Unsere Lehrveranstaltungen im Master

Bachelor-Kurse Master-Kurse Exkursionen
Aktuelle Informationen zu unseren Kursen finden Sie im Modulhandbuch und den Informationen auf campus.studium.kit.edu. Kursbegleitende Folien werden über Ilias bereitgestellt, kursbegleitende Bücher über die KIT Bibliothek.
Verwendete Abkürzungen: SS - Sommersemester, WS - Wintersemester, SWS - Semesterwochenstunde
1. Sem. (SS) | 2. Sem. (WS) | 3. Sem. (SS) |
Applied Structural Geology (3) (Hilgers) | Microstructures (Kontny) | Diagenesis (2) (block course, Busch) |
Depositional Systems (1) (Hilgers) | Reservoir Geology (2) (Busch, Hilgers) | Reservoir-Analogs and Core Description (2) (Busch) |
Field Seminar Applied Strucutral Geology (4) (Kontny) Trip to Spain |
Field Seminar Reservoir Geology (4) (Busch, Hilgers) Trip to SW-England, alternative Upper Rhine Graben or Spain |
WS, 1st semester, Depositional Systems
Depositional Systems
Module: Mandatory part of Geology [T-BGU-104812]
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers
Format: Lecture (V), 1.5 Credit
- Objective: Link sedimentary structures and variation in litho-logs with depositional settings. Predict rocks away from your outcrop and well data.
- Origin and description of sediments, exercise
- Eolian systems, exercise
- Fluvial systems, exercise
- Estuaries and incised valleys, exercise
- Deltas, exercise
- Evaporites, exercise
- Clastic shelves, exercise
- Reefs and platforms, exercise
- Turbidites and fans, exercise
- Sea level change, exercise
- Sequence stratigraphy, exercise
- Sediment supply and controls, exercise
- Case study I exercise
- Case study II exercise
- course material: own lecture notes, uploaded slides on ILIAS, exercises
- backup reading: Henry W Posamentier & Roger G Walker 2006. Facies models revisited. SPEM (also newer version available, excellent images), Reading, H.G. 2012. Sedimentary environments: Process, facies and stratigraphy. 3rd edn (b&w, good explanations
WS, 1st semester, Applied Structural Geology
Analysis of Geological Structures
Module: Mandatory part of Geology [T-BGU-104812]
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers
Format: Lecture / Practice (VÜ), 3.5 Credits
- Objective: Apply basic structural geology tools and predict the geometry of deformed rocks in the subsurface.
- Stress, exercise
- Strain, exercise
- Fracture mechanics, exercise
- Joints and veins, exercise
- Exercises
- Normal faults, exercise
- Thrust faults, exercise
- Strike-slip faults, exercise
- Inversion, exercise
- Diapirs & Intrusions, exercise
- Folds, exercise
- Folds & cleavage, exercise
- Microstructures, exercise
- Structural analysis, exercise
- course material: own lecture notes, uploaded slides on ILIAS, exercises
- backup reading: Price and Cosgrove, 2001, Analysis of Geological Structures
SS, 2nd semester, Reservoir Geology
Reservoir Geology
Module: Mandatory part of Reservoir-Geology [T-BGU-107563]
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers, Dr. Benjamin Busch
Format: Lecture / Practice (VÜ), 2 Credits
- Objective: Understand and predict heterogenities of sedimentary rocks in the subsurface. Identify structures on seismics and improve your understanding for fluid flow in the earth
- Reservoirs and Geology: Storage, Sequestration, Geothermal, Exploration
- Methods: Petrography, fluid inclusion and isotopes
- Basins and Depositional Settings: Effect on reservoir properties
- Structure and Fluids: Effects on reservoir properties
- Sandstone Petrology: Detrital components
- Sandstone Diagenesis: Authigenic components
- Integrated Paragenesis Eo-, Meso-, Telodiagenesis
- Recap
- course material: own lecture notes, uploaded slides on ILIAS, exercises
- backup reading:
- Bjorlykke 2015. Petroleum Geoscience: From sedimentary environments to rock physics. Springer, KIT internal link
- Cannon 2018. Title:Reservoir Modelling : A Practical Guide, Wiley. KIT internal link
- Diab & Donaldson 2016. Petrophysics. Elsevier, KIT internal link
- Pathak 2021. Petroleum Reservoir Management : Considerations and Practices. KIT internal link
- Stober & Bucher 2021. Geothermal energy. Springer, KIT internal link
- Stockinger 2021. Fracturing in deep boreholes: Stress, Structural and Lithology-controlled Fracture Initiation and Propagation in Deep Geothermal Boreholes in the Upper Jurassic Carbonate Rocks of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Springer, KIT internal link
SS, 2nd semester, Field seminar Reservoir Geology / S-England
Field seminar Reservoir Geology / S-England
Module: Mandatory part of Reservoir-Geology [T-BGU-107563]
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers
Format: Seminar (S), 3 Credits
- Objective: Apply concepts and methods in the field for MSc students, training to identify and interpret rocks and structures along world-class coastal exposures Bristol Channel and Channel well known by the international industry; deduce depositional settings and structural evolution; work is in small groups.
