BSc- und MSc-Graduates
Liste der SGT-Erstbetreuten Studierenden
- Böke, Lennart 2024 Core-based reservoir quality analysis for the marginal facies of the Buntsandstein in SW-Germany. MSc AGW superbvisors Hilgers, Busch
- Möckel, Ida 2023 Geological and structural analysis of Precambrian to Lower Cambrian formations around the Ouansimi Copper Mine in the Western Anti-Atlas of Morocco. BSc supervisors Hilgers, Ölmez
- Tan, Jie 2023 3D Subsurface Modelling of the Saarland Coal Mining Area with Regard to Mine Flooding. MSc AGW supervisors Hilgers, Quandt
- Baumgartner, Luis 2023 Machbarkeitsstudie der Power-to-Gas Produktion von grünem Wasserstoff in Baden-Württemberg - Evaluierung der Herausforderungen und Chancen. MSc AGW KIT, supervisors Hilgers, Schultmann
- Pistor, Frederic, 2023 Coupling Rock Properties and Rock Types of Cretaceous Limestone at the Enguri Dam Georgia to Infer Geomechanical Aspects. MSc AGW KIT, supervisors: Hilgers, Quandt
- Alvarado de la Barrera, Aura 2023 3D Subsurface Modelling of the Ibbenbüren Coal Mining Area MSc AGW KIT, supervisors Hilgers, Quandt
- Ludwig, Carina 2022 Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung von Kontrollfaktoren potenzieller Reservoirqualitäten ausgewählter Lithologien des Buntsandsteins. MSc GeoWi Heidelberg am AGW KIT, Supervisors: Glasmacher, Hilgers, Busch
- Winstel, Ruben Nicolas 2022 Magneto-mineralogische Charakterisierung von Impaktgesteinen der SUBO 18 Bohrung, Nördlinger Ries Impaktstruktur. BSc AGW KIT, Kontny, Schilling
- Krebs, Alina 2022 Magneto-mineralogische Charakterisierung von Vulkaniten der ICDP-Bohrung S4A, Eger-Graben; Tschechien. BSc AGW KIT, Kontny, Drüppel
- Schenk, Julius 2021 Charakterisierung des Porenraums von Sandsteinen unter Verwendung der Anisotropie der magnetischen Suszeptibilität. AGW KIT Kontny, Busch
- Dold, Deborah 2021 Geomechanische Untersuchungen des Bebertalsandsteins und strukturgeologische Auswertung mit FracPaQ. MSc AGW, Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, Julia Leuthold (IBF)
- Präg, Melissa 2020 Geothermal Reservoir Characterization of Faulted and Folded Turbidite Sequences, Waiwera, New Zealand. MSc AGW KIT, Hilgers, Becker
- Martin, Simon 2020 Kluftanalyse des Oberkarbons und Oberkreide im Ruhrgebeit. BSc AGW KIT, Hilgers Busch
- Winstel, Ruben Nicolas 2022. Magneto-mineralogische Charakterisierung von Impaktgesteinen der SUBO 18 Bohrung , Nördlinger Ries Impaktstruktur. BSc AGW, supervisors: Kontny, Schilling
- Allgaier, Felix 2020 Simulation of a deeply buried Rotliegend reservoir, Northern Germany. MSc AGW KIT, Hilgers Busch, with WintershallDEA
- Jenett, Alexander 2020 Paleogeographic and stratigraphic reconstruction of the Springhill Formation in the Malvinas Basin (Argentina). MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Süss
- Kritz, Florian 2020 Beurteilung des Explorationspotentials und Lagerstättenmodellierung von Gips im Mittleren Muschelkalk Deutschlands mit Hilfe von ArcGIS und AutoPlan. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, External Advisors: Matthias Reimann Knauf Gips AG, Dr. Marc Dohmen DHP GmbH, Dr. Michael Bauer LGRB
- Greve, Jonas 2020 Diagenesis of the basal Triassic clastic succession of the Alta Ridge (PL609), with special emphasis on the presence of oversized porosity. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, External Advisor: Dr. Nadine Schöner, WintershallDEA
- Präg, Melissa 2020 Geothermal reservoir characterization of faulted and folded turbidite sequences, Waiwera, New Zealand. Supervisors: Hilgers, Becker, External Advisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Kühn GFZ, MSc AGW KIT
- Spitzner, Alexander 2019 Structural and diagenetic alteration of Buntsandstein outcrop analogs. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, Becker, External Advisor: Dr. Dirk Adelmann, WintershallDEA
- Schär, Samuel 2019 Structural evaluation, fracture network topology and statistical clustering analyses in fractured Lower Buntsandstein reservoir analogs, Upper Rhine Graben. Supervisors: Hilgers, Busch, Becker, AGW KIT
- Marquardt, Franziska 2019 Fault and fracture detection in reservoir rocks. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors; Hilgers, Becker
