijkerhout, p. 168
  74. Koehn, D., Bons, P.D., Hilgers, C., Passchier, C.W. 2001 Numerical modelling of crystal textures in dilation sites. DRT conference in Noordwijkerhout, Workshop B: The theoretical modelling of microstructures, p. 196
  75. Hilgers, C., Dilg-Gruschinski, K., Urai, J.L. 2001 Vein gorwth in fractures by lateral advection: Implications from in-situ experiments in transmitted-light microscopy. DRT conference in Noordwijkerhout, p. 75
  76. Hilgers, C., Kunze, K., Urai, J.L. 2001 Microstructural and texture analysis of antitaxial fibrous veins - first results. DRT conference in Noordwijkerhout, p. 74
  77. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2001 Precipitation from supersaturated fluids in fractures: An integrated approach. Earth System Processes - Programmes with Abstracts, p. 38-39
  78. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2001 Fracture Sealing Experiments in Transmitted Light Microscopy. Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H12B-0297, 2001 Details
  79. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2001 Precipitation from supersaturated fluids in fractures: An intergrated approach. Earth System Processes-Global Meeting (June 24-28,2001) Details
  80. Eric Tenthorey, Stephen Cox and Christoph Hilgers 2001 Fluid flow, vein formation and permeability evolution in the Earth's Crust. Petrophysics Group Annual Report 2001, Australian National University Details
  81. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2000 Experimental and numerical study of crystal growth in syntaxial veins. Terra Nostra, 00/1, 58.
  82. Hilgers, C. ,Bueker, C., Urai, J.L., Littke, R., Post, A.D., van der Zee, W., Kraus, J. 2000 Field study of an exhumed lower Devonian high pressure reservoir. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.2, SE34, 47. Details
  83. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 2000 Fluid flow in fractures and vein growth: insights from in-situ experiments. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 2 SE34, 48. Details
  84. Bueker, C., Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L., Littke, R., Post, A.D., v.d. Zee, W., Kraus, J. 2000 Field study of an exhumed Lower Devonian high pressure reservoir. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft der Geologie und Bergbaustudenten in Oesterreich, 43, 31.
  85. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 1999 Experimental and numerical study of syntaxial vein growth."; 2000; Suppl. EOS, 81(48), F1184
  86. Hilgers, C., Bons, P.D., Urai, J.L. 1999 Numerical simulation of the evolution of antitaxial fibrous veins. Deformation mechanisms rheology microstructures, 93. Details
  87. Hilgers, C. Bons, P.D., Urai, J.L. 1999 Numerical simulation of antitaxial fibrous vein growth. Terra Nostra, 99/1, 105.
  88. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. 1999 Syntectonic antitaxial fibrous vein growth: inferences from the microstructure of natural samples."; 1999; Goettinger Arb. Geol. Palaeont., Sb4, 70-72.
  89. Hilgers, C., Bons, P.D., Urai, J.L. 1998 Numerical simulation of natural fibrous vein microstructure. Canadian TSG annual meeting Details
  90. Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L., Post, A.D., Bons, P.D. 1997 Fibrous veins: Numerical and experimental simulations. Aardkundige Medelingen 8, 19-22. Details
  91. Bresser, G., Hilgers, C., Walter 1996 Detailed studies on structure and metamorphism within the SW-Irish Variscides. A profile from Bantry to Killarney. TSG annual meeting, Birmingham. Details

Edited Volumes

  • Quandt D, Rudolph T, Hilgers C 2022/2023 (eds.). Post-Mining: Geomonitoring, process understanding, and utilisation of former mining areas. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften Band, 173 Heft 4 (2023)
  • Laubach, S.E., Eichhubl, P., Hilgers, C., Lander, R.H. (eds.) 2010. Structural diagenesis. Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 32, Issue 12, December 2010, Pages 1866-1872
  • Hilgers, C., Urai, J.L. (eds) 2007. Special Issue TSK10. Geotectonic Research 95, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 114 pp
  • Hilgers, C. 2004 (ed.). TSK X 10. Symposium Tektonik, Struktur- und Kristallingeologie - conference volume. Terra Nostra, 2004/01, 108pp., ISSN 0946 8978

