Wasserstoffwirtschaft - Rohstoffbedarf und Kosten für die Elektrolyse : Eine regionale Analyse für Baden-Württemberg
Baumgartner, L.; Langenmayr, U.; Ölmez, J. A.; Schultmann, F.; Hilgers, C.
2025. Ministerium für Umwelt und Verkehr / Baden-Württemberg. doi:10.5445/IR/1000179523 -
Underground hydrogen storage in sandstone reservoirs: Effects of geochemical reactivity of hydrogen on reservoir performance
Cheng, C.; Busch, B.; Kontny, A.; Hilgers, C.
2025. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 105, 492–504. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2025.01.330 -
Petrophysical Characterization of Metamorphic Rocks using X-ray Micro-CT data – Implications for fluid flow
Chakraborty, R.; Späth, M.; Kumar, A.; Busch, B.; Nestler, B.; Mamtani, M. A.; Hilgers, C.
2025. Journal of Structural Geology, 191, Article no: 105338. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2025.105338 -
How can mining data be used for regional stress derivation ? – Recommendations Based on Examples from the Ruhr Area
Niederhuber, T.; Rische, M.; Müller, B.; Röckel, T.; Allgaier, F.; Fischer, K. D.; Schilling, F.; Friederich, W.
2025. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, Art.Nr.: 100648. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2025.100648
Understanding the interplay of depositional rock types, mineralogy, and diagenesis on reservoir properties of the coal-bearing Langsettian and Duckmantian strata (Bashkirian, Pennsylvanian) of the Ruhr Area, NW Germany
Greve, J.; Busch, B.; Quandt, D.; Knaak, M.; Hilgers, C.
2024. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113 (8), 2275–2304. doi:10.1007/s00531-024-02454-2 -
Reservoir quality of Upper Cretaceous limestones (Ahlen-Fm., Beckum Member, Münsterland Cretaceous Basin): effects of cementation and compaction on the compactable depositional volume
Ölmez, J. A.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2024. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113 (8), 2207–2232. doi:10.1007/s00531-024-02411-z -
Rock characteristics and reservoir properties of Upper Carboniferous (Stephanian A–B) tight siliciclastic rocks from the Saar–Nahe basin (SW Germany)
Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Greve, J.; Hilgers, C.
2024. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113 (8), 2251–2273. doi:10.1007/s00531-024-02394-x -
Improved reservoir quality assessment by evaluating illite grain coatings, quartz cementation, and compaction – Case study from the Buntsandstein, Upper Rhine Graben, Germany
Busch, B.; Böcker, J.; Hilgers, C.
2024. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 241, Art.-Nr.: 213141. doi:10.1016/j.geoen.2024.213141 -
Geologische Traverse von der Ibbenbürener Karbonscholle in das Münsterländer Kreidebecken (Exkursion C am 5. und 6. September 2024)
Busch, B.; Ölmez, J. A.
2024. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins, 106, 39–65. doi:10.1127/jmogv/106/0003 -
Sedimentology, petrography and structural geology of the Beckum member (Campanian, Ahlen Fm.) in the Southeastern Central Münsterland Cretaceous Basin
Ölmez, J. A.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2024. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins, 106, 11–25. doi:10.1127/jmogv/106/0001 -
Stress-induced changes in magnetite: insights from a numerical analysis of the Verwey transition
Fuchs, H.; Kontny, A.; Schilling, F. R.
2024. Geophysical Journal International, 238 (2), 794–805. doi:10.1093/gji/ggae189 -
Post-mining related reactivation potential of faults hosted in tight reservoir rocks around flooded coal mines, eastern Ruhr Basin, Germany
Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Busch, B.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2024. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 38, Art.-Nr.: 100560. doi:10.1016/j.gete.2024.100560 -
Evolution of Upper Carboniferous tight sandstone reservoirs in the Ruhr and Lower Saxony basins (NW Germany) of the Central European Variscan foreland
Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2024. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 163, Artkl.Nr.: 106774. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2024.106774 -
Changes in thermomagnetic and X-ray diffraction properties of Asby dolerite with distance from the Lockne impact structure, Sweden
Phukon, P.; Agarwal, A.; Leite Mendes, B. D.; Kontny, A.; Joshi, G.
2024. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 348, Art.-Nr.: 107145. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2024.107145 -
n-Alkane bound biomarker fingerprints from asphaltenes in the bitumens of Eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria: Source and genetic implications
Egbeola, M. A.; Adeigbe, O. C.; Adamolekun, O. J.
2024. Petroleum Research, 9 (1), 85–91. doi:10.1016/j.ptlrs.2023.07.005 -
Multi-disciplinary geoscientific expedition to Woodfjorden, NW Svalbard: Field sites, methods, and preliminary results
Senger, K.; Betlem, P.; Helland-Hansen, A.; Horota, R. K.; Kämpf, H.; Kontny, A.; Minakov, A.; Planke, S.; Tappe, S.; Telmon, M.; u. a.
2024. Czech Polar Reports, 13 (2), 142 – 161. doi:10.5817/CPR2023-2-12 -
The influence of sedimentary facies, mineralogy, and diagenesis on reservoir properties of the coal-bearing Upper Carboniferous of NW Germany
Greve, J.; Busch, B.; Quandt, D.; Knaak, M.; Hilgers, C.
2024. Petroleum Geoscience, 30 (1). doi:10.1144/petgeo2023-020 -
Resiliente Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands – Bergbaupotentiale in ausgewählten Ländern Afrikas und die Rolle Chinas
Ölmez, J. A.; Hilgers, C.
2024. Thinkthank Industrielle Ressourcenstrategien - KIT. doi:10.5445/IR/1000168179 -
Restoration and Transformation: The Response of Shocked and Oxidized Magnetite to Temperature
Mendes, B. D. L.; Kontny, A.
2024. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129 (2). doi:10.1029/2023JB027244 -
An early Cambrian post-rift basin within the Baltica–Iapetus passive margin (north-central Scandinavian Caledonides)
Greiling, R. O.; Kathol, B.; Kumpulainen, R. A.
2024. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113 (1), 65–89. doi:10.1007/s00531-023-02353-y -
Resilient Supply of Critical and Strategic Raw Materials for Germany - Potentials in Africa
Olmez, J. A.; Hilgers, C.
2024. World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL, 77 (2), 113 – 120 -
Ries magnetic mineralogy: Exploring impact and post‐impact evolution of crater magnetism
Mendes, B. D. L.; Kontny, A.; Dudzisz, K.; Wilke, F. D. H.
2024. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59 (7), 1577–1609. doi:10.1111/maps.14170
Rohstoffe für Deutschland und Auswirkungen des Russland-Ukraine Konflikts
Ölmez, J. A.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000166052 -
A comprehensive review of the potential of rock properties alteration during CO2 injection for EOR and storage
Eyinla, D. S.; Leggett, S.; Badrouchi, F.; Emadi, H.; Adamolekun, O. J.; Akinsanpe, O. T.
2023. Fuel, 353, 129219. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2023.129219 -
Fault leakage and reservoir charging in the Upper Rhine Graben, Germany – Assessment of the Leopoldshafen fault bend
Allgaier, F.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 156, Art.-Nr.: 106428. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2023.106428 -
“In-plane” site-specific FIB lamella extraction from deformed magnetite and the investigation of low angle grain boundaries under TEM
Mamtani, M. A.; Wenzel, O.; Kontny, A.; Hilgers, C.; Müller, E.; Renjith, A. R.; Llorens, M.-G.; Gomez-Rivas, E.
2023. Journal of Structural Geology, 174, Art.-Nr.: 104937. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2023.104937 -
Phase‐Field Simulations of Epitaxial Crystal Growth in Open Fractures With Reactive Lateral Flow
Späth, M.; Selzer, M.; Busch, B.; Schneider, D.; Hilgers, C.; Urai, J. L.; Nestler, B.
2023. Water Resources Research, 59 (8), Nr.: e2023WR034605. doi:10.1029/2023WR034605 -
Diagenetic evolution of continental to shallow marine Mesozoic–Cenozoic deposits, Eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria: Implications for reservoir quality
Adamolekun, O. J.; Busch, B.; Oluwajana, O. A.; Suess, M. P.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 174 (1), 119 – 142. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2023/0378 -
Qualitative Dissolution Modeling of Etch‐Pit Formation on the K‐Feldspar Surface Through Phase‐Field Approach
Kumar, A.; Prajapati, N.; Späth, M.; Busch, B.; Schneider, D.; Hilgers, C.; Nestler, B.