- Schorer, Tobias 2019 LiDAR and photgrammetry: Automatic fracture identification in an Upper Muschelkalk reservoir analog. MSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Becker, Adivsor: Lena Merz
- Strenkert, Manuel 2019 Beschreibung und Interpretation miozäner Sedimente anhand von Bohrkernen. BSc AGW KIT, Supervisors: Hilgers, Dr. Ute Gebhardt (Naturkundemuseum Karlsruhe)
- Flaxmeier, Sarah 2019 Kluftgeometrie, sekundäre Mineralisation und Alteration der Vulkanite im Hegau. MSc AGW KIT Agnes Kontny, Ingrid Stober
- Gaus, Ksenia 2019 Einfluss von Post-Impakt Temperaturen auf die magnetischen Eigenschaften von Impaktgesteinen. MSc AGW, Kontny
- Herrmann, Pascal 2017 Magneto-mineralogische Untersuchungen an explosiven Ablagerungen des Popocatépelt Stratovulkans, Mexiko. BSc AGW KIT, Kontny, Hilgers
- Merz, Lena 2017 Magnetische und mikrostrukturelle Untersuchungen von Myloniten der COSC-1 Bohrung /schwedische Kaledonien) - Gefügeentwicklung und Deformationsphasen. MSc AGW KIT Kontny, Grimmer
- Behrendsen, Sophie 2017 Profilkartierung einer Anhydritdeckschicht (A1) südwestlich von Osterode in Deutschland, BSc AGW, Hilgers, Schilling
- Gödde, Lisa 2017 Untersuchungen der im Klimaschutzplan verankerten Dekarbonisierungsstrategie am Beispiel eines Ausstiegs aus der Kohleverstromung vor 2050. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Prof. Schwarzbauer, Dr. Larissa Dsikowitzky (durch Wechsel RWTH-KIT an Kollegen)
- Herrmann, Kai Pascal 2017 Magnetomineralogische Untersuchungen an explosiven Ablagerungen des Popocatepet Stratovulkans, Mexiko. BSc AGW KIT, Supervisor: Kontny
- Spitzner, Alexander-David 2016. Thermomagnetische Untersuchungen an jungen pyroklastischen Ablagerungen des Popocatepetl, Mexiko. BSc AGW KIT, Supervisor: Kontny, Hilgers
- Pavlova Alexandra 2016 Elektromagnetische und akustische Emissionen von Magma. BSc AGW KIT Kontny, Schilling
- Hämmerle, Philipp 2016 Mineralogische Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung der Sulfidvererzungen in der oberen Schieferhülle am Westrand des Tauernfensters (Österreich). MSc AGW Kontny, Hilgers
- Schrör, Simon 2016 Analysis and modeling of reservoir quaity in Rotliegend siliciclastics, N-Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Back, Internal Advisor: Busch
- Steffens, Bastian 2016 Impact of bouding surfaces on fluid flow in aeolian Rotliegend reservoirs - high-resolution simulation of the reservoir analogue Bebertal. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Back, Hilgers (durch Wechsel RWTH-KIT an Kollegen als Hauptgutachter übertragen), External Advisors: Heinrich Junker DEA, Dr. Christian Bücker DEA, Axel Kellner DEA
- Fuhrmann, Arne 2016. Reservoir quality of the Titan Structure offshore Norway - Sedimentology, petrography and diagenesis in a regional context. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, mit DEA, Supervisors: Back, Hilgers (durch Wechsel RWTH-KIT an Kollegen als Hauptgutachter übertragen), External Advisor: Dr. Nadine Schöner, DEA
- Hamann, Eide, 2016. Economic feasibility of a compressed air energy storage system under uncertain future market conditions - a real options approach. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, EON ERC Prof. Madlener
- Kley, Melissa 2016. Optimal Solution of Grid Connected Renewables and Energy Storage Systems for Germany. Main supervisor: EON ERC Prof. Madlener, Hilgers Co-supervisor, Beratungsassistent: Dr. Kumar EON ERC RWTH Aachen
- Freitag, Simon 2016. Influence of structure, lithology and diagenesis on reservoir heterogeneities in Zechstein fractured carbonates - analog study Nuexei and Tettenborn. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Reuning, with Wintershall, Dr. Köhrer
- Waldvogel, Marius 2016. Influence of structure, lithology and diagenesis on reservoir heterogeneities in Zechstein fractured carbonates - analog study Uehrde. with Wintershall, MSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Grothaus, Lea 2015 A rock magnetic, geochemical and magnetic mineralogy study of volcanic rocks of the El'gygytgyn impact structure, Russia. MSc AGW KIT, Kontny, Stosch
- Schmidt, Christina 2015. Implications of bounding surfaces for porous reservoirs. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Back, Internal Advisor: Busch