PhDs completed

  1. Jonas Greve, defense 4/2024 Controls of sedimentary facies and diagenesis on reservoir and thermal properties in coal-bearing Upper Carboniferous siliciclastic rocks KIT Open DOI 1000179702
  2. Felix Allgaier, defense 4/2024  defense 2024 Reactivation potential of fractures and faults. DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000178417
  3. Dr. Katharina Steiger, defense 2023. Herausforderungen bei der Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands. KITopen-DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000163528 
  4. Dr. Olajide Jonathan Adamolekun, defense 2022. Reservoir quality controls and reservoir modelling of continental to transitional shallow marine sedimentary basins of Southern Nigeria. KIT Scientific Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-7315-1287-5, PhD thesis
  5. Dr. Alexander Monsees, defense 2021. Diagenetic controls on fluid flow and mechanical properties in Rotliegend reservoir sandstones. KIT Scientific Publishing, ISBN 978-3-7315-1107-6,  PhD thesis
  6. Dr. Christina Schmidt, defense 2020. Compaction and cementation controls on reservoir quality in Buntsandstein red bedsKIT Scientific Publishing, ISBN 978-3-7315-1154-0, PhD thesis
  7. Dr. Ivy Becker, defense 2018. Structural and diagenetic controls on reservoir quality in tight siliciclastic and carbonate rocks. KIT Scientific Publishing, ISBN 978-3-7315-0836-6, PhD thesis External Link 
  8. Dr. Patrick Wuestefeld, defense 2017. Structure and diagenesis in Upper Carboniferous tight gas reservoirs in NW Germany. ISBN 9783731507345, PhD thesis External Link
  9. Dr. Benjamin Busch, defense 2016. Impact of grain coats on quartz overgrowth and reservoir properties. ISBN 9783731506669, PhD thesis External Link
  10. Dr. Sofie Nollet. defense 2006. Fracture sealing processes in sedimentary basins - a multi-scale approach. ISBN 978-3-8322-5167-3, PhD thesis External Link

PhDs ongoing

Yildirim, Melike, Comprehensive risk analysis of critical raw materials supply chains addressing environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Hilgers / Schmidt, start likely 04/2024, Klirec project, Hilgers

Ölmez, Jasemin. Carbonate diagenesis and raw materials assessment. Hilgers

Chen, Yonghui. Experiment rock mechanics, start 01/2024, 4 yr scholarship, Hilgers

Juhasz, Dorina Rita. CO2 sealing integrity of rocks for CCS. DBU, Hilgers

Castillo, Alejandro Arias. Die Rolle der Kreislaufwirtschaft im Maschinen- und Anlagensektor: Bewertung der Zielkonflikte von Strategien der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Viere / Hilgers, start 01.06.2024

Maechtlen, Surya. Ressourcen und Energiewende: Nachhaltigkeit im Wohnsektor. Eine Evaluation unterschiedlicher Lenkungsstrategien und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine nachhaltige Transformation auf der Basis eines LCA-gestützten Energiesystemmodells, Tietze / Hilgers, start 01.01.2024

Fritz, Benjamin. Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung und Vergleich des Goldabbaus und Goldrecyclings unter zu Hilfenahme der Methode der Ökobilanz. Schmidt / Hilgers / Kolb, start  01.11.2023

tbc Aya Rais, Assistant working on the Klirec project (will start probably from 09, or 10.2024, Hilgers


Supervised BSc and MSc Theses:

Research theses, ongoing and completed

  1. Möckel, Ida 2023 Geological and structural analysis of Precambrian to Lower Cambrian formations around the Quansimi Copper Mine in the Western Anti-Atlas of Morocco. BSc AGW, supervision Hilgers, Jasemin Ölmez
  2. Tan, Jie 2023 3D Subsurface Modelling of the Saarland Coal Mining Area with Regard to Mine Flooding. MSc AGW supervisors Hilgers, 
  3. Baumgartner, Luis 2023 Machbarkeitsstudie der Power-to-Gas Produktion von grünem Wasserstoff in Baden-Württemberg - Evaluierung der Herausforderungen und Chancen. MSc AGW KIT, supervisors Hilgers, Schultmann
  4. Pistor, Frederic, 2023 Coupling Rock Properties and Rock Types of Cretaceous Limestone at the Enguri Dam Georgia to Infer Geomechanical Aspects. MSc AGW KIT, supervisors: Hilgers, Quandt
  5. Alvarado de la Barrera, Aura 2023 3D Subsurface Modelling of the Ibbenbüren Coal Mining Area MSc AGW KIT 
  6. Ludwig, Carina 2022 Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung von Kontrollfaktoren potenzieller Reservoirqualitäten ausgewählter Lithologien des Buntsandsteins. MSc GeoWi Heidelberg am AGW KIT, Supervisors: Glasmacher, Hilgers
  7. Dold, Deborah 2021 Geomechanische Untersuchungen des Bebertalsandsteins und strukturgeologische Auswertung mit FracPaQ. MSc AGW, Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, Julia Leuthold (IBF)
  8. Martin, Simon 2020 Kluftanalyse des Oberkarbons und Oberkreide im Ruhrgebeit. BSc AGW KIT, Hilgers Busch
  9. Allgaier, Felix 2020 Simulation of a deeply buried Rotliegend reservoir, Northern Germany. MSc AGW KIT, Hilgers Busch, with WintershallDEA
  10. Jenett, Alexander 2020 Paleogeographic and stratigraphic reconstruction of the Springhill Formation in the Malvinas Basin (Argentina). MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Süss
  11. Kritz, Florian 2020 Beurteilung des Explorationspotentials und Lagerstättenmodellierung von Gips im Mittleren Muschelkalk Deutschlands mit Hilfe von ArcGIS und AutoPlan. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, External Advisors: Matthias Reimann Knauf Gips AG, Dr. Marc Dohmen DHP GmbH, Dr. Michael Bauer LGRB 
  12. Greve, Jonas 2020 Diagenesis of the basal Triassic clastic succession of the Alta Ridge (PL609), with special emphasis on the presence of oversized porosity. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, External Advisor: Dr. Nadine Schöner, WintershallDEA
  13. Präg, Melissa 2020 Geothermal reservoir characterization of faulted and folded turbidite sequences, Waiwera, New Zealand. Supervisors: Hilgers, Becker, External Advisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Kühn GFZ, MSc AGW KIT
  14. Spitzner, Alexander 2019 Structural and diagenetic alteration of Buntsandstein outcrop analogs. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, Becker, External Advisor: Dr. Dirk Adelmann, WintershallDEA
  15. Schär, Samuel 2019 Structural evaluation, fracture network topology and statistical clustering analyses in fractured Lower Buntsandstein reservoir analogs, Upper Rhine Graben. Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, Becker, AGW KIT
  16. Marquardt, Franziska 2019Fault and fracture detection in reservoir rocks. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors; Hilgers, Becker
  17. Schorer, Tobias 2019 LiDAR and photgrammetry: Automatic fracture identification in an Upper Muschelkalk reservoir analog. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Becker, Adivsor: Lena Merz
  18. Strenkert, Manuel 2019 Beschreibung und Interpretation miozäner Sedimente anhand von Bohrkernen. BSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Dr. Ute Gebhardt (Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe)
  19. Flaxmeier, Sarah 2019 MSc AGW KIT Agnes Kontny
  20. Herrmann, Pascal 2017 Magneto-mineralogische Untersuchungen an explosiven Ablagerungen des Popocatépelt Stratovulkans, Mexiko. BSc AGW KIT, Kontny, Hilgers
  21. Herrmann, Kai Pascal 2017 Magnetomineralogische Untersuchungen an explosiven Ablagerungen des Popocatepet Stratovulkans, Mexiko. BSc AGW KIT, Supervisor: Kontny
  22. Gödde, Lisa 2017 Untersuchungen der im Klimaschutzplan verankerten Dekarbonisierungsstrategie am Beispiel eines Ausstiegs aus der Kohleverstromung vor 2050. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Prof. Schwarzbauer, Dr. Larissa Dsikowitzky (durch Wechsel RWTH-KIT an Kollegen)
  23. Spitzner, Alexander-David 2016. Thermomagnetische Untersuchungen an jungen pyroklastischen Ablagerungen des Popocatepetl, Mexiko. BSc AGW KIT, Supervisor: Kontny, Hilgers
  24. Hämmerle, Philipp 2016 Mineralogische Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung der Sulfidvererzungen in der oberen Schieferhülle am Westrand des Tauernfensters (Österreich). MSc AGW KIT Kontny, Hilgers
  25. Schrör, Simon 2016 Analysis and modeling of reservoir quaity in Rotliegend siliciclastics, N-Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Back, Internal Advisor: Busch
  26. Steffens, Bastian 2016 Impact of bouding surfaces on fluid flow in aeolian Rotliegend reservoirs - high-resolution simulation of the reservoir analogue Bebertal. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Back, Hilgers (durch Wechsel RWTH-KIT an Kollegen als Hauptgutachter übertragen), External Advisors: Heinrich Junker DEA, Dr. Christian Bücker DEA, Axel Kellner DEA 
  27. Fuhrmann, Arne 2016. Reservoir quality of the Titan Structure offshore Norway - Sedimentology, petrography and diagenesis in a regional context. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, mit DEA,  Supervisors: Back, Hilgers (durch Wechsel RWTH-KIT an Kollegen als Hauptgutachter übertragen), External Advisor: Dr. Nadine Schöner, DEA
  28. Hamann, Eide 2016. Economic feasibility of a compressed air energy storage system under uncertain future market conditions - a real options approach. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, EON ERC Prof. Madlener
  29. Kley, Melissa 2016. Optimal Solution of Grid Connected Renewables and Energy Storage Systems for Germany. Main supervisor: EON ERC Prof. Madlener, Hilgers Co-supervisor, Beratungsassistent: Dr. Kumar EON ERC RWTH Aachen
  30. Freitag, Simon 2016. Influence of structure, lithology and diagenesis on reservoir heterogeneities in Zechstein fractured carbonates - analog study Nuexei and Tettenborn. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Reuning, with Wintershall, Dr. Köhrer
  31. Waldvogel, Marius 2016. Influence of structure, lithology and diagenesis on reservoir heterogeneities in Zechstein fractured carbonates - analog study Uehrde. with Wintershall, MSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  32. Schmidt, Christina 2015. Implications of bounding surfaces for porous reservoirs. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Back, Internal Advisor: Busch