2023. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128 (4), e2022JB025749. doi:10.1029/2022JB025749 -
Use of magnetic fabrics and X-ray diffraction to reveal low strains in experimentally deformed Maggia gneiss
Kumar, S.; Agarwal, A.; Rae, A. S. P.; Kontny, A.; Poelchau, M. H.
2023. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 112 (3), 867–879. doi:10.1007/s00531-022-02284-0 -
Post-Mining: Geomonitoring, process understanding, and utilisation of former mining areas
Quandt, D.; Rudolph, T.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 507–511. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2023/0383 -
Petrographical and petrophysical properties of tight siliciclastic rocks from the Ibbenbueren coal mine with regard to mine flooding
Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Fuchs, H.; Alvarado de la Barrera, A.; Greve, J.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 653–672. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2022/0343 -
Fracture network characterisation of the naturally fractured Upper Carboniferous sandstones combining outcrop and wellbore data, Ruhr Basin, Germany
Allgaier, F.; Busch, B.; Niederhuber, T.; Quandt, D.; Müller, B.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 599–623. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2023/0369 -
Coupling heat conductivity and lithofacies of the coal-bearing Upper Carboniferous in the eastern Ruhr Basin, NW Germany
Greve, J.; Busch, B.; Quandt, D.; Knaak, M.; Hartkopf-Fröder, C.; Hilgers, C.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 673–695. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2023/0350 -
Short-term soil gas measurements for fault detection – Step 1 for post-mining flooding monitoring [Kurzzeit-Bodengasmessungen zur Störungsdetektion – Schritt 1 für das nachbergbauliche Flutungsmonitoring]
Ukelis, O.; Allgaier, F.; Niederhuber, T.; Rettenmaier, D.; Zorn, R.
2023. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 173 (4), 637–651. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2022/0333 -
Characterization of pore space in Permo-Triassic sandstone from SW-Germany using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility
Kontny, A.; Busch, B.; Schenk, J.; Khasanov, I.
2023. International journal of earth sciences, 112, 2223–2246. doi:10.1007/s00531-023-02352-z -
Peak-ring magnetism: Rock and mineral magnetic properties of the Chicxulub impact crater
Leite Mendes, B. D.; Kontny, A.; Poelchau, M.; Fischer, L. A.; Gaus, K.; Dudzisz, K.; Kuipers, B. W. M.; Dekkers, M. J.
2023. Geological Society of America Bulletin. doi:10.1130/B36547.1 -
Transport mechanisms of hydrothermal convection in faulted tight sandstones
Guoqiang, Y.; Busch, B.; Egert, R.; Esmaeilpour, M.; Stricker, K.; Kohl, T.
2023. Solid Earth, 14 (3), 293–310. doi:10.5194/se-14-293-2023
Lithium in Europa
Steiger, K.; Reich, R.; Slunitschek, K.; Steinmüller, K.; Bergemann, C.; Hilgers, C.; Kolb, J.
2022. (THINKTANK industrielle Ressourcenstrategien, Hrsg.), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000154047 -
Lithiumbedarf für die Batteriezellenproduktion in Deutschland und Europa im Jahr 2030
Steiger, K.; Hilgers, C.; Kolb, J.
2022. doi:10.5445/IR/1000153059 -
Herausforderungen bei der Rohstoffversorgung für Deutschland : Eine holistische Betrachtung durch Experteninterviews
Steiger, K.; Hilgers, C.; Kolb, J.
2022. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000152882 -
Geographic Information System (GIS) as a basis for the next generation of hydrogeological models to manage the geothermal area Waiwera (New Zealand)
Kühn, M.; Präg, M.; Becker, I.; Hilgers, C.; Grafe, A.; Kempka, T.
2022. Advances in Geosciences, 58, 31–39. doi:10.5194/adgeo-58-31-2022 -
Energie und Rohstoff Erdgas: Verfügbarkeit, Engpässe und Alternativen
Hilgers, C.; Busch, B.
2022. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000149936 -
Curie Temperatures and Emplacement Conditions of Pyroclastic Deposits From Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
Dudzisz, K.; Kontny, A.; Alva-Valdivia, L. M.
2022. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23 (8), Nr. e2022GC010340. doi:10.1029/2022GC010340 -
Diagenesis and controls on reservoir quality of Lower Triassic red bed sandstones (Buntsandstein) from a marginal basin facies, southwest Germany
Quandt, D.; Busch, B.; Schmidt, C.; Hilgers, C.
2022. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 142, Art.-Nr.: 105744. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105744 -
Controls on compactional behavior and reservoir quality in a Triassic Buntsandstein reservoir, Upper Rhine Graben, SW Germany
Busch, B.; Adelmann, D.; Herrmann, R.; Hilgers, C.
2022. Marine and petroleum geology, 136, Art.-Nr.: 105437. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105437 -
Energieträger und Rohstoff Erdgas: Verfügbarkeit, Verwendung und Geopolitik Voraussichtliche Engpässe und Möglichkeiten
Hilgers, C.; Busch, B.
2022. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000150490 -
The significance of outcrop analog data for reservoir quality assessment: A comparative case study of Lower Triassic Buntsandstein sandstones in the Upper Rhine Graben
Busch, B.; Spitzner, A.-D.; Adelmann, D.; Hilgers, C.
2022. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 141, Art.-Nr.: 105701. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105701 -
Petrography and reservoir quality controls in shallow transitional marine Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits in the Dahomey Basin, Nigeria
Adamolekun, O. J.; Busch, B.; Suess, M. P.; Molenaar, N.; Hilgers, C.
2022. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 186, Art.-Nr.: 104437. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2021.104437 -
Effect of cyclic loading at elevated temperatures on the magnetic susceptibility of a magnetite-bearing ore
Dudzisz, K.; Walter, M.; Krumholz, R.; Reznik, B.; Kontny, A.
2022. Geophysical Journal International, 228 (2), 1346–1360. doi:10.1093/gji/ggab400
Lateral variations of detrital, authigenic and petrophysical properties in an outcrop analog of the fluvial Plattensandstein, Lower Triassic, Central S-Germany
Schmidt, C.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2021. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 172 (4), 541–564. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2020/0234 -
Experimental fracture sealing in reservoir sandstones and its relation to rock texture
Busch, B.; Okamoto, A.; Garbev, K.; Hilgers, C.
2021. Journal of structural geology, 153, Art.-Nr.: 104447. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104447 -
Fermentation, methanotrophy and methanogenesis influence sedimentary Fe and As dynamics in As-affected aquifers in Vietnam
Glodowska, M.; Schneider, M.; Eiche, E.; Kontny, A.; Neumann, T.; Straub, D.; Berg, M.; Prommer, H.; Bostick, B. C.; Nghiem, A. A.; u. a.
2021. The science of the total environment, 779, Article no: 146501. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146501 -
Microbial transformation of biogenic and abiogenic Fe minerals followed by in-situ incubations in an As-contaminated vs. non-contaminated aquifer
Glodowska, M.; Schneider, M.; Eiche, E.; Kontny, A.; Neumann, T.; Straub, D.; Kleindienst, S.; Kappler, A.
2021. Environmental pollution, 281, Article no: 117012. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117012 -
Post-magmatic fracturing, fluid flow, and vein mineralization in supra-subduction zones: a comparative study on vein calcites from the Troodos ophiolite and the Izu–Bonin forearc and rear arc
Quandt, D.; Kurz, W.; Micheuz, P.
2021. International journal of earth sciences, 110 (2), 627–649. doi:10.1007/s00531-020-01978-7 -
Iron mineral transformations and their impact on As (im)mobilization at redox interfaces in As-contaminated aquifers
Kontny, A.; Schneider, M.; Eiche, E.; Stopelli, E.; Glodowska, M.; Rathi, B.; Göttlicher, J.; Byrne, J. M.; Kappler, A.; Berg, M.; u. a.