- Steiger, Katharina Julia 2015. Does the U.S. shale gas boom have an influence on the European naphtha based olefin market? Will ethane from European shale gas resrouces play a role in the European olefin market, too? MSc GRM, Jan Schwarzbauer, Hilgers
- Becker, Ivy 2015. Structural diagenesis and reservoir heterogeneity of Upper Carboniferous tight gas sandstones in the Lower Saxony Basin: Comparitive study of outcrop analogs and subsurface data. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
- Fündgens, Steffen 2015. Geometric analysis of geological fracture surfaces from t-LIDAR datasets. BSc at IT-department RWTH Aachen
- Halver, Robert 2015. Standortfaktoren für die geologische Zwischenspeicherung grüner Energie / Site-related factors for the geologival interim storage of green energy. BSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Back
- Sunjevaric, Marija 2015. Vergleich des Wirkungsgrades von Druckluft- und konventionellen WEAs mit assoziierten Energiezwischenspeichern / Comparison of the efficency of compressed air- and conventional wind energy plants with associated energy interim storage. BSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Back
- Holbeck, Alexander 2015. Methoden der Bildverarbeitung in der automatisierten quantitativen Mineralogie. BSc AGW, Supervisors: Sven Sindern, Hilgers RWTH Aachen
- Stähr, Fabian 2015 Natural gas supply diversification in Eastern Eureop and long-term opportunities from domestic shale gas resrouces: A modelling approach using the global gas model. Supervisors: Hilgers, Prof. Madlener EON ERC, External Advisor: Dr. Franziska Holz, DIW Berlin MSc GRM RWTH Aachen
- Wessel, Michael 2015. Tuning brown into green electricity - Economic feasability of pumped storage power plants in open pit mines. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Prof. Madlener, EON ERC
- Manß, Yasar 2015. Reservoir quality variations of Upper Carboniferous tight-gas-sandstones in NW-Germany: Comparative and integrative core studies of two wells. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, Supervisors: Hilgers, Stanjek, Adviser: Wüstefeld, External Advisor: Dr. Köhrer with Wintershall
- Krott, Dieter 2014. Facies delineation by using a statistical model with downhole and core data from offshore wells in the Nile delta. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with RWE-DEA
- Lehman, Ariane 2014. Restructuring the German electricity market with new energy and environmental policies: a Co-benefit analysis, MSc Eng'g, main supervisor Prof. Madlener RWTH Aachen
- Flock, Philipp. 2014. Petrophysical and petrographical characterisation of naturally CO2- altered reservoir and caprock from Green River, Utah (USA). MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, main supervisor Prof. Stanjek
- Bamberg, Bob 2014. Aufschlusskartierung entlang eines N-S Profils durch ein permisches Reservoir-Analg, Vale of Eden, N-England (Geological mapping of red bed sediments, England), BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
- Kaiser, Leonard 2014. Aufschlusskartierung entlang eines W-E Profils durch ein permisches Reservoir-Analg, Vale of Eden, N-England (Geological mapping of red bed sediments, England), BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
- Kummert, Daniel 2014. MEOR - a laboratory study of microbial stimulation of oil reservoirs. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with TU Freiberg and industry
- Voss, Marie-Anne 2014. Determination of indicators to evaluate the use of dry and wet salts for road safety in terms of sustainability. (in German) BSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Martens BBK I
- Melchert, Jan 2014. Reservoir heterogenity of a fluvial system along a NE-SW section in a tight gas reservoir analogue, Upper Carboniferous, quarry Kuelpmann, W-Germany. (in German) BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Geological Survey NRW
- Müller, Markus 2014. Experimental study of CO2-water-rock-interactions in the Werkendam natural analogue (Roet fringe sandstone, West Netherlands basin, NL) MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, co-reviewer
- Schrör, Simon 2014. Reservoir heterogeneity of a fluvial system along a NW-SE section in a tight gas reservoir analogue, Upper Carboniferous, Piesberg, NW-Germany. (in German) BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- König, Markus 2014. Reservoir heterogenity of a fluvial system along a SW-NE profil in a tight-gas-reservoir analog from the Upper Carboniferous, Piesberg, NW-Germany, BSc AGW (in German) RWTH Aachen