  33. Steiger, Katharina Julia 2015. Does the U.S. shale gas boom have an influence on the European naphtha based olefin market? Will ethane from European shale gas resrouces play a role in the European olefin market, too? MSc GRM, Jan Schwarzbauer, Hilgers
  34. Becker, Ivy 2015. Structural diagenesis and reservoir heterogeneity of Upper Carboniferous tight gas sandstones in the Lower Saxony Basin: Comparitive study of outcrop analogs and subsurface data. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
  35. Fündgens, Steffen 2015. Geometric analysis of geological fracture surfaces from t-LIDAR datasets. BSc at IT-department RWTH Aachen
  36. Halver, Robert 2015. Standortfaktoren für die geologische Zwischenspeicherung grüner Energie / Site-related factors for the geologival interim storage of green energy. BSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Back
  37. Sunjevaric, Marija 2015. Vergleich des Wirkungsgrades von Druckluft- und konventionellen WEAs mit assoziierten Energiezwischenspeichern / Comparison of the efficency of compressed air- and conventional wind energy plants with associated energy interim storage. BSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Back
  38. Holbeck, Alexander 2015. Methoden der Bildverarbeitung in der automatisierten quantitativen Mineralogie. BSc AGW, Supervisors: Sven Sindern, Hilgers RWTH Aachen
  39. Stähr, Fabian 2015 Natural gas supply diversification in Eastern Eureop and long-term opportunities from domestic shale gas resrouces: A modelling approach using the global gas model. Supervisors: Hilgers, Prof. Madlener EON ERC, External Advisor: Dr. Franziska Holz, DIW Berlin MSc GRM RWTH Aachen
  40. Wessel, Michael 2015. Tuning brown into green electricity - Economic feasability of pumped storage power plants in open pit mines. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Prof. Madlener, EON ERC
  41. Manß, Yasar 2015. Reservoir quality variations of Upper Carboniferous tight-gas-sandstones in NW-Germany: Comparative and integrative core studies of two wells. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Stanjek, Adviser: Wüstefeld, External Advisor: Dr. Köhrer with Wintershall
  42. Krott, Dieter 2014. Facies delineation by using a statistical model with downhole and core data from offshore wells in the Nile delta. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with RWE-DEA
  43. Lehman, Ariane 2014. Restructuring the German electricity market with new energy and environmental policies: a Co-benefit analysis, MSc Eng'g, main supervisor Prof. Madlener RWTH Aachen
  44. Flock, Philipp. 2014. Petrophysical and petrographical characterisation of naturally CO2- altered reservoir and caprock from Green River, Utah (USA). MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, main supervisor Prof. Stanjek
  45. Bamberg, Bob 2014. Aufschlusskartierung entlang eines N-S Profils durch ein permisches Reservoir-Analg, Vale of Eden, N-England (Geological mapping of red bed sediments, England), BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
  46. Kaiser, Leonard 2014. Aufschlusskartierung entlang eines W-E Profils durch ein permisches Reservoir-Analg, Vale of Eden, N-England (Geological mapping of red bed sediments, England), BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
  47. Kummert, Daniel 2014. MEOR - a laboratory study of microbial stimulation of oil reservoirs. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with TU Freiberg and industry
  48. Voss, Marie-Anne 2014. Determination of indicators to evaluate the use of dry and wet salts for road safety in terms of sustainability. (in German) BSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Martens BBK I
  49. Melchert, Jan 2014. Reservoir heterogenity of a fluvial system along a NE-SW section in a tight gas reservoir analogue, Upper Carboniferous, quarry Kuelpmann, W-Germany. (in German) BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Geological Survey NRW
  50. Müller, Markus 2014. Experimental study of CO2-water-rock-interactions in the Werkendam natural analogue (Roet fringe sandstone, West Netherlands basin, NL) MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, co-reviewer
  51. Schrör, Simon 2014. Reservoir heterogeneity of a fluvial system along a NW-SE section in a tight gas reservoir analogue, Upper Carboniferous, Piesberg, NW-Germany. (in German) BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  52. König, Markus 2014. Reservoir heterogenity of a fluvial system along a SW-NE profil in a tight-gas-reservoir analog from the Upper Carboniferous, Piesberg, NW-Germany, BSc AGW (in German) RWTH Aachen
  53. Schmäck, J. 2014. Detailliere Kartierung von Kornueberzuegen in einem Duennschliff einer Rotliegend-Reservoirsandstein-Probe. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  54. Hallenberger, Maximilian, 2014. Geological mapping of the transition of delta to slope siliciclastics, Namurian, Co. Clare, Ireland. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  55. Scheele, Tillman, 2014. Geological mapping around Upper Carboniferous mud diapirs, County Clare, Ireland. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  56. Gaus, Garri 2014. Geological mapping of Upper Carboniferous silicilastics around the Ross Slides, County Clare, Ireland, (in German) BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  57. Nowak, Nadja 2014. Risk analysis to support the introdcution of state-of-the-art longwall equipment in India. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with DMT/IMC GmbH
  58. Popov, Maxim, 2013. Backtesting and evaluation of different trading systems in portfolio managment for natural gas, MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with Trianel and with Prof. Madlener, EON ERC
  59. Stein, Leo 2013. Implementierungsanalyse für die Stoffdeklaration im industriellen Alltag am Beispiel von REACH bei Nutzung der Datenbank BOMcheck. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with Siemens AG
  60. Wübberler, Franziska, 2013. Geological mapping of an Upper Carboniferous turbidite setting, Co. Clare, Ireland. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  61. Budny, Christoph 2013. Economic feasibility of pipeline and underground reservoir storage options for Power-to-Gas load balancing. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Madlener, EON ERC
  62. Delmers, Anne 2013. Geologische Naturdenkmale - Analyse des Status Quo und der touristischen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten mit GIS am Beispiel der Stadt Aachen. GRM RWTH Aachen, with local municipality
