Jasemin Ayse Ölmez

  • Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften -
    Strukturgeologie & Tektonik

    KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie,
    Campus Süd

    Adenauerring 20a
    76131 Karlsruhe

Jasemin Ayse Ölmez, M.Sc.


  • Reservoir-Geologie
  • Petrographie und Petrophysik
  • Strukturelle Diagenese
  • Kritische Rohstoffe, Lieferketten und Strategien



  • Forschung, Projektabwicklung, Projektakquise
  • Betreuung von Lehrveranstaltungen
    • Erdgeschichte
    • Regionale Geologie
    • Structural Geology
    • Depositional Systems
  • Organisation und Betreuung von Exkursionen
    • Marokko
    • Odenwald
    • Nordeifel-Ardennen
    • Baden-Württemberg


  • Kuratorische Erfahrungen wie Koordination und Digitalisierung von Gesteins- und Dünnschliffsammlungen

  • Erfahrungen in der Organisation und Kursplanung von Übungen

  • Mehrjährige tutorielle Lehre (TU Darmstadt):

    • Magmatische und metamorphe Petrologie

    • Polarisationsmikroskopie

    • Oberflächennahe Geothermie

    • Exogene Geologie


International Articles (peer-reviewed)

  1. Ölmez, J.A., Busch, B. & Hilgers, C. Reservoir quality of Upper Cretaceous limestones (Ahlen-Fm., Beckum Member, Münsterland Cretaceous Basin): effects of cementation and compaction on the compactable depositional volume. International Journal of Earth Science (Geol Rundsch) (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-024-02411-z

National articles

  1. Ölmez, J.A., Busch B., Hilgers, C. (2024): Sedimentologie, Petrographie und Strukturgeologie der Beckum-Sfm. (Campanium, Ahlen-Fm.) im südöstlichen zentralen Münsterländer Kreidebecken (Exkursion A am 3. September 2024) (Sedimentology, petrography and structural geology of the Beckum member (Campanian, Ahlen Fm.) in the Southeastern Central Münsterland Cretaceous Basin), Jber. Mitt. oberrhein. geol. Ver., N.F. 106: 1–15, 7 Abb.; Stuttgart.
  2. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C. (2024): Resiliente Versorgung Deutschlands mit kritischen und strategischen Rohstoffen – Potentiale aus Afrika/ Resilient supply of critical and strategic raw materials for Germany - potentials in Africa, GDMB
  3. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C. (2024): Resilient supply of critical and strategic raw materials for Germany - potentials in Africa, World of Metallurgy – ERZMETALL 77 (2024) No. 2
  4. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C. (2024). Resiliente Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands – Bergbaupotentiale in ausgewählten Ländern Afrikas und die Rolle Chinas, ThinkTank, DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000168179
  5. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C. (2023). Rohstoffe für Deutschland und Auswirkungen des Russland-Ukraine Konflikts, ThinkTank, DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000166052
  6. Hilgers, C., Busch, B., Ölmez, J.A. (2023). Klima, Rohstoffverfügbarkeit und Energiewende -Deutschland in der Krise. Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e.V., Berlin, Haßler G. (Hrsg.), Band 159 Jahrgang 2023, S. 21-70