- Schmäck, J. 2014. Detailliere Kartierung von Kornueberzuegen in einem Duennschliff einer Rotliegend-Reservoirsandstein-Probe. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Hallenberger, Maximilian, 2014. Geological mapping of the transition of delta to slope siliciclastics, Namurian, Co. Clare, Ireland. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Scheele, Tillman, 2014. Geological mapping around Upper Carboniferous mud diapirs, County Clare, Ireland. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Gaus, Garri 2014. Geological mapping of Upper Carboniferous silicilastics around the Ross Slides, County Clare, Ireland, (in German) BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Nowak, Nadja 2014. Risk analysis to support the introdcution of state-of-the-art longwall equipment in India. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with DMT/IMC GmbH
- Popov, Maxim, 2013. Backtesting and evaluation of different trading systems in portfolio managment for natural gas, MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with Trianel and with Prof. Madlener, EON ERC
- Stein, Leo 2013. Implementierungsanalyse für die Stoffdeklaration im industriellen Alltag am Beispiel von REACH bei Nutzung der Datenbank BOMcheck. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with Siemens AG
- Wübberler, Franziska, 2013. Geological mapping of an Upper Carboniferous turbidite setting, Co. Clare, Ireland. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Budny, Christoph 2013. Economic feasibility of pipeline and underground reservoir storage options for Power-to-Gas load balancing. MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with Prof. Madlener, EON ERC
- Delmers, Anne 2013. Geologische Naturdenkmale - Analyse des Status Quo und der touristischen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten mit GIS am Beispiel der Stadt Aachen. GRM RWTH Aachen, with local municipality
- Becker, Ivy, 2013. Geological mapping of an Upper Carboniferous delta area, Co. Clare, Ireland. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Winkler, Rebecca 2013. Structural diagenesis of a Rotliegend reservoir in N-Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with RWE
- Höhne, Mareen, 2013. Diagenesis and structural development of an unconventional Upper Carboniferous tight gas reservoir analogue, Westphalian D, W-Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
- Schwartz, Florian 2013. Structural analysis and 3D-modelling of the Playa Shear Zone at St Ives, Western Australia. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Stephen Cox and Australian company
- Busch, Benjamin 2013. Structural diagenesis of unconventional shales and a Rotliegend reservoir in central and northern Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with RWE
- Steindorf, Philipp 2013. Variation of gamma-ray, porosity and fractures in an unconventional Upper Carboniferous reservoir analogue, Osnabrück area, NW-Germany. MSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Wintershall
- Fuhrmann, Arne 2013. Detailed geological mapping of gypsum-anhydrite precipitates in Eocene marls, Muscat, Oman. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Hanstein, Lars 2013. Detailed geologic mapping of Mesozoic source- and reservoir rocks at Lulworth Cove and Kimmeridge Bay, SW England. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Houben, M.E. 2013. In-situ characterization of the microstructure and porosity of Opalinus Clay, PhD, chair of examination board RWTH Aachen
- Hufe, A. 2012. Diffusion-controlled cementation experiments with potash alum and halite in porous rock analogues. (poster award GeoTag 2012), MSc GRM RWTH Aachen
- Waldvogel, Marius 2012. Mapping of Tertiary sedimentary rocks with special focus on gypsum cementations, Darsayt, Muscat Greater Area, Oman BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Prof. den Brok, Oman
- Gilsbach, Lucas 2012. Mapping of Tertiary sedimentary rocks with special focus on gypsum cementations, Darsayt, Muscat Greater Area, Oman. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Prof. den Brok, Oman