  63. Becker, Ivy, 2013. Geological mapping of an Upper Carboniferous delta area, Co. Clare, Ireland. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  64. Winkler, Rebecca 2013. Structural diagenesis of a Rotliegend reservoir in N-Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with RWE
  65. Höhne, Mareen, 2013. Diagenesis and structural development of an unconventional Upper Carboniferous tight gas reservoir analogue, Westphalian D, W-Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
  66. Schwartz, Florian 2013. Structural analysis and 3D-modelling of the Playa Shear Zone at St Ives, Western Australia. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Stephen Cox and Australian company
  67. Busch, Benjamin 2013. Structural diagenesis of unconventional shales and a Rotliegend reservoir in central and northern Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with RWE
  68. Steindorf, Philipp 2013. Variation of gamma-ray, porosity and fractures in an unconventional Upper Carboniferous reservoir analogue, Osnabrück area, NW-Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
  69. Fuhrmann, Arne 2013. Detailed geological mapping of gypsum-anhydrite precipitates in Eocene marls, Muscat, Oman. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  70. Hanstein, Lars 2013. Detailed geologic mapping of Mesozoic source- and reservoir rocks at Lulworth Cove and Kimmeridge Bay, SW England. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  71. Houben, M.E. 2013. In-situ characterization of the microstructure and porosity of Opalinus Clay, PhD, chair of examination board RWTH Aachen
  72. Hufe, A. 2012. Diffusion-controlled cementation experiments with potash alum and halite in porous rock analogues. (poster award GeoTag 2012), MSc GRM RWTH Aachen
  73. Waldvogel, Marius 2012. Mapping of Tertiary sedimentary rocks with special focus on gypsum cementations, Darsayt, Muscat Greater Area, Oman BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Prof. den Brok, Oman
  74. Gilsbach, Lucas 2012. Mapping of Tertiary sedimentary rocks with special focus on gypsum cementations, Darsayt, Muscat Greater Area, Oman. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Prof. den Brok, Oman
  75. Vogel, Klaus 2012. Zahlungsbereitschaften und Energieeinsparpotentiale bei der Nutzung oberflächennaher Geothermie in Industriegebieten: Fallstudie Willich (NRW) /Willingness to pay and possible energy savings by using near-surface geothermal energy in business parks: case study Willich (NRW). MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, in German, with Prof. Madlener, EON ERC and Stadt Willich
  76. Viße, Rabea 2012. Basic conditions for the development of a CO2 transport infrastructure in Germany. (poster award GeoTag 2012), MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with EON
  77. Schmidt, Christina 2012. Geological mapping of North-East Wadi Bani Khalid, A’Sharqiyah Region, Oman. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Prof. den Brok, Oman
  78. Krawielicki, Julia 2012. Geological mapping of South-West Wadi Bani Khalid, A’Sharqiyah Region, Oman. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Prof. den Brok, Oman
  79. Dati, Francesco 2011-2012. Structural diagenesis of a fractured carbonate analogue, S-Italy. PhD Napoli University, with Shell
  80. Hahn, Carolina 2012. Detailed geologic mapping of Mesozoic source- and reservoir rocks at Lulworth Cove and Kimmeridge Bay, SW England. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  81. Niederau, Jan 2012. Crystallization in porous microreactors. with Prof. Stanjek, MSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  82. Pietrella, Stefan 2012. Migration pathways in unconventional reservoirs in North Rhine Westphalia with special focus on coalbed methane and shale gas. with GD NRW, MSc GRM RWTH Aachen
  83. Laux, Dennis 2012. Joint patterns in Lower Carboniferous carbonate rocks (Aachen region). with Dr. Fernandez-Steeger, MSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  84. Beckers, Markus 2011. Design and test of a transparent micro-seethrough vessel for reactive transport of matter through fractures (in German). MSc AGW RWTH Aachen
  85. Laurich, Ben 2011. Multiscale analysis of the structural evolution of the southern flank of the Western Jabal Akhdar anticline, Oman (vein examination, structural mapping, and inverse remote sensing. main supervisor Prof. Urai, MSc GRM RWTH Aachen
  86. Botalova, Oxana 2010. Characterization of organic contaminants in industrial wastewaters from direct discharges and their behavior in fluvial systems of North Rhine-Westphalia. PhD RWTH Aachen, Co-Reviewer
  87. Arndt, Max 2010. Evolution of crack-seal calcite vein network in limestone: a high resolution structural, microstructural and geochemical study from the Jebel Akdhar high pressure cell, Oman Mountains. Diplom, Co-Reviewer RWTH Aachen
  88. Virgo, Simon, 2010. Evolution of crack-seal calcite vein network in limestone: a high resolution structural, microstructural and geochemical study from the Jebel Akdhar high pressure cell, Oman Mountains. Diplom, Co-Reviewer RWTH Aachen
  89. Nile van Heiss 2005. Kartierung von Störungsversiegelung unterkarbonischer Kalksteine in aktiver Erdbebenzone. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  90. Manuel Blumenthal 2005. Kartierung von Naxos, Griechenland. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  91. Ansgar Heimann 2005. 2005. Kartierung von Naxos, Griechenland. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  92. Keyvan Osivandi 2005. 2005. Kartierung von Naxos, Griechenland. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  93. Karin Dilg-Gruschinski 2000. Experimente zum Kristallwachstum in Klüften mit dem Analogmaterial KAl(SO4)2 x 12 H2O. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  94. Karin Dilg-Gruschinski 1999. Geologische Kartierung des Frontalbereiches der Morcles-Decke und deren Übergang zur Diablerets-Decke um Anzeindaz, Westschweiz, im Maßstab 1:7.500. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  95. Michael Weißleder 1999. Geologische Kartierung des Frontalbereiches der Morcles-Decke und deren Übergang zur Diablerets-Decke um Anzeindaz, Westschweiz, im Maßstab 1:7.500. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  96. Ingo Kuhl 1999. Strukturgeologische Kartierung des Gebietes Rursee. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  97. Ulrich Zier 1999. Strukturgeologische Kartierung des Gebietes Rursee. Diplom RWTH Aachen
  98. Marcus Burkhardt 1998. Geologische Kartierung des NE-Kondelwaldes zwischen Bad Bertrich und Alf (Mosel). Diplom. RWTH Aachen