- day - Sunday: evening recap and training, intro to rock description, compass measurements, and geological maps of the region
- day - Monday: fractured carbonate reservoirs: fractures, faults, mud volcanoes, carbonate rocks, location: Kilve
- day - Tuesday: red bed deposits: interpretation of the depositional setting and structures, location: Watchet
- day - Wednesday: Siliciclastic and carbonate deposits along the Channel, Budleigh Salterton, Orcombe Point and Lyme Regis
- day - Thursday: Claystone and carbonates, Kimmeridge and Lulworth
- day - Friday: location: West Bay, Osmington Mills
- course material: handout uploaded on ILIAS, own notes during the seminar
- submission of field book
SS, 2nd semester, Microstructures
Module: Mandatory part of Structural Geology [M-BGU-102451]
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny
Format: Lecture / Practice (VÜ), 3 Credits
- Objective: The description and interpretation of small-scale structures in deformed rocks helps us to understand the tectonic evolution of an area. In this course we learn to “read” microstructures under the microscope and what they can tell us about deformation.
- Fabric elements
- Foliation development
- Deformation mechanisms
- Polyphase deformation
- Porphyroblast growth – deformation relationship
- Shear zone fabrics and shear sense indicators
Our thin section collection contains samples from the Caledonides, Variscides, Crete and the Pyrenees.
- Course material: uploaded slides on Ilias and own notes on exercises
- Backup reading: Passchier, C.W., Trouw, R.A.J. (2005): Microtectonics, 366 S., Springer.
- Presentation of an example: microstructures in a tectonic context
SS, 2nd semester, Field Course Applied Structural Geology
Field Course Applied Structural Geology
Module: Mandatory part of Structural Geology [M-BGU-102451]
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Agnes Kontny
Format: Practice (Ü), 2 Credits
- Objective: This 5 day fieldtrip focuses on spectacular structural geology in the Spanish Pyrenees. We spend the first 3 days in the Central Pyrenees and learn to describe and interpret large scale structures in the foreland fold and thrust belt. The second part of this trip is designed to read polyphase deformation and shear zone fabrics in space and time at Cap de Creus.
- Day – Internal Sierras north of Jaca
- Day – Jaca-Pamplona Basin at Sabinanigo
- Day – External Sierras (Riglos, N of Huesca)
- Day – Axial Zone with Variscan deformation (Roses granodiorite)
- Day – Polyphase deformation in prograde metamorphic rocks (transect from Roses to lighthouse at Cadaques)
- Course material: references uploaded on Ilias, own notes taken during seminar
- Submission of field book and presentation of a topic from the field
WS, 3rd semester, Diagenesis
Module: Mandatory part of Diagenesis and Cores [M-BGU-103734]
Responsible: Dr. Marita Felder, Dr. Benjamin Busch
Format: Seminar (S), 3 Credits
- Objective: Hands-on microscopy course to establish the diagenetic alterations from thin sections.
- Introduction
- Methods
- Source rocks and seals
- Petrography texture
- Detrital composition
- Diagenesis
- Compaction
- Authigenic components blocky cements
- Authigenic components clay minerals
- Dissolution and porosity
- Paragenetic sequence
- General petrography models
- Mineral specific diagenesis models
- Rock typing
- course material: own lecture notes, uploaded slides on ILIAS, exercises
- backup reading: paper given during the lecture
WS, 3rd semester, Reservoir-Analogs and Core Description
Reservoir-Analogs and Core Description
Module: Mandatory part of Diagenesis and Cores [M-BGU-103734]
Responsible: Prof. Dr. Christoph Hilgers, Christina Schmidt
Format: Seminar (S), 2 Credits
- Objective: Analyze, describe and log cores and interpret depositional systems and structural elements. Work and communicate in a professional environment.
- day - Core logging
- day - Core logging
- day - Data transfer in EasyCore
- day - Data transfer in EasyCore
- day - Report
- course material: own notes during the seminar
- submission of data file and report
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