- Vogel, Klaus 2012. Zahlungsbereitschaften und Energieeinsparpotentiale bei der Nutzung oberflächennaher Geothermie in Industriegebieten: Fallstudie Willich (NRW) /Willingness to pay and possible energy savings by using near-surface geothermal energy in business parks: case study Willich (NRW). MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, in German, with Prof. Madlener, EON ERC and Stadt Willich
- Viße, Rabea 2012. Basic conditions for the development of a CO2 transport infrastructure in Germany. (poster award GeoTag 2012), MSc GRM RWTH Aachen, with EON
- Schmidt, Christina 2012. Geological mapping of North-East Wadi Bani Khalid, A’Sharqiyah Region, Oman. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Prof. den Brok, Oman
- Krawielicki, Julia 2012. Geological mapping of South-West Wadi Bani Khalid, A’Sharqiyah Region, Oman. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen, with Prof. den Brok, Oman
- Dati, Francesco 2011-2012. Structural diagenesis of a fractured carbonate analogue, S-Italy. PhD Napoli University, with Shell
- Hahn, Carolina 2012. Detailed geologic mapping of Mesozoic source- and reservoir rocks at Lulworth Cove and Kimmeridge Bay, SW England. BSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Niederau, Jan 2012. Crystallization in porous microreactors. with Prof. Stanjek, MSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Pietrella, Stefan 2012. Migration pathways in unconventional reservoirs in North Rhine Westphalia with special focus on coalbed methane and shale gas. with GD NRW, MSc GRM RWTH Aachen
- Laux, Dennis 2012. Joint patterns in Lower Carboniferous carbonate rocks (Aachen region). with Dr. Fernandez-Steeger, MSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Beckers, Markus 2011. Design and test of a transparent micro-seethrough vessel for reactive transport of matter through fractures (in German). MSc AGW RWTH Aachen
- Laurich, Ben 2011. Multiscale analysis of the structural evolution of the southern flank of the Western Jabal Akhdar anticline, Oman (vein examination, structural mapping, and inverse remote sensing. main supervisor Prof. Urai, MSc GRM RWTH Aachen
- Botalova, Oxana 2010. Characterization of organic contaminants in industrial wastewaters from direct discharges and their behavior in fluvial systems of North Rhine-Westphalia. PhD RWTH Aachen, Co-Reviewer
- Arndt, Max 2010. Evolution of crack-seal calcite vein network in limestone: a high resolution structural, microstructural and geochemical study from the Jebel Akdhar high pressure cell, Oman Mountains. Diplom, Co-Reviewer RWTH Aachen
- Virgo, Simon, 2010. Evolution of crack-seal calcite vein network in limestone: a high resolution structural, microstructural and geochemical study from the Jebel Akdhar high pressure cell, Oman Mountains. Diplom, Co-Reviewer RWTH Aachen
- Nile van Heiss 2005. Kartierung von Störungsversiegelung unterkarbonischer Kalksteine in aktiver Erdbebenzone. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Manuel Blumenthal 2005. Kartierung von Naxos, Griechenland. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Ansgar Heimann 2005. 2005. Kartierung von Naxos, Griechenland. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Keyvan Osivandi 2005. 2005. Kartierung von Naxos, Griechenland. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Karin Dilg-Gruschinski 2000. Experimente zum Kristallwachstum in Klüften mit dem Analogmaterial KAl(SO4)2 x 12 H2O. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Karin Dilg-Gruschinski 1999. Geologische Kartierung des Frontalbereiches der Morcles-Decke und deren Übergang zur Diablerets-Decke um Anzeindaz, Westschweiz, im Maßstab 1:7.500. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Michael Weißleder 1999. Geologische Kartierung des Frontalbereiches der Morcles-Decke und deren Übergang zur Diablerets-Decke um Anzeindaz, Westschweiz, im Maßstab 1:7.500. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Ingo Kuhl 1999. Strukturgeologische Kartierung des Gebietes Rursee. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Ulrich Zier 1999. Strukturgeologische Kartierung des Gebietes Rursee. Diplom RWTH Aachen
- Marcus Burkhardt 1998. Geologische Kartierung des NE-Kondelwaldes zwischen Bad Bertrich und Alf (Mosel). Diplom. RWTH Aachen