  1. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C., 2024, Potentiale aus Afrika für eine resiliente Rohstoffversorgung mit kritischen und strategischen Rohstoffen für Deutschland, at GeoSaxonia, Dresden.
  2. Frenzel, M., Fuchs, S., Graupner, T., Hector, S., Ölmez, J.A., 2024, Mineral Exploration, Economic and Ore Deposit Geology, Session at GeoSaxonia, Dresden.
  3. Juhasz, D.R., Busch, B., Ölmez, J.A., Cheng, C., Hilgers, C., 2024, Permeability measurements of possible CO2 cap rocks – effect of confining stresses and time, at GeoSaxonia, Dresden.
  4. Ölmez, J.A., Busch B., von Dollen, M., Kuroczik, Jan; Hilgers, C., 2024, Reservoir quality of Middle and Upper Triassic carbonate rocks of the Kraichgau area (SW Germany), at GeoSaxonia, Dresden.
  5. Ölmez, J.A., Busch B., Möbius R., Dasgupta K., Gauer A. L., Tosoratti F., Hilgers C., 2024, Petrography-based workflow on drill cuttings in combination with borehole gamma ray data, and pXRF on reservoir rocks from the Vienna Basin Flysch Play at DGMK Frühjahrstagung, Celle.
  6. Möckel, I.M., Ölmez, J.A., Askkour, F., Ikenne, M., Madi, A., Hilgers, C., 2024, Regional and structural geology of Neoproterozoic to Lower Cambrian rocks in the Ouansimi copper mine, Western Anti-Atlas of Morocco, at TSK conference Freiburg Brsg.
  7. Hilgers, C., Ölmez, J.A., 2023, Geopolitische Rahmenbedingungen und Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, at Kongress BW, Stuttgart.
  8. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C., 2023, Metallic raw materials for Germany - Unexploited mining potentials of African developing countries based on the examples Botswana, Morocco, and Zimbabwe, at transforming towards a sustainable society – challenges and solutions Scientific Conference at KIT, Karlsruhe.
  9. Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C., 2023, The German industrial and economic market is adapting - Impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the supply of metallic raw materials for Germany, at transforming towards a sustainable society – challenges and solutions Scientific Conference at KIT, Karlsruhe.
  10. Busch, B., Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C., 2023, Diagenetic reservoir quality prediction modelling for CCS, underground gas storage, and geothermal applications, at transforming towards a sustainable society – challenges and solutions Scientific Conference at KIT, Karlsruhe.
  11. Cheng, C., Busch, B., von Dollen, M, Ölmez, J.A., Hilgers, C., 2023, Using the subsurface for green energy transition and net-zero emissions: potential and risks, at transforming towards a sustainable society – challenges and solutions Scientific Conference at KIT, Karlsruhe.
  12. Cheng C., Busch B., Ölmez, J.A, Hilgers, C., 2023, Understanding micro-processes of reservoir and cap rocks for sustainable and secure geological carbon sequestration, at Workshop Negative Emissions Technologies at KIT (NET@KIT), Karlsruhe.
  13. Ölmez, J.A., Busch, B., Hilgers, C., 2023, Reservoir quality and diagenesis of limestones from the Upper Cretaceous (Beckum-Fm.) of the Münsterland Cretaceous Basin, GeoBerlin, Berlin.
  14. Ölmez, J.A., Möckel, I.M., Askkour, F., Ikenne, M., Madi, A., Hilgers, C., 2023, Regional geology and structural control of copper-bearing vein formation in the Western Anti-Atlas of Morocco, at GeoBerlin, Berlin.
  15. Ölmez, J.A., Busch, B., Hilgers, C., 2023, Diagenetic controls and reservoir quality of tight limestones from the Upper Cretaceous, at DGMK Frühjahrstagung, Celle (Germany).
  16. Cheng, C., Busch, B., von Dollen, M., Ölmez, J. A., Hilgers, C., 2023, Visualisation of microbial activities in reservoirs during UHS based on real-rock micromodels, at DGMK Frühjahrstagung, Celle.
  17. Ölmez, J.A., Busch, B., Hilgers, C., 2022, Controlling factors of petrophysical parameters in Upper Cretaceous limestones (Beckum-Fm.) of the Münsterland Cretaceous Basin (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany). DMG Sektionstreffen Petrologie und Geochemie, Mainz.
  18. Ölmez, J.A., Busch, B., Hilgers, C., 2022, Reservoir Quality Heterogeneity in Upper Cretaceous limestones of the Münsterland Basin (Beckum-Fm., Münsterland Basin), at DGMK Frühjahrstagung, Celle.
  19. Ölmez, J.A., Busch, B., Hilgers, C., 2021, Reservoir quality in Upper Cretaceous limestones of the Münsterland Basin, German Section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and its Student Chapters, online.