2021. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, 296, 189–209. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2020.12.029 -
Coupling of diagenetic alterations and mechanical properties of Lower Permian siliciclastic sandstones: a pilot study
Monsees, A. C.; Biebricher, S. F.; Busch, B.; Feinendegen, M.; Ziegler, M.; Hilgers, C.
2021. Environmental earth sciences, 80 (4), Article no: 141. doi:10.1007/s12665-021-09376-1 -
Mining – smelting – recycling, is the German demand and supply of raw materials resilient
Steiger, K.; Hilgers, C.; Kolb, J.
2021. SGA news, (49), 5 S -
Sedimentation, depositional environments, and hydrocarbon potential of the Maastrichtian-Paleocene Araromi Formation, eastern Dahomey (Benin) Basin, southwestern Nigeria
Oluwajana, O. A.; Opatola, A. O.; Adamolekun, O. J.; Ndukwe, O. S.; Olawuyi, G. T.; Ofiwe, C. U.; Bolaji, T. A.; Adebambo, B. A.; Oluwajana, O. O.
2021. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 11, 3917–3934. doi:10.1007/s13202-021-01262-7 -
Compaction control on diagenesis and reservoir quality development in red bed sandstones: a case study of Permian Rotliegend sandstones
Monsees, A. C.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2021. International journal of earth sciences, 110 (5), 1683–1711. doi:10.1007/s00531-021-02036-6 -
Compaction and cementation control on bleaching in Triassic fluvial red beds, S-Germany
Schmidt, C.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2021. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 172 (4), 523–539. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2020/0233
Local availability of raw materials and increasing global demand – aspects of resilient resource strategies = Lokale Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen bei steigender globaler Nachfrage – Aspekte zu resilienten Ressourcenstrategien
Hilgers, C.; Becker, I.
2020. World of mining, surface & underground, 72 (5), 254–263 -
Calibrating micro-computed tomography data to permeability experiments and petrography – insights from Digital Rocks
Monsees, A. C.; Subhedar, A.; Busch, B.; Nestler, B.; Hilgers, C.
2020. Oil gas, (3/2020), 28–33. doi:10.19225/200908 -
Geologische und STEEPLE-Aspekte zur überregionalen Verfügbarkeit von Rohstoffen zur Herstellung von Beton
Hilgers, C.; Becker, I.; Dehn, F.
2020. Beton, 70 (9), 232–240 -
Economic Feasibility of Semi-Underground Pumped Storage Hydropower Plants in Open-Pit Mines
Wessel, M.; Madlener, R.; Hilgers, C.
2020. Energies, 13 (16), Article: 4178. doi:10.3390/en13164178 -
Pilot study on provenance and depositional controls on clay mineral coatings in active fluvio-eolian systems, western USA
Busch, B.
2020. Sedimentary geology, 406, 105721. doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2020.105721 -
Dynamic interaction in tropical Africa: IGCP-616Y and IGCP 646 projects and events
Kankeu, B.; Akaegbobi, I. M.; K, A. D.; Greiling, R. O.; Runge, J.; Fuanya, C.; Ganno, S.; Nzenti, J. P.; Bassahak, J.; Hell, J. V.
2020. Episodes, 43 (2), 825–831. doi:10.18814/epiiugs/2020/020049 -
Intracrystalline deformation and nanotectonic processes in magnetite from a naturally deformed rock
Mamtani, M. A.; Reznik, B.; Kontny, A.
2020. Journal of structural geology, 135, 104045. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104045 -
Spatial and temporal evolution of groundwater arsenic contamination in the Red River delta, Vietnam: Interplay of mobilisation and retardation processes
Stopelli, E.; Duyen, V. T.; Mai, T. T.; Trang, P. T. K.; Viet, P. H.; Lightfoot, A.; Kipfer, R.; Schneider, M.; Eiche, E.; Kontny, A.; u. a.
2020. The science of the total environment, 717, Art.-Nr.: 137143. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137143 -
Rock typing of diagenetically induced heterogeneities – A case study from a deeply-buried clastic Rotliegend reservoir of the Northern German Basin
Monsees, A. C.; Busch, B.; Schöner, N.; Hilgers, C.
2020. Marine and petroleum geology, 113, Art.-Nr.: 104163. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104163 -
Geochemistry and Microtextures of Vein Calcites Pervading the Izu‐Bonin Forearc and Rear Arc Crust: New Insights From IODP Expeditions 352 and 351
Quandt, D.; Micheuz, P.; Kurz, W.; Bernasconi, S. M.; Hippler, D.; Krenn, K.; Hauzenberger, C. A.
2020. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 21 (2), e2019GC008745. doi:10.1029/2019GC008745 -
Quartz Cementation in Polycrystalline Sandstone: Insights From Phase‐Field Simulations
Prajapati, N.; Abad Gonzalez, A.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2020. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 125 (2). doi:10.1029/2019JB019137 -
Reservoir quality controls on Rotliegend fluvio-aeolian wells in Germany and the Netherlands, Southern Permian Basin – Impact of grain coatings and cements
Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.; Adelmann, D.
2020. Marine and petroleum geology, 112, Art.-Nr.: 104075. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104075 -
Stereographic Reconstruction of Impact Microstructures using Optical and Electron Microscopy
Agarwal, A.; Reznik, B.; Srivastava, D. C.
2020. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 96 (6), 579–583. doi:10.1007/s12594-020-1605-y -
Thermal UAS survey of reactivated hot spring activity in Waiwera, New Zealand
Präg, M.; Becker, I.; Hilgers, C.; Walter, T. R.; Kühn, M.
2020. Advances in geosciences, 54, 165–171. doi:10.5194/adgeo-54-165-2020 -
Cooling rates of pyroclastic deposits inferred from mineral magnetic investigations: a case study from the Pleistocene Mýtina Maar (Czech Republic)
Lied, P.; Kontny, A.; Nowaczyk, N.; Mrlina, J.; Kämpf, H.
2020. International journal of earth sciences, 109, 1707–1725. doi:10.1007/s00531-020-01865-1 -
Shock‐induced formation of wüstite and fayalite in a magnetite‐quartz target rock
Henrichs, L. F.; Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Gerhards, U.; Göttlicher, J.; Genssle, T.; Schilling, F.
2020. Meteoritics & planetary science, 55 (1), 56–66. doi:10.1111/maps.13422
Postmagmatic Tectonic Evolution of the Outer Izu‐Bonin Forearc Revealed by Sediment Basin Structure and Vein Microstructure Analysis: Implications for a 15 Ma Hiatus Between Pacific Plate Subduction Initiation and Forearc Extension
Kurz, W.; Micheuz, P.; Christeson, G. L.; Reagan, M.; Shervais, J. W.; Kutterolf, S.; Robertson, A.; Krenn, K.; Michibayashi, K.; Quandt, D.
2019. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 20 (12), 5867–5895. doi:10.1029/2019GC008329 -
Geochemistry of Vein Calcites Hosted in the Troodos Pillow Lavas and Their Implications for the Timing and Physicochemical Environment of Fracturing, Fluid Circulation, and Vein Mineral Growth
Quandt, D.; Micheuz, P.; Kurz, W.; Kluge, T.; Boch, R.; Hippler, D.; Krenn, K.; Hauzenberger, C. A.
2019. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 20 (12), 5913–5938. doi:10.1029/2019GC008369 -
Sulphur isotopes of alkaline magmas unlock long-term records of crustal recycling on Earth
Hutchison, W.; Babiel, R. J.; Finch, A. A.; Marks, M. A. W.; Markl, G.; Boyce, A. J.; Stüeken, E. E.; Friis, H.; Borst, A. M.; Horsburgh, N. J.
2019. Nature Communications, 10 (1), Art.-Nr.: 4208. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12218-1 -
Magnetic fabric development in the Lower Seve thrust from the COSC-1 drilling, Swedish Caledonides
Merz, L.; Almqvist, B. S. G.; Grimmer, J. C.; Kontny, A.
2019. Tectonophysics, 751, 212–228. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2018.12.018 -
Reservoir quality evolution of Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian) tight gas sandstones, Lower Saxony Basin, NW Germany
Becker, I.; Busch, B.; Koehrer, B.; Adelmann, D.; Hilgers, C.