Co-supervised, reviewed and externally-examined PhDs:

  • Hale, Sina Katrin 2022 Coupled hydraulic-mechanical-chemical processes in porous and fractrued rocks. Supervisor Philipp Blum,
  • Lamier, Salome 2020. Generation des fluids, migration et fracturation au sein des roches meres: cas de la formation de la Vaca Muerta, bassin de Neuquen, Argentine. Le Mans University. Rappoteur avant soutenance: Julia Gale, Senior Research Scientists, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jacques Pironon Directeur de recherche CNRS - University Lorraine; Composition de Jury: 1. examineurs: Christoph Hilgers Professur KIT, Jean-Paul Callot Professur University Pau et Pays de l'Adour, 2 .Dir. de thesis: Regis Mourgues, Professeur Le Mans University, 3. Co-dir. de thesis: Alain Zanella, Docteur Le Mans University, Alain Lejay, Docteur TOTAL
  • Berger, Michael Environmenal fate of industrial organic pollutants in a riverine system - a GC/MS-based case study of the Mulde river. Supervisors: Littke, Stanjek, exam. board Hilgers
  • Weber, Christian On the characterization of electric double layers of clay minerals and their relevance for permeabilities and wetting phenomena. Supervisors: Stanjek, Roth, exam. board: Hilgers
  • Zingsheim, Moritz Inertiale Navigation für die Rohstoffindustrie - Entwicklung und Konzeptionierung eines Positions- und Lagebestimmungssystems zur weiterführenden Automatisierung von Betriebsmitteln in der untertägigen Rohstoffgewinnung
  • Kleinow, Rainer 2015. Die Genese von schwer gewinnbaren Tonen und Toneisensteinen im basalen Bereich der Inden-Schichten im Tagebau Hambach. PhD geology Stanjek, Vorsitz RWTH Aachen
  • Ankit, Kumar 2015. Phase field modeling of microstructural pattern formation in alloys and geological veins. PhD, Co-supervisor, with Prof Nestler, KIT
  • Böcker, Johannes 2015. Petroleum system and thermal history of the Upper Rhine graben. PhD geology Littke, Vorsitz RWTH Aachen
  • Noorsaleh-Garakani, Sohrab 2015. Fault gouge in sand-clay sequences - a first look in 3D. PhD geology Urai, Vorsitz RWTH Aachen
  • Laurich, Ben 2015. Evolution of microstructure and porosity in faulted Opalinus Clay. PhD geology Urai, Vorsitz RWTH Aachen
  • Arndt, Max 2015. On microstructures, fluid pathways and sealing of fractures in exhumed carbonate reservoir outcrop analogues in the Oman mountains. PhD geology, co-supervisor, EMR-GED RWTH Aachen
  • Zingsheim, Jan Moritz 2015 Inertiale Navigation für die Rohstoffindustrie / inertial naviagation for the mining industry. PhD mining, Vorsitz RWTH Aachen
  • Neumaier, M. 2015. Structural restoration and basin and petroleum systems modeling: Case studies from the Monagas fold and thrust belt, Venezuela and the Moroccan Atlantic margin. PhD geology, Vorsitz RWTH Aachen
  • Antrett, Philipp 2011. Porosity Atlas of tight gas reservoir rocks - high-resolution diagenesis, pore distribution, -geometries, pore throat cements. PhD RWTH Aachen, with Winterhshall
  • van Noten, Koen 2011. Stress-state evolution of the brittle upper crust during early Variscan tectonic inversion. PhD Leuven University, co-reviewer
  • Maria Chatziliadou 2007. Fluid-Wegsamkeiten in einem aktiven Erdbebengebiet: die radiogene Isotopensystematik ausgewählter Mikrostrukturen und deren Implikation für die Entwicklung des Fluidfluss-Systems. PhD, Promotion bei Prof Kramm, DFG Antrag von Sven Sindern und Chris
  • Sofie Nollet, 2005. Fracture sealinprocesses in sedimentary basins - a multiscale approach. PhD RWTH Aachen, Promotion bei J Urai, DFG Antrag von Chris
  • ... and some more