2019. Journal of petroleum geology, 42 (4), 371–392. doi:10.1111/jpg.12742 -
Present-day stress control on fluid migration pathways: Case study of the Zechstein fractured carbonates, NW-Germany
Becker, I.; Müller, B.; Koehrer, B.; Jelinek, W.; Hilgers, C.
2019. Marine and petroleum geology, 103, 320–330. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.03.002 -
Variation in Magnetic Fabrics at Low Shock Pressure Due to Experimental Impact Cratering
Agarwal, A.; Kontny, A.; Kenkmann, T.; Poelchau, M. H.
2019. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 124 (8), 9095–9108. doi:10.1029/2018JB017128 -
Porosity evolution of two Upper Carboniferous tight-gas-fluvial sandstone reservoirs: Impact of fractures and total cement volumes on reservoir quality
Busch, B.; Becker, I.; Koehrer, B.; Adelmann, D.; Hilgers, C.
2019. Marine and petroleum geology, 100, 376–390. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.10.051
Correlating three Upper Permian Zechstein-2-Carbonate outcrops across the Eichsfeld-Altmark Swell – Facies, reservoir properties, and outcrop analogue potential
Becker, I.; Koehrer, B.; Hilgers, C.
2018. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 169 (4), 517–531. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2019/0167 -
The geochemistry and geochronology of Early Jurassic igneous rocks from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, NW Colombia, and tectono-magmatic implications
Quandt, D.; Trumbull, R. B.; Altenberger, U.; Cardona, A.; Romer, R. L.; Bayona, G.; Ducea, M.; Valencia, V.; Vásquez, M.; Cortes, E.; u. a.
2018. Journal of South American earth sciences, 86, 216–230. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2018.06.019 -
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Precambrian Geology of Egypt in honour of Professor Mahmoud Fawzy El Ramly
Abdeen, M. M.; Fowler, A.; El-Kaliouby, B.; Greiling, R. O.
2018. Journal of African earth sciences, 146, 1–3. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.08.001 -
Microtextures and fluid inclusions from vein minerals hosted in the Pillow Lavas of the Troodos supra-subduction zone
Quandt, D.; Micheuz, P.; Kurz, W.; Krenn, K.
2018. Lithosphere, 10 (4), 566–578. doi:10.1130/L696.1 -
Sulfides in alkaline and peralkaline rocks: textural appearance and compositional variations
Babiel, R.; Marks, M. A. W.; Neumann, U.; Markl, G.
2018. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie / Abhandlungen, 195 (2), 155–175. doi:10.1127/njma/2018/0095 -
Comparing fracture statistics from outcrop and reservoir data using conventional manual and t-LiDAR derived scanlines in Ca2 carbonates from the Southern Permian Basin, Germany
Becker, I.; Koehrer, B.; Waldvogel, M.; Jelinek, W.; Hilgers, C.
2018. Marine and petroleum geology, 95, 228–245. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.04.021 -
Hans Stille’s contributions to geotectonics – a discussion
Greiling, R. O.
2018. Global Tectonics and Metallogeny, 10 (2-4), 127–131. doi:10.1127/gtm/2018/0013 -
Postshock Thermally Induced Transformations in Experimentally Shocked Magnetite
Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Boubnov, A.; Göttlicher, J.; Steininger, R.
2018. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 19 (3), 921–931. doi:10.1002/2017GC007331 -
Reservoir quality and burial model evaluation by kinetic quartz and illite cementation modeling : Case study of Rotliegendes, north Germany
Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.; Lander, R. H.; Bonnell, L. M.; Adelmann, D.
2018. AAPG bulletin, 102 (2), 293–307. doi:10.1306/0503171605217075 -
Nappe units along the Caledonian margin in central Scandinavia (Grong–Olden to Nasafjället): definition, distinction criteria and tectonic evolution
Greiling, R. O.; Kathol, B.; Kumpulainen, R. A.
2018. GFF online, 140 (1), 66–89. doi:10.1080/11035897.2018.1453864 -
Three-Dimensional Phase-Field Investigation of Pore Space Cementation and Permeability in Quartz Sandstone
Prajapati, N.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.; Ankit, K.
2018. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 123 (8), 6378–6396. doi:10.1029/2018JB015618 -
Evaluation of a workflow to derive terrestrial light detection and ranging fracture statistics of a tight gas sandstone reservoir analog
Wüstefeld, P.; Medeiros, M.; Koehrer, B.; Sibbing, D.; Kobbelt, L.; Hilgers, C.
2018. AAPG bulletin, 102 (11), 2355–2387. doi:10.1306/04251817103 -
Modeling fracture cementation processes in calcite limestone: a phase-field study
Prajapati, N.; Selzer, M.; Nestler, B.; Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.
2018. Geothermal Energy, 6 (1), 7. doi:10.1186/s40517-018-0093-4
Visualising mineralogical heterogeneities and texture in a mudstone concretion using hyperspectral imaging
Manß, Y.; Hilgers, C.; Buddenbaum, H.; Stanjek, H.
2017. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 168 (3), 403–414. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2017/0118 -
Cementation and structural diagenesis of fluvio-aeolian Rotliegend sandstones, northern England
Busch, B.; Hilgers, C.; Gronen, L.; Adelmann, D.
2017. Journal of the Geological Society, 174 (5), 855–868. doi:10.1144/jgs2016-122 -
Porosity and Permeability Variations in a Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoir Analouge, Westphalian D, Lower Saxony Basin, NW Germany : Influence of Depositional Setting and Diagenesis
Becker, I.; Wüstefeld, P.; Koehrer, B.; Felder, M.; Hilgers, C.
2017. Journal of petroleum geology, 40 (4), 363–389. doi:10.1111/jpg.12685 -
Contrasting Pan-African structural styles at the NW margin of the Congo Shield in Cameroon
Kankeu, B.; Greiling, R. O.; Nzenti, J. P.; Ganno, S.; Danguene, P. Y. E.; Bassahak, J.; Hell, J. V.
2017. Journal of African earth sciences, 146, 28–47. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2017.06.002 -
Critical evaluation of an Upper Carboniferous tight gas sandstone reservoir analog: Diagenesis and petrophysical aspects
Wüstefeld, P.; Hilse, U.; Koehrer, B.; Adelmann, D.; Hilgers, C.
2017. Marine and petroleum geology, 86, 689–710. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.05.034 -
Economic Feasibility of a Compressed Air Energy Storage System under Market Uncertainty : A Real Options Approach
Hammann, E.; Madlener, R.; Hilgers, C.
2017. Energy procedia, 105, 3798–3805. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.888 -
Kilometer-scale fault-related thermal anomalies in tight gas sandstones
Wüstefeld, P.; Hilse, U.; Lüders, V.; Wemmer, K.; Koehrer, B.; Hilgers, C.
2017. Marine and petroleum geology, 86, 288–303. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.05.015 -
Effect of moderate shock waves on magnetic susceptibility and microstructure of a magnetite-bearing ore
Reznik, B.; Kontny, A.; Fritz, J.
2017. Meteoritics & planetary science, 52 (7), 1495–1504. doi:10.1111/maps.12787 -
Alternating augite-plagioclase wedges in basement dolerites of Lockne impact structure, Sweden : A new shock wave-induced deformation feature
Agarwal, A.; Reznik, B.; Alva-Valdivia, L. M.; Srivastava, D. C.
2017. Meteoritics & planetary science, 52 (3), 458–470. doi:10.1111/maps.12806 -
Magnetic domains and magnetic stability of cohenite from the Morasko iron meteorite
Reznik, B.; Kontny, A.; Uehara, M.; Gattacceca, J.; Solheid, P.; Jackson, M.
2017. Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 426, 594–603. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.10.161 -
Effects of shock pressure and temperature on titanomagnetite from ICDP cores and target rocks of the El’gygytgyn impact structure, Russia
Kontny, A.; Grothaus, L.
2017. Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 1–22. doi:10.1007/s11200-016-0819-3
Geologische Traverse von der Wurm-Mulde in die Niederrheinische Bucht (Exkursion G am 1. April 2016) - Geological traverse across the Wurm syncline to the Lower Rhine Embayment
Hilgers, C.
2016. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins, 98, 91–121. doi:10.1127/jmogv/98/0008 -
Geology in the border triangle Germany - Belgium - Netherlands: An overview of the field trips
Hilgers, C.; Rüde, T. R.
2016. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins, 98, 7–12. doi:10.1127/jmogv/98/0001 -
Movement vectors and deformation mechanisms in kinematic restorations: A case study from the Colombian Eastern Cordillera
Carrillo, E.; Mora, A.; Ketcham, R. A.; Amorocho, R.; Parra, M.; Costantino, D.; Robles, W.; Avellaneda, W.; Carvajal, J. S.; Quandt, D.; u. a.
2016. Interpretation, 4 (1), T31–T48. doi:10.1190/INT-2015-0049.1 -
An AMS study of magma transport and emplacement mechanisms in mafic dykes from the Etendeka Province, Namibia
Wiegand, M.; Trumbull, R. B.; Kontny, A.; Greiling, R. O.
2016. Tectonophysics, 716, 149–167. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.08.016 -
Vertical AMS variation within basalt flow profiles from the Xitle volcano (Mexico) as indicator of heterogeneous strain in lava flows
Caballero-Miranda, C. I.; Alva-Valdivia, L. M.; González-Rangel, J. A.; Gogitchaishvili, A.; Urrutia-Fucugauchi, J.; Kontny, A.
2016. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 311, 9–28. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.01.003 -
Shock-induced deformation phenomena in magnetite and their consequences on magnetic properties
Reznik, B.; Kontny, A.; Fritz, J.; Gerhards, U.
2016. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 17 (6), 2374–2393. doi:10.1002/2016GC006338 -
Lingunite-a high-pressure plagioclase polymorph at mineral interfaces in doleritic rock of the Lockne impact structure (Sweden)
Agarwal, A.; Reznik, B.; Kontny, A.; Heissler, S.; Schilling, F.
2016. Scientific reports, 6, Art. Nr. 25991. doi:10.1038/srep25991 -
Towards advanced structural analysis of iron oxide clusters on the surface of γ-Al2O3 using EXAFS
Boubnov, A.; Roppertz, A.; Kundrat, M. D.; Mangold, S.; Reznik, B.; Jacob, C. R.; Kureti, S.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.
2016. Applied surface science, 386, 234–246. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.05.148 -
Shock pressure estimates in target basalts of a pristine crater : A case study in the lonar crater, India
Agarwal, A.; Kontny, A.; Srivastava, D. C.; Greiling, R. O.
2016. The Geological Society of America bulletin, 128 (1-2), 19–28. doi:10.1130/B31172.1
Evolution of small-scale flow barriers in German Rotliegend siliciclastics
Busch, B.; Winkler, R.; Osivandi, K.; Nover, G.; Amann-Hildenbrand, A.; Hilgers, C.
2015. Special publications / the Geological Society, London, 435 (141-160), online. doi:10.1144/SP435.3 -
Kombinierte hyperspektrale und Lidar-Technik zur Optimierung der Plazierung von Bohrrastern im Abbau
Manss, Y.; Hilgers, C.; Vraetz, T.; Bartnitzki, T.; Nienhaus, K.; Buddenbaum, H.
2015. Georesources : Zeitschrift, (3), 35–39 -
Facies delineation by using a multivariate statistical model from onshore wells in the Nile Delta
Krott, D.; Hilgers, C.; Buecker, C.
2015. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 166 (4), 375–390. doi:10.1127/zdgg/2015/0040 -
Early- to mid-Silurian extrusion wedge tectonics in the central Scandinavian Caledonides
Grimmer, J. C.; Glodny, J.; Drueppel, K.; Greiling, R.; Kontny, A.
2015. Geology, 43 (4), 347–350. doi:10.1130/G36433.1 -
Traces of the Transscandinavian Igneous Belt in the central Scandinavian Caledonides: U-Pb zircon dating and geochemistry of crystalline basement rocks in the Middle Allochthon
Grimmer, J. C.; Hellström, F. A.; Greiling, R. O.
2015. GFF online, 138 (2), 320–335. doi:10.1080/11035897.2015.1063537 -
Economic feasibility of pipe storage and underground reservoir storage options for power-to-gas load balancing
Budny, C.; Madlener, R.; Hilgers, C.
2015. Energy Conversion and Management, 102, 258–266. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2015.04.070 -
Relationships among magnetic fabrics, microfractures and shock pressures at an impact crater: A case study from Lockne crater, Sweden
Agarwal, A.; Kontny, A.; Greiling, R. O.
2015. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 114, 232–243. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.01.010 -
Phase‐field Modeling of Fracture Cementation Processes in 3‐D
Ankit, K.; Selzer, M.; Hilgers, C.; Nestler, B.
2015. Journal of Petroleum Science Research, 4 (2), 79–96. doi:10.12783/jpsr.2015.0402.04
Arabian–Nubian Precambrian basement geology – Progress and developments: Introduction to the issue in honour of Samir El-Gaby
Fowler, A. R.; Greiling, R. O.; Abdeen, M. M.
2014. Journal of African earth sciences, 99, 1–3. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.06.004 -
Spectral analyses of basement rocks in El-Sibai-Umm Shaddad area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt, using ASTER thermal infrared data
Hassan, S. M.; Sadek, M. F.; Greiling, R. O.
2014. Arabian journal of geosciences, 8 (9), 6853–6865. doi:10.1007/s12517-014-1729-8 -
Geochemical zoning and magnetic mineralogy at Fe,Ni-alloy-troilite interfaces of three iron meteorites from Morasko, Coahuila II, and Mundrabilla
Luecke, W.; Kontny, A.; Kramar, U.
2014. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 49 (5), 750–771. doi:10.1111/maps.12288 -
Magnetic fabrics in deformed metaperidotites of the Outokumpu Deep Drill Core, Finland: Implications for a major crustal shear zone
Kontny, A.; Dietze, F.
2014. Tectonophysics, 629, 224–237. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2014.04.011 -
Late Pan-African granite emplacement during regional deformation, evidence from magnetic fabric and structural studies in the Hammamat-Atalla area, Central Eastern desert of Egypt
Greiling, R. O.; Wall, H. de; Sadek, M. F.; Dietl, C.
2014. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 99 (PA1), 109–121. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.02.015 -
Magnetic fabrics and Pan-African structural evolution in the Najd Fault corridor in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
Abdeen, M. M.; Greiling, R. O.; Sadek, M. F.; Hamad, S. S.
2014. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 99 (PA1), 93–108. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.03.022 -
Identification and characterization of hydrothermally altered zones in granite by combining synthetic clay content logs with magnetic mineralogical investigations of drilled rock cuttings
Meller, C.; Kontny, A.; Kohl, T.
2014. Geophysical journal international, 199 (1), 465–479. doi:10.1093/gji/ggu278
Applications of geomorphology, tectonics, geology and geophysical interpretation of, East Kom Ombo depression, Egypt, using Landsat images
El Gammal, E. S. A.; Salem, S. M.; Greiling, R. O.
2013. Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 16 (2), 177–187. doi:10.1016/j.ejrs.2013.05.001 -
Kinematic analysis using AMS data from a deformed granitoid
Mamtani, M. A.; Pal, T.; Greiling, R. O.
2013. Journal of Structural Geology, 50, 119–132. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2012.03.002 -
Shock experiments up to 30 GPa and their consequences on microstructures and magnetic properties in pyrrhotite
Mang, C.; Kontny, A.; Fritz, J.; Schneider, R.
2013. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 14 (1), 64–85. doi:10.1029/2012GC004242 -
A comparison of two orogenic margins: central Scandinavian Caledonides and western Outer Carpathians
Greiling, R. O.; Oszczypko, N.; Garfunkel, Z.
2013. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 164 (1), 9–32. doi:10.1127/1860-1804/2013/0013 -
Exploration of new gold occurrences in the alteration zones of the Barramiya District, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt using ASTER data and geological studies
Salem, S. M.; Soliman, N. M.; Ramadan, T. M.; Greiling, R. O.
2013. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 7 (5), 1717–1731. doi:10.1007/s12517-013-0874-9 -
Origin of two Verwey transitions in different generations of magnetite from the Chesapeake Bay impact structure, USA
Mang, C.; Kontny, A.