older Projects

  • Hydrocarbon-seepage and its socio-economic impact: proposed international research collaboration on Geological and geochemical aspects of natural hydrocarbon seepage and its socio-economic impact on anthropogenic spills with Azerbaijan and Kazachstan
  • Resources-oriented innovation: proposed research collaboration on RESources-oriented Innovation processes and STructural Change (RESIST) - future concepts for mining landscapes, with social-, engineering-, business- and natural sciences
  • Gas hydrates: proposed research collaboration on Gas hydrates with RWTH mechanical engineering and RWTH mining engineering
  • Grain coating: A 3-year industry funded research project will establish the effects impact of coats in siliciclastic reservoir rocks on reservoir quality
  • Structural diagenesis: A 3-year industry funded research project will quantifiy the relation of secondary porosity creation related to facies and faults
  • Tight Gas Initiative, until 2012: In a coorperation between six institutes within the School of Geosciences at RWTH Aachen University and industry, we estblished how pore space is cemented and how fluid may migrate through such rocks. We focus on the diagenesis and coatings of tight gas rocks using SEM-BIB, optical microscopy and cathodoluminescence, and on the distribution, geometry and evolution of pores and pore throats. RPR submitted the final report in 2012


  • Death of Janos Urai, Geo-Tectonics, Tectonics & Structural Geology Discussion List, 1.6.2023
  • Death of Janos Urai, 06/2023:

    It is with great sadness that we note the death of Prof. Dr. Janos Urai, who died in a climbing accident in Belgium on May 28, 2023.

    Prof. Dr. Janos Lajos Urai was a world-renowned scientist who advanced structural geology with his pioneering, fundamental and application-oriented research work. He combined field work with quantitative experimental and numerical approaches. His topics were cross-scale and ranged from the nanoporosity of cap rocks, recrystallization processes, the rheology of salt rocks, the development of microstructures in veins to the large-scale development of tectonic faults. His H-index of 64 reflects his strong publication record. Janos Urai's excellent academic achievements were recognized by the German Geological Society - Geological Association in 2022 with the Steinmann Medal.