2013. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 118 (10), 5195–5207. doi:10.1002/jgrb.50291
Rapid surficial oxidation of synthetic Fe-Ti oxides at high temperature - Observations and consequences for magnetic measurements
Lattard, D.; Sauerzapf, U.; Kontny, A.
2012. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13, Q08Z46. doi:10.1029/2012GC004152 -
Serpentinites and low-K island arc meta-volcanic rocks in the Lower Köli Nappe of the central Scandinavian Caledonides: Late Cambrian - early Ordovician serpentinite mud volcanoes in a forearc basin?
Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.
2012. Tectonophysics, 541-543, 19–30. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.03.014 -
Remanent magnetization of maghemitized basalts from Krafla drill cores, NE-Iceland
Oliva-Urcia, B.; Kontny, A.
2012. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 56 (3), 641–657. doi:10.1007/s11200-011-9013-9 -
Strain partitioning along the Neoproterozoic Central Africa Shear Zone system: structures and magnetic fabrics (AMS) from the Meiganga area, Cameroon
Kankeu, B.; Greiling, R. O.; Nzenti, J. P.; Bassahak, J.; Hell, J. V.
2012. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 265 (1), 27–47. doi:10.1127/0077-7749/2012/0244 -
Kaolin deposits in the Ukrainian Shield and their geological context
Sabelfeld, A.; Greiling, R. O.
2012. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 163 (2), 127–135. doi:10.1127/1860-1804/2012/0163-0127 -
Iron deficiency in pyrrhotite of suevites from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, USA - A consequence of shock metamorphism?
Mang, C.; Kontny, A.; Harries, D.; Langenhorst, F.; Hecht, L.
2012. Meteoritics & planetary science, 47, 277–295. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2012.01329.x -
Fabric evolution at basement - cover interfaces in a fold-and-thrust belt and implications for décollement tectonics (Autochthon, Lower Allochthon, central Scandinavian Caledonides)
Angerer, T.; Greiling, R. O.
2012. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101, 1763–1788. doi:10.1007/s00531-012-0765-4 -
Rocks, fabrics and magnetic anisotropy: an introduction to the issue in honour of Frantisk Hrouda
Mamtani, M. A.; Chadima, M.; Wall, H. de; Greiling, R. O.
2012. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101 (3), 605–607. doi:10.1007/s00531-011-0733-4 -
Magnetic fabric analysis in a mesoscopic fold
Mamtani, M. A.; Chadima, M.; Wall, H. de; Greiling, R. O.
2012. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101 (3), 611–612. doi:10.1007/s00531-012-0749-4 -
Thermally induced alterations of minerals during measurements of the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility: a case study from the hydrothermally altered Soultz-sous-Forêts granite, France
Just, J.; Kontny, A.
2012. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101 (3), 819–840. doi:10.1007/s00531-011-0668-9 -
Magnetic fabric development in a highly anisotropic magnetite-bearing ductile shear zone (Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides)
Kontny, A.; Engelmann, R.; Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.; Hirt, A.
2012. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101 (3), 671–692. doi:10.1007/s00531-011-0713-8
Chapter 60. Evidence for late Neoproterozoic glaciation in the central Scandinavian Caledonides
Kumpulainen, R. A.; Greiling, R. O.
2011. The geological record of neoproterozoic glaciations. Ed.: E. Arnaud, 623–628, The Geological Soc -
Rock magnetic properties of basalt lithologies and subsurface modeling from magnetic field data for Reykjanes (SW-Iceland)
Dietze, F.; Kontny, A.; Heyde, I.; Vahle, C.
2011. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 55 (1), 109–130. doi:10.1007/s11200-011-0007-4 -
A study of rock magnetic properties of serpentinites from the Outokumpu Deep Drill Hole, Finland
Dietze, F.; Kontny, A.
2011. Outokumpu deep drilling project 2003 - 2010. Ed.: I. T. Kukkonen, 133–150, Geological Survey of Finland -
Modification of the magnetic mineralogy in basalts due to fluid-rock interactions in a high-temperature geothermal system (Krafla, Iceland)
Oliva-Urcia, B.; Kontny, A.; Vahle, C.; Schleicher, A. M.
2011. Geophysical Journal International, 186 (1), 155–174 -
The Ammarnäs Complex in the central Scandinavian Caledonides: An allochthonous basin fragment in the foreland of the Sveconorwegian orogen?
Grimmer, J. C.; Greiling, R. O.; Gerdes, A.
2011. Terra Nova, 23 (4), 270–279. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3121.2011.01009.x -
Process of magnetite fabric development during granite deformation
Mamtani, M. A.; Piazolo, S.; Greiling, R. O.; Kontny, A.; Hrouda, F.
2011. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 308 (1-2), 77–89 -
Fabric development in a weathering profile at a basement-cover interface, the sub-Cambrian peneplain, Israel: implications for decollement tectonics
Angerer, T.; Greiling, R. O.; Avigad, D.
2011. Journal of Structural Geology, 33 (5), 819–832. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2011.03.010
Low-temperature magnetism of synthetic Fe-Ti oxide assemblages
Engelmann, R.; Kontny, A.; Lattard, D.
2010. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (12), B12107/1–18. doi:10.1029/2010JB000865 -
Magnetic Fabric Studies on Mafic Dykes at a Volcanic Rifted Margin in the Henties Bay - Outjo Dyke Swarm, NW Namibia
Wiegand, M.; Trumbull, R.; Greiling, R. O.; Vietor, T.
2010. Dyke Swarms : Keys for Geodynamic Interpretation. Ed.: R.K. Srivastava, 377–399, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-12496-9_22 -
Geologische Beiträge zur Geothermie des südwestlichen Mitteleuropas. Editorial
Greiling, R. O.; Kontny, A. M.
2010. Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften, 38 (1), 1–2 -
Serrated quartz grain boundaries, temperature and strain-rate: testing fractal techniques in a syntectonic granite
Mamtani, M. A.; Greiling, R. O.
2010. Advances in Interpretation of Geological Processes: Refinement of Multi-scale Data and Integration in Numerical Modelling. Ed.: M. I. Spalla, 35–48, Scottish Academ. Press -
Natural electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and its application in structural geology and neotectonics
Greiling, R. O.; Obermeyer, H.
2010. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 75 (1), 265–275. doi:10.1007/s12594-010-0015-y
Structural setting of Neoproterozoic mineralization, Asmara district, Eritrea
Ghebreab, W.; Greiling, R. O.; Solomon, S.
2009. Journal of African earth sciences, 55 (5), 219–235. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2009.05.001 -
A dual-layer Chicxulub ejecta sequence with shocked carbonates from the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary, Demerara Rise, western Atlantic
Schulte, P.; Deutsch, A.; Salge, T.; Berndt, J.; Kontny, A.; MacLeod, K. G.; Neuser, R. D.; Krumm, S.
2009. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (4), 1180–1204 -
The Eocene-Oligocene sedimentary record in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure: Implications for climate and sea-level changes on the western Atlantic margin
Schulte, P.; Wade, B. S.; Kontny, A.; Self-Trail, J. M.
2009. The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes. Ed.: G. S. Gohn, 839–866, Geological Society of America. doi:10.1130/2009.2458(35) -
Megablocks and melt pockets in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure constrained by magnetic field measurements and properties of the Eyreville and Cape Charles cores
Shah, A. K.; Daniels, D. L.; Kontny, A.; Brozena, J.
2009. The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes. Ed.: G. S. Gohn, 195–208, Geological Society of America. doi:10.1130/2009.2458(10) -
Rock-magnetic properties of the ICDP-USGS Eyreville core, Chesapeake Bay impact structure, Virginia, USA
Elbra, T.; Kontny, A.; Pesonen, L. J.
2009. The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Results from the Eyreville Core Holes. Ed.: G. S. Gohn, 119–135, Geological Society of America. doi:10.1130/2009.2458(06) -
Magnetic fabric variations along the fault related anticlines of Eastern Kachchh, Western India
Mallik, J.; Mathew, G.; Greiling, R. O.
2009. Tectonophysics, 473 (3), 428–445. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.03.026 -
Pan-African strike-slip tectonics in eastern Cameroon - Magnetic fabrics (AMS) and structure in the Lom basin and its gneissic basement
Kankeu, B.; Greiling, R. O.; Nzenti, J. P.
2009. Precambrian research, 174 (3), 258–272. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2009.08.001 -
Interpretation von Strukturen in der Lithosphäre mit Hilfe magnetischer Gefügeuntersuchungen
Greiling, R. O.; Grimmer, J. C.; Kontny, A.
2009. Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften, 37 (6), 361–371
Long sequence of Quaternary Rocks in the Heidelberg Basin Depocentre
Ellwanger, D.; Gabriel, G.; Simon, T.; Wielandt-Schuster, U.; Greiling, R. O.; Hagedorn, E.-M.; Hahne, J.; Heinz, J.
2008. Quaternary science journal, 57 (3-4), 316–337 -
Determination of directions of horizontal principal stress and identification of active faults in Kachchh (India) by Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
Mallik, J.; Mathew, G.; Angerer, T.; Greiling, R. O.
2008. Journal of geodynamics, 45 (4), 234–245 -
Thrusting and multiple folding in the Neoproterozoic Pan-African basement of Wadi Hodein area, south Eastern Desert, Egypt
Abdeen, M. M.; Sadek, M. F.; Greiling, R. O.
2008. Journal of African earth sciences, 52 (1), 21–29
The Stardalur magnetic anomaly revisited - new insights into a complex cooling and alteration history
Vahle, C.; Kontny, A.; Gunnlaugsson, H. P.; Kristjansson, L.
2007. Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 164 (3-4), 119–141. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2007.06.004 -
Petrography and shock-related remagnetization of pyrrhotite in drill cores from the Bosumtwi Impact Crater Drilling Project, Ghana
Kontny, A.; Just, J.; Zolk, J.; Elbra, T.; Personen, L. J.; Schleicher, A.
2007. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 42 (4-5), 811–827 -
Fabric evolution across a discontinuity between lower and upper crustal domains from field, microscopic, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility studies in central eastern Eritrea, NE Africa
Ghebreab, W.; Kontny, A.; Greiling, R. O.
2007. Tectonics, 26 (3), Art.Nr.: TC3015. doi:10.1029/2005TC001881 -
Petrophysical and paleomagnetic data of drill cores from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana
Elbra, T.; Kontny, A.; Pesonen, L. J.; Schleifer, N.; Schell, C.
2007. Meteoritics & planetary science, 42 (4-5), 829–838. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb01078.x -
Köli Nappes in the north-central Swedish Caledonides - new views on stratigraphy and structural evolution
Greiling, R. O.; Grimmer, J. C.
2007. GFF online, 129 (2), 141–153. doi:10.1080/11035890701292141 -
Mesoproterozoic dyke swarms in foreland and nappes of the central Scandinavian Caledonides: structure, magnetic fabric, and geochemistry
Greiling, R. O.; Grimmer, J. C.; Wall, H. de; Björk, L.
2007. Geological magazine, 144 (3), 525–546. doi:10.1017/S0016756807003299 -
An early Ordovician (Finnmarkian?) foreland basin and related lithospheric flexure in the Scandinavian Caledonides
Greiling, R. O.; Garfunkel, Z.
2007. American journal of science, 307 (2), 527–553. doi:10.2475/02.2007.07
The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P) boundary at Brazos, Texas: Sequence stratigraphy, depositional events and the Chicxulub impact
Schulte, P.; Speijer, R.; Mai, H.; Kontny, A.
2006. Sedimentary Geology, 184 (1-2), 77–109 -
Curie temperatures of synthetic titanomagnetites in the Fe-Ti-O system: Effects of composition, crystal chemistry, and thermomagnetic methods
Lattard, D.; Engelmann, R.; Kontny, A.; Sauerzapf, U.
2006. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B12S28/1–18 -
Magnetic fabrics (AMS) and transpression in the Neoproterozoic basement of Eastern Cameroon (Garga-Sarali area)
Kankeu, B.; Greiling, R. O.
2006. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 239 (2), 263–287 -
The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P) boundary at Brazos, Texas: Sequence stratigraphy, depositional events and the Chicxulub impact
Kontny, A.; Schulte, P.; Speijer, R.; Mai, H.
2006. Sedimentary Geology, 184 (1-2), 77–109 -
Curie temperatures of synthetic titanomagnetites in the Fe-Ti-O system: Effects of composition, crystal chemistry, and thermomagnetic methods
Kontny, A.; Lattard, D.; Engelmann, R.; Sauerzapf, U.
2006. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 111 (12), B12S28
Spår av världens största inlandsis i Vilhelminafjällen?
Greiling, R. O.; Kumpulainen, R.
2005. Geologiskt Forum, 12 (43), 8–11 -
Granite emplacement and its relation with regional deformation in the Aravalli Mountain Belt (India) - inferences from magnetic fabric
Mamtan, M. A.; Greiling, R. O.
2005. Journal of Structural Geology, 27 (11), 2008–2029 -
Identification of magnetic minerals by scanning electron microscope and application of ferrofluid
Kletetschka, G.; Kontny, A.
2005. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 49 (2), 153–162 -
A quantitative structural study of late Pan-African compressional deformation in the Central Eastern Desert (Egypt) during Gondwana assembly
Abdeen, M. M.; Greiling, R. O.
2005. Gondwana Research, 8 (4), 457–471 -
Swedish feldspar
Greiling, R. O.; Sabelfeld, A.; Einarsson, Ö.; Sundqvist, E.
2005. Industrial Minerals, 454, 49–51 -
The use of field dependence of AC susceptibility for the interpretation of magnetic mineralogy and magnetic fabrics in the HSDP-2 basalts, Hawaii
Kontny, A.; Vahle, C.
2005. Earth and planetary science letters, 238 (1-2), 110–129 -
Chicxulub impact ejecta from the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P) boundary in northeastern México
Kontny, A.; Schulte, P.
2005. Large meteorite impacts III : [proceedings of the resulting conference, held Aug. 5 - 7, 2003, in Nördlingen, Germany] / edited by Thomas Kenkmann ..., 191–221, Geological Society of America. doi:10.1130/0-8137-2384-1.191
Magnetic susceptibility variations in carbonates of the La Vid Group (Cantabrian Zone, NW-Spain) related to burial diagenesis
Schneider, J.; Wall, H. de; Kontny, A.; Bechstädt, T.
2004. Sedimentary geology, 166 (1-2), 73–88 -
Feldspatlagerstätten im Baltischen Schild Nord- Schwedens
Sabelfeld, A.; Einarsson, Ö.; Greiling, R. O.
2004. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie, 50 (2), 66–70 -
Mineralogical and structural characterization of alteration zones detected by orbital remote sensing at Shalatin District area, SE Desert, Egypt
Ramadan, T.; Kontny, A.
2004. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 40 (1-2), 89–99 -
Ergebnisse erster AMS-Messungen in cadomischen Granodioriten der Lausitz
Lobst, R.; Greiling, R. O.; Leonhard, W.
2004. Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften, 32 (1), 9–29 -
Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility behaviour of Fe2SiO4-Fe3O4 and (Fe,Mg)2SiO4-Fe3O4 solid solutions
Kontny, A.; Woodland, A.; Koch, M.
2004. Physics and chemistry of minerals, 31 (1), 28–40 -
Development of magnetic fabrics during hydrothermal alteration in the Soultz-sous-Forets granite from the EPS-1 borehole, Upper Rhine Graben
Just, J.; Kontny, A.; Wall, H. de; Hirt, A. M.; Martín-Hernández, F.
2004. Magnetic fabric: methods and applications. Ed.: F. Martin-Hernandez, 509–526, Geological Soc -
Magnetic susceptibility zonation of the melilitic Riedheim dyke (Hegau volcanic field, Germany): evidence for multiple magma pulses?
De Wall, H.; Kontny, A.; Vahle, C.
2004. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, 131 (1-2), 143–163. doi:10.1016/S0377-0273(03)00360-3 -
Mineralogical and structural characterization of alteration zones detected by orbital remote sensing at Shalatein District, SE Desert, Egypt
Kontny, A.; Ramadan, T.