    Janos Urai was born on October 16, 1953 in Budapest, Hungary. He fled from Hungary to the Netherlands with his parents and sister as a teenager. He studied there from 1974-1980 at Leiden University under Henk Zwart. In 1983, he obtained his doctorate under Henk Zwart, whom he followed to the Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, on the subject of "Deformation of wet salt rocks". With Gordon Lister as Wetenschappelijk Hoofdmedewerker (Senior Lecturer) and co-promoter of his dissertation, Chris Spiers as postdoc, as well as Cees Passchier and others, there was a particularly creative and productive environment around Henk Zwart in Utrecht.

    Janos Urai's post-doctoral period took him to the State University of New York at Albany with Win Means in 1984, and between 1985 and 1989, awarded a multi-year C&C Huygens Fellowship, to the University of California at St. Davies (1986) and to Mervin Paterson at the Australian National University in Canberra (1987), where he worked with Dave Olgaard. From 1989 to 1996, Janos Urai then worked as a Senior Research Scientist at Shell in Rijswijk, Netherlands, where he worked with Gary Ingram, among others, on the impermeability of cap rocks.

    Driven by an irrepressible thirst for action, Janos Urai followed the call to RWTH Aachen University in 1996 and established the teaching and research area of Geology - Endogenous Dynamics there with his constantly growing team. Initially equipped with virtually no infrastructure, he was able to develop his professorship into a modern research institute with laboratories for rock deformation, a sandbox laboratory and a Cryo-BIB scanning electron microscope over a period of 24 years, solely through the acquisition of third-party funds.

    Janos Urai was already conducting deformation experiments in the field of recrystallization during his time in Leiden. After his initial microstructural work on dynamic recrystallization under the transmitted light microscope with F.J. Humphreys and S.E. Burrows from Imperial College in London, he successfully developed the experimental approach further in Utrecht. His work with different analogue materials revealed the role of impurities in minerals during recrystallization and the influence of fluids on the development of grain boundary migration. With terrain-based studies such as in the Alps, on Naxos and elsewhere, Janos Urai searched for phenomena that could be coupled with experiments. His time in Utrecht was followed by experimental work on salt deformation, which recorded the influence of creep rates as a function of fluid content. Building on this, numerous studies were carried out that included experimental investigations in specially constructed microreactors as well as terrain-based studies.

    Janos Urai worked in Shell's research laboratory, Rijswjik, on the development of faults with sandbox experiments. Having just been appointed in Aachen, the first sandbox was developed and installed. In-situ measurements of stresses with small sensors and deformation with Particle Image Velocimetry PIV were used to quantify the behavior of multilayer coatings of the same and different rheology during the development, especially of push-offs. His publications analyzed the development of fault seals in the field and in experiments coupled with numerical FEM and DEM modeling. In addition to numerous publications, Janos Urai and Florian Lehner edited a special volume on aspects of tectonic faults published by Springer in 2000 in honor of Georg Mandl.

    From the analysis of grain boundary fluids using CryoRem at the Biology Department of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, Urai in Aachen developed the method of the broad ion beam in Cryo-SEM for geological materials. Ion etching was used to visualize the nanoporosity in claystones, revealing the mineralogical and textural heterogeneities as well as the pores in dense rocks. The role of different clay minerals and microstructures on the sealing properties of the overburden in claystones was also investigated using alternative methods. In addition to scientific issues, applied topics in the field of repository research were also addressed. In 2014, Janos Urai's application-oriented research work with the new cryo-SEM analytics resulted in the spin-off MAP - Microstucture and Pores GmbH, which is managed by his students and offers microstructural analyses on the international market.

    In addition to his professorship at RWTH Aachen University, Janos Urai has been involved in the establishment of the German University of Technology GUtech in Muscat, Oman, since 2004 and supported the idea even before it was founded. As Inaugural Dean of the Faculty of Science at GUtech in 2006, he developed the Applied Geosciences degree program at GUtech and has been associated with GUtech as an adjunct professor since 2013.

    With his inspiring motivation, he accompanied 22 doctoral students to their doctorates. His high demands on himself and his team led to the odd night shift to acquire or finalize projects. Many of his students are now working in leading positions in industry. Two followed his path and are now professors themselves.

    He also left his mark on many generations of students with his enthusiasm and openness, but no less high standards. Despite his creative way of explaining complex processes of structural geology with pudding, chocolate and stacks of paper, many students still remember his demands in exams and seminars. The same goes for his excursions and mapping courses, during which he revealed the beauty of geology to many with brilliant outcrops.

    Janos Urai pursued his passion for mountaineering as early as his student days, which lasted until the end. Whether it was El Capitan in the 1980s, numerous summits in the Alps, vertical walls in Oman or Dent Blanche last year. Nothing is impossible.


    His creativity remains unforgotten - the sky is the limit.


    Christoph Hilgers 

Publikationen seit 2015