2004. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 40 (1-2), 89–99 -
Development of magnetic fabrics during hydrothermal alteration in the Soultz-sous-Forêts granite from the EPS-1 borehole, Upper Rhine Graben
Kontny, A.; Just, J.; De Wall, H.; Hirt, A. M.; Martín-Hernández, F.
2004. Special Publications / Geological Society London, 238, 509–526 -
Magnetic susceptibility zonation of the melilititic Riedheim dyke (Hegau volcanic field, Germany): evidence for multiple magma pulses?
Kontny, A.; De Wall, H.; Vahle, C.
2004. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 131 (1-2), 143–163
Characteristic magnetic behavior of subaerial and submarine lava units from the Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP-2)
Kontny, A.; Vahle, C.; Wall, H. de
2003. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems, 4 (2), 8703/1–31 -
Structural evolution of metavolcanics in the surrounding of the gold-mineralization at El Beida, south Eastern Desert, Egypt
Nano, L.; Kontny, A.; Sadek, M. F.; Greiling, R. O.
2003. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, 25, 11–22 -
Al Uwaynat Banded Iron Formation (SW Egypt), distribution and related gold mineralization
Khattab, M. M.; Greiling, R. O.; Khalid, A. M.; Said, M. M.; Kontny, A.; Abu Salem, A. O.; El Kady, M. F.; Attia, M. N.; Shaaban, G. M.
2003. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, 25, 343–364 -
South Western Desert BIF laboratory studies and gold extraction tests
Khalid, A. M.; Greiling, R. O.; Said, M. M.; Megahed, A.; Shaaban, G.; Micheal, W.; Hussein, A. M.; Tawfik, I.; El Hofy, S. L.; Khattab, M. M.
2003. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, 25, 315–332
Crystalline basement rocks in the Lower and Middle Allochthons, Västerbotten, Sweden: Palaeoproterozoic U-Pb zircon ages from the north-central Swedish Caledonides
Greiling, R. O.; Stephens, M. B.; Persson, P.-O.
2002. Radiometric dating results 5. Ed.: S. Bergman, 31–42, Geological Survey of Sweden -
The implications of foreland basins for the causative tectonic loads
Garfunkel, Z.; Greiling, R. O.
2002. EGU Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, 1, 3–16 -
Relationships between contact metamorphism and magnetite formation and destruction in a pluton’s aureole, White-Inyo Range, eastern California
Kontny, A.; Dietl, C.
2002. The Geological Society of America bulletin, 114 (11), 1438–1451
Naturwerksteine in Ost-Kasachstan
Sabelfeld, A.; Greiling, R. O.
2001. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie, 47, 94–100 -
Time relationship between metamorphism and deformation in Proterozoic rocks of the Lunavada region, southern Aravalli mountain belt (India) - a microstructural study
Mamtani, M. A.; Merh, S. S.; Karanth, R. V.; Greiling, R. O.
2001. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 19 (1-2), 195–205 -
Strike-slip tectonics and granitoid emplacement: an AMS fabric study from the Odenwald Crystalline Complex, SW Germany
Greiling, R. O.; Verma, P. K.
2001. Mineralogy and Petrology, 72 (1-3), 165–184 -
Superposition de la tectonique éburnéenne et panafricaine dans les granitoïdes de la bordure nord du craton ouest africain, boutonnière de Zenaga, Anti-Atlas central, Maroc
Ennih, N.; Laduron, D.; Greiling, R. O.; Errami, E.; Wall, H. de; Boutaleb, M.
2001. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 32 (4), 677–693 -
Post-collisional shortening in the late Pan-African Hamisana high strain zone, SE Egypt: field and magnetic fabric evidence
Wall, H. de; Greiling, R. O.; Sadek, M. F.
2001. Precambrian Research, 107 (3-4), 179–194 -
Les dykes basiques protérozoiques de la boutonnière de Zenaga (Anti-Atlas, Maroc) pétrographie-géochimie
Ennih, N.; Errami, E.; Laduron, D.; Greiling, R. O.; Boutaleb, M.
2001. Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique de Maroc, 408, 109–116
Pyrrhotite varieties from the 9.1-km deep borehole of the KTB project
Pósfai, M.; Sharp, T. G.; Kontny, A.
2000. American Mineralogist, 85 (10), 1406–1415 -
Tectonic evolution of the southern part of Aravalli Mountain Belt and its environs: possible causes and time constraints
Mamtani, M. A.; Karanth, R. V.; Merh, S. S.; Greiling, R. O.
2000. Gondwana Research, 3 (2), 175–187 -
The use of low and high k(T)-curves for the characterization of magneto-mineralogical changes during metamorphism
Kontny, A.; Wall, H. de
2000. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25 (5), 421–429 -
The Dalradian of Scotland: missing link between the Vendian of northern and southern Scandinavia?
Greiling, R. O.; Smith, A. G.
2000. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25 (5), 495–498 -
Remagnetisation and magnetic refraction in Proterozoic dykes from central Scandinavia during Caledonian deformation
Wall, H. de; Greiling, R. O.
2000. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 25 (5), 519–524 -
Die Feldspatlagerstätte Niilivaara in Norrbotten, Schweden
Sabelfeld, A.; Einarsson, Ö.; Greiling, R. O.
2000. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie, 46, 22–28 -
Pyrrhotite varieties from the 9.1 km deep borehole of the KTB project
Kontny, A.; Sharp, T. G.; Pósfai, M.
2000. American Mineralogist, 85 (10), 1406–1415 -
Case studies on the use of temperature-dependent susceptibility for the characterisation of magneto-mineralogical changes during metamorphism
Kontny, A.; De Wall, H.
2000. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, 25 (5), 421–429 -
Mineralogy and magnetic behavior of pyrrhotite from a 260 °C section at the KTB drilling site, Germany
Kontny, A.; De Wall, H.; Sharp, T. G.; Pósfai, M.
2000. American Mineralogist, 85 (10), 1416–1427
KTB and the electrical conductivity of the crust
Haak, V.; Simpson, F.; Bahr, K.; Bigalke, J.; Eisel, M.; Harms, U.; Hirschmann, G.; Huenges, E.; Jödicke, H.; Kontny, A.; u. a.
1997. Journal of geophysical research / Solid earth, 102 (B8), 18289–18305 -
The KTB superdeep borehole: petrography and structure of a 9-km-deep crustal section
Hirschmann, G.; Duyster, J.; Harms, U.; Kontny, A.; Lapp, M.; Wall, H. de; Zulauf, G.
1997. Geologische Rundschau, 86 (Suppl. 1), S3 - S14 -
Petrophysical properties of the 9-km-deep crustal section at KTB
Berckhemer, H.; Rauen, A.; Winter, H.; Kern, H.; Kontny, A.; Lienert, M.; Nover, G.; Pohl, J.; Popp, T.; Schult, A.; u. a.
1997. Journal of geophysical research / Space physics, 102 (B8), 18337–18361. doi:10.1029/96JB03396 -
Formation of ore minerals in metamorphic rocks of the German continental deep drilling site (KTB)
Kontny, A.; Friedrich, G.; Behr, H. J.; De Wall, H.; Horn, E. E.; Möller, P.; Zulauf, G.
1997. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 102 (B8), 18323–18336
The effect of pressure on the electrical conductivity of KTB rocks
Nover, G.; Heikamp, S.; Kontny, A.; Duba, A. G.
1995. Surveys in geophysics, 16 (1), 63–81. doi:10.1007/BF00682713 -
Spät- und postvariscische Krustenstapelung am Westrand der Böhmischen Masse: Geologische Interpretation eines 9,1 km tiefen Krustenprofils
Kontny, A.; Duyster, J.; De Wall, H.; Zulauf, G.
1995. Die Geowissenschaften - Organ der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, 13 (4), 135–141
Electrical conductivity of a KTB core from 7000 m - effects of cracks and ore minerals
Kontny, A.; Rauen, A.; Duyster, J.; Heikamp, S.; Nover, G.; Röckel, T.
1994. Scientific Drilling: Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Technology, 4, 197–206 -
Argentian-pentlandite-bearing assemblages in metamorphic rocks of the KTB pilot hole, Oberpfalz, Germany
Kontny, A.; Friedrich, G.; Herzig, P. M.; Keyssner, S.
1994. The Canadian Mineralogist, 32 (4), 803–814